The War of Resistance

Chapter 1591: It turned out to be a messenger!

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Under the hazy sky, a soldier ran forward desperately through the gaps in the bushes in the woods, followed by five or six soldiers desperately chasing after him.

But just in front of where they were running, there were dozens of soldiers from the Northeast Army who were anticipating the direction of the people coming from ahead, and using the cover of the terrain to quickly form a battle formation.

The people of the Northeast Army cannot move.

There is no way, the woods are not very dense in winter, it is not that easy to make the other party plunge into your ambush.

Wu Dashen took a circuitous route and hid behind a bush, and there was a veteran named Wang Kegang next to him.

"What are they shouting?" Wang Ke asked as soon as he heard the faint shout from in front.

"Are you deaf? I can hear clearly even if you can't hear clearly?" Wu Dashen replied as he installed a gun box on his own box.

The veterans were used to laughing and yelling together every day.

Wang Kegang couldn't help but said "yeah", and while pulling the bolt of the rifle, he glanced sideways at Wu's scarred gun and said, "Sooner or later, this gun will still be mine."

His words made Wu Dashen so angry that he scolded him: "Get out!"

Then, Wang Kegang smiled.

Wu Dashen used a box cannon with a rubber handle and a large mirror, referred to as the "big mirror".

And this large mirror was the only privilege he got as a platoon leader, or he became the platoon leader only after obtaining this privilege.

Wu Dashen was not very sophisticated, but he was not stupid. Of course he knew why the veterans asked him to be the platoon leader, so after he won the lottery, he asked for this big mirror as a condition.

He lied and said, why should I be the platoon leader? Platoon leaders all use large mirrors!

This large mirror happened to belong to Wang Kegang at the time.

But Wu Dashen ignored Wang Kegang's determination not to be the platoon leader. As soon as Wang Kegang heard that he wanted to be the platoon leader on this condition, he gave him the big mirror without hesitation.

Just now Wang Kegang said that this big mirror will belong to him sooner or later. What he meant was that the platoon leader of their platoon died too hard and too quickly.

Who is the platoon leader in their line now? Of course it is Wu Da Scar.

So, isn’t Wang Kegang just swearing? That's why Wu Dabayu told Wang Kegang to "get lost."

While the two were bickering, there was really something moving in front of them. This time, both of them heard it clearly, and the shout was: "Xiao Menzi, if you run away like a bastard, I'll really shoot you!"

Upon hearing that, Wu Dashen and Wang Kegang couldn't help but look at each other. The words they shouted were a bit interesting.

And just after those words, they heard footsteps and saw a soldier in front of them knocking away a bush and running over quickly.

Wu Dashen looked around and saw that everyone in his row had already moved back to their positions.

Their current ambush formation is like an open pocket. He and Wang Kegang are at the bottom of the pocket. If a straight line is drawn between the people on the left and right sides of the pocket, the person in front called "Xiaomenzi" has already entered the pocket. Got it!

When they came over just now, they saw that there were only a few people on the opposite side.

They don't care what's going on with the little gate running in front? Once it's in their pockets, they can't escape. Now they're just looking to see if they can catch the ones behind them.

Therefore, Wu Dashen was not in a hurry to be exposed, so he and Wang Kegang lay down behind the bushes. He kept using his hands to open the bushes in front of him and observed, without making any sign of taking action.

There are more than thirty people in a platoon, and there are more than ten veterans. They are not worried that the new recruits will lose their composure when the veterans shake things up.

In the blink of an eye, the little doorman rushed dozens of meters in front of them.

At this time, the little man had already seen the two of them, and then the guy's eyes lit up.

Originally, he was not facing Wu Dashen and Wang Kegang, but when he saw two people hiding here, he turned around and ran directly to them.

Seeing that the little disciple was bare-handed and didn't even have a gun. Wu Dashen felt that he had figured out something.

Wu Dashen first waved his hand at Xiaomenzi, and then pointed behind him.

The little disciple also understood what he was about to say, so he suppressed what he was about to say and ran towards them.

At this moment, the soldiers from the security division who were chasing Xiaomenzi appeared.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Menzi had already run to Wu Da Scar and Wang Kegang. Under Wu Da Scar's vigilant eyes, the boy also lay down, and then consciously put his hands upside down on the back of his head. Breathing heavily.

"Xiaomenzi, why don't you run away, you bitch?" the person chasing him continued to shout.

The bush in front of Wu Dashen and the others was quite dense, although it had no leaves.

Just now, when Wu Da lifted his hands and looked forward, he did so with his hands and looked forward. Now he let go of his hands, so the people chasing him from the other side didn't even see them for a moment.

"Xiao Menzi, you are such a **** and you are still running! You really plan to run to the northeastern camp! We are really shooting!" The shouts of the pursuing soldiers came from dozens of meters away.

It seemed that the soldiers from the security division who were chasing this little boy were quite loyal, and they really didn't want to kill him.

If you want to beat him to death, even ten lives won't be enough for Xiao Menzi!

And with this shout, there was a "pop" shot.

The sound of the gunshot shocked Wu Da Scar, but then he realized that the gunshot was fired into the sky.

"Keep running and I'll really beat you!" the voice behind was still shouting.

But then he had no chance to fire a second shot.

At this time, there were shouts on both sides of the soldiers: "Put down the gun, or I will kill you!"

Wu Dashen and Wang Zhigang also saw from the gunfight at the back of the bush that they were surrounded by five soldiers. Seeing that they were surrounded, the soldiers were relieved and directly threw their rifles to the ground, and then squatted down. Or kneeling with hands raised in the air without any resistance. UU Reading

"Take me to see your commander. You have a woman from the 586th regiment who was caught by our captain and said she is the wife of their battalion commander." At this time, the little disciple said hurriedly.

"What?" Wu Dashen was stunned by what the little disciple said.

It was impossible for him not to be stunned.

Group 586? The 586th Regiment belongs to the 113th Division, and they belong to the 583rd Regiment and the 111th Division. This is not the same division.

female? What a fool. As far as he knew, there were no women in the Northeastern Army. Besides, how could you, a battalion commander, have the right to take your family with you?

After being stunned for a moment, Wang Zhigang said: "Was the group of people we met when we first entered Shandong last time from the 586th Regiment?"

"If you say that, I remembered that the one we met last time was really from the 586th regiment. The battalion commander was called Shang, what was Shang?" After Wang Zhigang reminded Wu Dashen, he also remembered, But he forgot the name of the battalion commander. In a hurry, he stretched out his hand and patted his forehead. Don't tell me that he actually remembered it after patting it. "That battalion commander's name is Shang Zhen. Yes, his surname is Shang Zhen." , it’s quite a rare surname, oh, then we have to take care of this matter!” Wu Dashen shouted.

Although their battalion and Shang Zhen's battalion belonged to two separate divisions, they fought side by side. Shang Zhen's battalion gave them a lot of captured weapons and supplies at that time.

Northeastern people are straightforward, admire capable people, and are used to having two good things and one good thing. If someone else helps you, you will never forget it. If you are not open-minded, I will have to be more open-minded than you. You pay attention to that. I have to be more particular than you!

So next, Wu Dashen and his men escorted the prisoners and the disciples and ran back. He wanted to help the woman who said he was from the 586th regiment, but he didn't have the ability. He had to find someone who could make the decision. !

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