The War of Resistance

Chapter 1676: 1 person driving a donkey cart and 4 people traveling together

No one noticed the donkey cart in the distance on the other side of the hill, just because the village was still a little far away from here after all.

Even if someone saw the donkey cart, they would only think that it was passing by another way, rather than running out of the village.

Just because the old man's son's family was the only one outside the village, they had planned to go home this morning. But after hearing the news that the national army was arriving in the village, they quickly drove away with the donkey cart. .

And what no one noticed was that, after more than ten minutes, the donkey cart went back the same way and came out from behind the hills, heading straight for the village.

It's just that the people sitting in the donkey cart are no longer the old couple, but a man and a woman, four people in total.

The four people were Qian Chuan'er, Gao Xiaocui, Bian Xiaolong and the driver Wu Ziqi who were dressed as common people.

Shen Mugen, who was originally driving the carriage, was no longer there. He was sitting in the carriage pulling the old man and the old lady along the highway to report the news to Shang Zhen.

It turned out that Qian Chuan'er had an idea and swapped the carriage with the donkey carriage!

The six of them were originally riding in a horse-drawn carriage.

This horse-drawn carriage was taken out after Qian Chuaner asked the soldiers to move the grain on the carriage to other cars.

The carriage was too conspicuous after all.

Moreover, Qian Chuan'er also needed to use the speed of this carriage to quickly call the police to Shang Zhen, that is, he didn't know whether there were national troops in Kouzi Mountain, but there must be in the village called Guozhuang in front of him.

But what is the current definition of the national army?

That naturally refers to the army of the Republic of China.

The army of the Republic of China is divided into various types of direct lineages. Qian Chuan'er heard the old man say just now that he heard that this army belongs to the security division, and there are already many troops in the village!

As for whether there were many or not, the old man couldn't tell clearly, but the old man's son's house happened to be at a high point outside the village. The old man said that when he got up to urinate at dawn, he saw on the road from Zhuangzi to Tianbian. That darkness is filled with people!

The security guards arrived at Guozhuang and blocked the road so that ordinary people could not get in or out. This had to arouse Qian Chuan'er's vigilance.

If there is no major military operation, why block the roads? Blocking the roads means blocking the news.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, Qian Chuan'er couldn't wait to investigate how many security guards there were in Guozhuang, so Qian Chuan'er asked Shen Mugen to go back and report as soon as possible.

However, Da Laobeng was left behind by Qian Chuan'er, who asked him to go to the village by himself, and he must not be discovered by the security guard. He was responsible for staying outside the village to meet Shang Zhen and the others. of.

As a result, out of six of them, there are now only four left.

Bian Xiaolong was not happy about this, but Qian Chuan'er also explained.

Why does this matter have to be done by Da Laobong instead of Wu Ziqi?

That's because Da Laobeng doesn't have a Shandong accent, and to be honest, Da Laobeng is too tall and muscular. Since the security guard has taken over the village, Qian Chuan'er is afraid that Da Laobeng will come in. Zhuangzi was captured by the security guards!

As for the donkey cart they were riding in now instead of the horse-drawn carriage, that was because Qian Chuan'er had replaced the horse-drawn carriage they were riding in with the old man's donkey cart.

This kind of exchange method of five horses and six sheep, anyone can think of exchanging a horse carriage for a donkey cart, so the owner of the original donkey cart must have taken a big advantage.

The old man may not know the saying "When things go wrong, there must be monsters", but he also understands a similar truth. When Qian Chuan'er made this request, the old man would never change. He firmly believed that the sky in Qilu was also the sky. That day There will never be any pie falling down.

But in this case, Qian Chuan'er had no choice but to take out his cannon, and then told the old man that we were from the Lunan guerrillas. If I asked you to change the car, you would change the car, and I gave you We don’t want the carriage anymore!

In this case, the old man couldn't help but disagree. Even if he thought it was not a good thing to take advantage, he still had to change, just because Qian Chuan'er's gun was pointed at him!

This should be the most ferocious Lunan guerrilla that the old man has ever seen.

But Qian Chuan'er was not afraid of ruining the reputation of the Lunan guerrillas. When the old man drove the carriage to deliver Shen Mugen to the place, he would naturally know that Qian Chuan'er was not really a member of the Lunan guerrillas. It's just a fake!

The carriage continued to move towards Guozhuang, Qian Chuan'er frowned and began to think deeply.

Now it seems that they may not be able to transport food and oceans back without fighting a war.

It turned out that Hou Kanshan and Wang Xiaodan caught two people peeping into the military camp. They analyzed that the most likely place for the other party to ambush was at Kouzi Mountain.

But who would have thought that before we reached Kouzi Mountain, the security guards would occupy this place.

Why did the security guard occupy this place? I don't believe Qian Chuan'er said it wasn't from Ben Shang Zhen and their camp.

Hou Kanshan said that the living person had a Shaanxi accent, and based on Shang Zhen's battalion's dealings with the security division's subordinate Ishi Naibunbu last time, they learned that the majority of the security division was from the Northwest Army.

Could it be that the security guard wanted to plot against his battalion and did not set the ambush site in Kouzi Mountain? Find Shuyuan www. Instead, moved the location of the ambush?

It is also possible that the two people killed by Hou Kanshan and the others made the security guards suspicious, although in their opinion, those two people were just missing.

However, it seems that the terrain is not suitable for fighting in this place. Maybe the security guards are here to bully the few?

But why would the security guard ambush his own camp? There must be a motive for everything, right?

If they really wanted to **** this batch of food, it would be no small matter. It would be equivalent to breaking up with the 113th Division and even the entire 51st Army!

Do they dare to do this? Why do this?

If such a thing really happened, it would be their superiors—the SD Provincial Chairman couldn’t protect him, or maybe the security guard wanted to surrender to the Japanese, right?

Qian Chuan'er thought about it but couldn't figure it out, so he gave up. Looking at Zhuangzi who was getting closer and closer, he noticed that Gao Xiaocui was looking at him again.

He saw Gao Xiaocui looking at him with a hint of worry, and finally he couldn't help but ask Gao Xiaocui, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. It's not like I've never died before, but I'm just worried about you." Gao Xiaocui replied.

Um? Qian Chuan'er's understanding of Gao Xiaocui was limited to Wang Laoliu's introduction. He had never communicated with Gao Xiaocui, so how could he know the story behind Gao Xiaocui, who "had never died"?

Qian Chuan'er looked directly at Gao Xiaocui, but this was the first time he looked at Gao Xiaocui squarely!

The two people's eyes met, and suddenly a long-lost feeling arose in Qian Chuan'er's heart.

However, at this moment, Bian Xiaolong's voice sounded out of place: "We are almost at Zhuangzi."

Qian Chuan'er quickly turned his eyes away as if waking up from a dream.

Yes, we are almost at Zhuangzi, and now he has seen the figures of soldiers at the entrance of the village.

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