The War of Resistance

Chapter 407: rescued

Shang Zhen couldn't figure out when he woke up, the big bright light bulb was still shining on his head.

The room was tightly sealed, with heavy curtains drawn on the windows, so that Shang Zhen couldn't tell what time it was outside, as if time had stopped.

The wound on his body that was whipped was no longer bleeding, but it was still hot.

In order to resist the pain, Shang Zhen began to divert his attention, trying to think of some beautiful things, such as Leng Xiaozhi.

On the night when Leng Xiaozhi had a fever, Shang Zhen didn't fall asleep immediately, he had been listening to Leng Xiaozhi babbling like a little old lady.

In fact, if it wasn't for making Leng Xiaozhi fall asleep quickly, Shang Zhen would have answered the conversation.

Leng Xiaozhi recalled the past and said that he was as thin as a stick. Leng Xiaozhi looked forward to the future and said what should I do if I lost his photo? Anyway, all kinds of worries.

What he wanted to say at the time, why think about those things? I don't even know when I'm going to die.

In these short few years, Shang Zhen has fought many battles, but he has also fought too few. He has seen too many deaths, and he never thinks that he is superior to others.

The blood of brothers is behind the survival of every veteran. Surviving on the battlefield depends on skills and luck.

So many brothers died in battle, and I would probably die here too.

Just die, Shang Zhen sighed in his heart, no matter whether he will die or not, he is doomed not to be able to fulfill his mother's wish, and the imaginary country girl with thick waist and round buttocks has disappeared.

If he survived by luck, then Leng Xiaozhi would still be there. I don't know if Leng Xiaozhi would become thick-waisted and round-ass after getting married.

On the night when I was lying on the hot kang with Leng Xiaozhi, I should hug her, or at least measure Leng Xiaozhi's figure with my hands.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen couldn't help grinning, but his grin really turned into a grin, because he also had a wound on his face, which was swept by the whip.

Thinking of the whip Shang Zhen felt the pain increase again.

Now he finally understands what life is worse than death.

But just as he was trying to divert his attention, he suddenly moved. Although this movement made him feel pain again, he still listened attentively, because he heard gunshots.

In this closed torture room, the gunshots didn't sound loud, even very low. If an ordinary person heard that sound, at most they would think it was someone setting off a firecracker.

But Shang Zhen won't, because Shang Zhen is a battle-tested veteran, and when he heard the first gunshot, he was sure that it was a gunshot!

If it was just a shot, Shang Zhen would just think about it, but the gunshots became continuous, and the place where the gunshots sounded was getting closer and closer.

Ok? Some kind of hope rose in Shang Zhen's heart.

Ten minutes later, the door of this torture room was opened with a "crash", and Shang Zhen was surprised and delighted to see soldiers rushing into the room with guns in hand.

The military uniform worn by the soldier clearly belonged to the Northeast Army, but he didn't know him, and he wasn't the person he imagined.

But it didn't matter, he was saved!

Everything happened so quickly, but it was so unreal, just like when he was caught, he was severely injured in a very short period of time.

The battle didn't just start at Huaqing Pool, the whole of Lintong and even Xi'an were full of gunshots.

Now that the Northeast Army decided to take action, all the military and police officers in Xi'an in Lintong were immediately attacked by the Northeast Army. It would be fine if they raised their guns to surrender, and those who dared to raise their guns to resist would be killed without mercy. .

Fortunately for Shang Zhen, the Northeast Army knew that this was a stronghold of the military command, and during the operation, Hao Zhenglong also greeted the other Northeast Army.

A week later, in the barracks, Shang Zhen was sitting cross-legged on the kang, his upper body was still naked, his body was covered with scabs, he looked so ugly, as if there were many snakes crawling on his body.

He never dreamed that things would turn around like this, Shaoshuai Zhang actually sent someone to arrest the police officer who came to Nanjing to supervise the battle!

If it weren't for the fact that the wound on his body was still aching, he would have suspected that he was having a dream!

"Come, come, come, come, the company commander has eaten seven (eat)!" At this time, the sound of the door and the shout of the small dustpan sounded at the same time.

Little Dustpan and Old Mao Wang ran in with a food box each.

"What's delicious?" Shang Zhen asked with a smile.

"Open it and see for yourself!" the little dustpan said.

After Shang Zhen opened the food box, he yelled out in surprise: "Oh, braised pork knuckles, roast chicken, soy peanuts, and fat intestines!"

"Haha." The little dustpan laughed triumphantly.

"Where did you get the money?" Shang Zhen asked curiously.

For a long time, since they joined the special training team from the 7th Brigade, they have not received allowances. The money spent by the whole platoon is the brigade leader Liu Chengyi left for them when the 7th Brigade left Xi'an. , but now there are not many left.

"I got rich, and I got reward money, hehe." The little dustpan laughed.

"Reward money?" Shang Zhen was even more surprised, "What did you do? Where did you get the reward money? How much reward did you get?"

"At that time, the officer said that anyone who catches the old man will be rewarded 10,000 yuan." The little dustpan replied.

"It's the old man you caught, why haven't I heard of it?" Shang Zhen continued to ask.

It's been a week since Shang Zhen was rescued, it's impossible that he didn't get any information.

"I didn't catch it, but I provided some information. I saw his guard glanced up. When I saw it, I said he looked up. As a result, the old man came out by himself , so I have a share of this bounty, and I share two thousand yuan!" said the little dustpan happily.

"Then you are rich, don't keep it as a wife, what delicious food will you buy me?" Shang Zhen must have laughed, but he had already picked up his chopsticks to insert the braised elbow.

"Hey." The little dustpan was happy again, "I handed in the money, and I handed it over to my old uncle Wang!" He triumphantly gestured with his thumb to Wang Laomao, and at this time Wang Laomao was smiling Then he took out a bottle of wine from his pocket.

"What are you doing for your old Uncle Wang?" Shang Zhen was still surprised.

"Let me tell my old king about his daughter-in-law. He will have a daughter in the future so that he can be my father-in-law!" The little dustpan laughed and said "whoosh" and jumped onto the kang without taking off his shoes!

"Hey, you bastard! I said you gave me the money, so you were waiting for me here, right?" Old Mao Wang pointed at the dustpan and scolded with a smile.

"Take off your shoes, how can anyone wear shoes on the kang? Bring that kang table here!" Shang Zhen laughed and scolded the little dustpan.

Little Dupan saw that Old Mao Wang had no intention of beating him, so he sat down with a smile, took off his shoes, and went to move the little kang table.

Shang Zhen's injuries are not fully healed yet, and Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan stayed to take care of him.

Soon, the three of them sat cross-legged on the kang, with four dishes on the table, and Old Mao Wang brought the wine glasses.

"Is the door locked?" Old Mao Wang asked the little dustpan.

"It's plugged in, it's plugged in!" The little dustpan replied.

"Let's drink!" Old Mao Wang picked up the bowl of wine, but there was no one to drink with him. It's not good to drink with Shang Zhen's injury, and it's not good for a small dustpan.

Old Mao Wang didn't mind these things, and soon after drinking a bowl of wine, his voice of pointing Jiangshan came from the room: "Young Marshal did a good job this time, this is what we Northeast people do!

His grandma has a leg, that old man plotted against our young marshal, but the young marshal was tricked by As a result, hehe, now the young marshal has detained the old man, is it right? Isn't it up to us to kill him?

Ah, you said that this young commander is also true, this is our pure Northeast character, Huchao just caught the emperor Laozi like this, but everything was solved! "

Old Mao Wang was really excited. Anyway, the door was locked and he couldn't hear it from the outside, so he spoke out his thoughts.

"The Northeast Army has been scolded too much after losing the three provinces in the Northeast, and we can't get anything good with the Red Army, and the higher-ups are forcing a civil war, and this time the Northeast Army is finally cornered, and the result, hehe. "

"Old Uncle Wang, do you think the young commander will kill that old man?" Little Dustpan asked.

"It's hard to say, and it's not our turn to talk about it. What do you think, Shang boy?" Old Mao Wang turned to Shang Zhen.

"You don't say anything, why is it my turn?" Shang Zhen laughed, "It doesn't matter, we are soldiers, at least I escaped with my life this time.

It’s just a coincidence that I’ve just stayed in that uninhabited place for one night, and it’s just a coincidence. If it’s a day later, I guess, even if I’m alive, my arms and legs may not be complete. "

"Yes, boy Shang is right, let's not worry about that, come and drink.

Oh, what do I mean by being with you two? If you don’t drink it, you would have brought back the dead monkey! "Old Mao Wang said regretfully.

"Isn't that old Uncle Wang, are you thinking about my two bounties?" Little Duoying brought up the previous conversation again.

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