The War of Resistance

Chapter 1584: Bury the storm

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A tomb was built on the hillside, where all the fallen members of Guo Baoyou's class were buried.

Shang Zhen, his three company commanders, Qian Chuan'er, Qin Chuan and others stood silently in front of the grave.

Mo Jianchen and the fortress owner who were right next to them felt a little uncomfortable, with a feverish feeling on their faces.

Shang Zhen ignored Mo Jianchen. After looking at the grave for a while, he ordered: "Let our people come and dig that grave!"

When Shang Zhen heard that the people here had taken the dead people to the wild without burying them, he hurried over in a hurry.

Why? The best proof is when they shoot wild dogs.

They are veterans and know too much.

If they were defeated and defeated miserably, it was just that they had no chance to collect the corpses of their companions.

But now that conditions permit, how can they not collect the corpses of their companions, and how can they let those wild dogs chew the corpses of their companions?

Thinking of the possible tragedy, Shang Zhen couldn't let other soldiers come over.

That would not only affect morale, but also have a negative impact on the relationship between their battalion and the Lunan guerrillas.

So they just buried Guo Baoyou and the others. It was all the work of a few of them officials, and they didn't let the soldiers come over at all.

And the other grave he was talking about now naturally contained soldiers from the security division.

More people in the security room died, so it was impossible to take the bodies back and could only bury them on the spot.

I don’t know how big the hole the security guards dug, but anyway, the grave was bigger than Guo Baoyou’s grave!

Zhang Zhen and the others saw the tomb when they came over.

Shang Zhenrang Digger didn't want to do the kind of thing where the enemy was dead but had to be whipped for three days. He just wanted to examine the body of the security guard to determine the identity of the enemy.

With the arrival of the soldiers, the grave was quickly dug up, and the corpse inside was naturally exposed.

The soldiers also learned about the death of Guo Baoyou and the others, but at the same time they were also curious about how many enemies Guo Baoyou and the others had killed. Since the graves had been dug, they might as well count the corpses of those enemies.

After counting, he found that Guo Baoyou's class had killed more than forty enemies.

When a soldier told Shang Zhen about the victory, Shang Zhen did not say anything. He just squatted down and inspected the enemies.

What he was thinking was that if Guo Baoyou and the others had not saved Leng Xiaozhi, they would have escaped unscathed.

But he couldn't say such things, because the one he wanted to save was his wife.

After checking more than ten people, Shang Zhen finally determined that these people should be security guards.

The first reason is that there are no traces of wearing helmets on these people's heads.

Although it was said that the security brigade they met on the road was a security brigade, wasn't the security brigade under the control of the security division?

The security brigade they met on the road also did not wear helmets.

The second reason is that the military uniforms these people wore were the same as the security travelers he met on the way.

Shang Zhen had a gloomy face from the beginning to the end when he was looking at the corpses. No soldier said anything, even Chen Hanwen, who always spoke inappropriately, did not dare to speak.

After he saw the corpses, he turned around and headed towards the town.

As soon as he left, the three company commanders had to follow him. When the company commanders left, the soldiers naturally followed.

As Shang Zhen and others evacuated, the grave of Guo Baoyou and his friends was new, but the grave of the security division became messy, and the bodies of the security division soldiers were naturally exposed.

At this time, the sounds of "croak" and "croak" suddenly came from the sky.

A group of officers and soldiers looked up to the sky, and saw two crows hovering in the sky not far from them.

The wild dog was killed, but the old stork came again, the sky was hazy again, and everyone felt depressed.

Chen Hanwen hurriedly took a few steps forward and secretly glanced at Shang Zhen's expression. He saw that Shang Zhen's expression was no longer as gloomy as before, and had returned to his usual expression of neither joy nor sadness.

So he turned around and walked back, and took a shovel from a soldier.

They had already buried their own people, and they had also dug out the security guards' people from their graves.

But now he is walking back with the shovel, so what needs to be done?

But when Chen Hanwen looked up, he noticed that what he wanted to do was already being done by someone else, that old fool.

The old man was also holding a shovel, but he was throwing dirt towards the corpses of the security guards.

And Bian Xiaolong was standing next to the big boss, but Bian Xiaolong didn't reach out but pouted.

Although Chen Hanwen was a bit pedantic, he knew what was going on when he saw the situation.

Da Laobeng was born a monk.

Although Big Old Stupid was not bad at killing enemies, he must have been unable to bear it when he saw that the enemy's corpse was not buried and was very likely to be eaten by the old bird in the sky.

And what about Chen Hanwen? Of course, there are also reasons.

Chen Hanwen didn't say anything, but he also took the shovel and poked the soil on the ground to lift the corpse.

But before Chen Hanwen had even kicked up much dirt on the corpse, he heard a voice coming from behind him: "What do you owe the scholar?"

Chen Hanwen turned around and saw that the person speaking was Ma Erhuzi. Behind Ma Erhuzi were about ten more soldiers, each of them glaring at him. As for Shang Zhen, he had already led the others out. It's dozens of meters away.

Why did Ma Erhuzi and the others glare at him? Chen Hanwen was like a mirror in his mind. Why was Ma Erhuzi saying that he was short-handed but not saying that he was stupid?

"Everyone is dead." Chen Hanwen used this reason as his answer.

In fact, what he wanted to say was that although this group of people are enemies of us, they are still Chinese, and we cannot let them be eaten by the old man.

Fortunately, although Chen Hanwen was pedantic, he finally had some enlightenment, and he did not put this reason out.

"Don't you **** bully me!" But even so, Ma Erhuzi was already opening his mouth to scold him.

Ma Erhuzi is a veteran.

He could also imagine what it would be like for Guo Baoyou and his friends to eat their corpses in the wilderness.

What's more, when he came over, he saw the wild dog that was killed. The wild dog's belly was full of food!

So how could he not be angry when he saw Chen Hanwen coming to bury the enemy's corpse?

After reading Chen Hanwen, Ma Erhuzi stepped forward and grabbed the shovel in Chen Hanwen's hand, raised his foot and kicked Chen Hanwen in the stomach.

Chen Hanwen ducked subconsciously. The kick was not a real kick but he was staggered.

Chen Hanwen had the stubbornness of a scholar. Although he was also afraid of Ma Erhuzi, he thought he was doing the right thing and came up to grab the shovel.

What do the dozen or so soldiers led by Ma Erhuzi do? Just because Ma Erhuzi is also the squad leader now, and the soldiers he leads are all from his squad.

Seeing squad leader Ma Erhuzi move his hand, the soldiers from his squad came up. Some soldiers stretched out their hands to block Chen Hanwen, while others wanted to hit him.

"Do you want to gaha? Do you want to bully our scholar?" But then a female voice sounded, UU Kanshu Then a female soldier inserted herself between the soldiers and Chen Hanwen.

That was Chen Hanwen's fiancée Zhang Guiying.

Regardless of whether Chen Hanwen was willing or not, Zhang Guiying was determined to follow him.

Feeling Zhang Guiying's filial piety to Chen Hanwen's father, it was not Chen Hanwen's turn to make the decision in this matter, so the veterans directly recognized the marriage.

Chen Hanwen also acquiesced to this. After all, people with pedantic personalities still have traditional concepts.

"Don't think that because you are a woman, we don't dare to beat you?" When Ma Erhuzi saw Zhang Guiying coming up, he could only say this.

In fact, for him, it is a kind of intimidation, because most Northeastern men do not have the habit of hitting women.

It's just that Ma Erhuzi shouldn't draw the line between men and women at all, because when he said that, someone next to him was unhappy, and that was Bian Xiaolong.

"What's wrong with the girl? Count me in! You can beat me up too!" Bian Xiaolong also rushed up.

"Fuck!" Ma Erhuzi really couldn't do anything with the two women. He was just about to say that you two men should send his own wife up?

But at this moment, a shout came from behind them, and it was Qiu Bo's voice: "Ma Erhuzi, come back!"

Qiu Bo was walking with Shang Zhen. Although Shang Zhen didn't speak, Qiu Bo did speak, which meant what Shang Zhen meant.

Ma Erhuzi was helpless.

He glared at Chen Hanwen again, threw the shovel on the ground, turned around and walked back.

Shang, who kept walking forward from beginning to end, did not look back or express his position, as if he did not hear the noise behind him.

As the battalion commander, Shang Zhen has to consider the most important thing, which is how to find the security guard and take revenge on the national treasure, and how to find his abducted daughter-in-law Leng Xiaozhi.

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