The War of Resistance

Chapter 416: growing little dustpan

The Japanese cavalry jumped on their horses and raised their swords. Not to mention whether the Japanese sabers on the horses could hit the people running at the back, even if the big horses hit them, they could knock people to the ground. How can such a young woman stand up to the Japanese soldiers?

But those few people were lucky after all, because Shang Zhen and the others were there.

Just when the first Japanese soldier was more than 40 meters away from the woman holding the child, the gunshot rang out, and the Japanese soldier who was brandishing a saber on his horse was shot and fell down.

At the same time, the sudden sound of gunfire was like a sudden torrential rain.

He rushed out of the woods to fight more than 20 Japanese cavalry soldiers. Under Shang Zhen's rapid fire attack, they were beaten and turned on their backs.

Another Japanese cavalry rushed out out of inertia, but what greeted them was the firing of two light machine guns.

Several horses were shot and fell directly to the ground. Only then did the Japanese cavalry behind rein in the horses.

"Quick retreat!" Shang Zhen shouted.

As he shouted, everyone put away their guns, got up, turned and ran.

That's all Shang Zhen could do for those few common people.

He led the people forward and ran for more than a hundred meters. When he ran to a higher place, he looked back and saw that the few people finally got off the road and ran into the fields in the east of the road.

But at this moment, he saw more than a dozen Japanese horses rushing out from the woods. The Japanese cavalry didn't chase them directly, but turned around to both sides.

Plain areas are conducive to cavalry operations, and there is no way around this.

The entire Jizhong Plain is high in the west and low in the east, showing a **** shape because the Taihang Mountain Road is to the west.

This is like when the Creator was building the Taihang Mountain, he sprinkled a dustpan of sacred soil from the sky. The tallest piles became the Taihang Mountains, and the Jizhong Plain was the soil that fell to the edge, so there are slopes.

"Everyone pay attention, kill as many cavalrymen as you dare to catch up!" Shang Zhen shouted.

The cavalry has a strong ability to maneuver quickly. Although they have an advantage on the plains, a large number of cavalry must go into battle. They are not afraid of more than 20 Japanese cavalry.

When Shang Zhen went forward to investigate the situation before, he observed it with a telescope from a distance. If there were more Japanese cavalry, he would not have launched this ambush.

Shang Zhen and the others ran forward again, but no matter how fast people run, no horse can run fast. At this time, a Japanese cavalry came back from the flank and waved the small flag in their hands.

There is no doubt that the Japanese army was indicating the target.

"Where did the three of them go, Little Dustpan?" Old Mao Wang muttered as he ran, but he didn't know that the flower mechanism in Little Dustpan's hand was already facing the Japanese army who was waving the small flag.

"Closer, come closer, the dog is obedient, and come closer!" The little dustpan hid behind a mound of dirt, and said to itself with a flower mechanism aimed at the Japanese soldiers in front.

There are more than 20 Japanese cavalry in total. Since the Japanese army came here again in a roundabout way, what Xiao Dupan is facing now is only six or seven cavalry.

It's just that his current weapons are box cannons and flower traps.

After all, the flower mechanism has a limited range, and he needs those Japanese cavalry to get closer to shoot to be sure.

It was also these Japanese soldiers who were a little bit behind. Xiao Dupan and the other two soldiers were sent out by Shang Zhen to scout the way.

The path he ran out before was not the same as the way Shang Zhen and the others ran out now, but he moved further north. In this way, he could not catch Shang Zhen and the others, but they could hit the Japanese army that came round.

The attention of those Japanese cavalry was on Zuo Wing Shang Zhen and the others. Although they urged their horses to move forward and rushed towards the small dustpan, how did they notice him?

Xiao Dupan saw that the Japanese cavalry had already entered his range, but suddenly he had a new idea. He shrank back and leaned himself behind the mound of dirt and began to listen.

Those Japanese soldiers didn't notice his existence at all, and actually came here.

The sound of hoofbeats, I hope the little devil will not jump over this mound on horseback and step on his head again.

Xiao Bozi thought of letting go of the flower organ, and took one of the two grenades he carried with him from his waist.

He unplugged the grenade and began to wait quietly.

It was only a moment before he felt the shaking of the ground, and the Japanese army came over.

Those Japanese soldiers rode tall horses and ran past the mound like lightning.

And when he ran past, a Japanese soldier really yelled "Ah" on the horse.

Because when the Japanese soldier ran past on horseback, he caught a glimpse of a person hiding behind the mound from the corner of his eye, but it was over after all, and at this moment the grenade in the little dustpan was thrown out by him.

At this time, Little Dustpan didn't dare to play air blasts. He was too close to the Japanese army. If the grenade exploded in the air, he might be killed by the shrapnel.

Even so, when the grenade exploded on the ground, three Japanese horses were injured by shrapnel and fell directly to the ground.

And at this time, the little dustpan jumped up from behind the mound of dirt, and the flower mechanism in his hand rang "he he he" and "he he he".

The small dustpan fired all short bursts, and the Japanese soldiers rushed over their heads, and it was too late to pull the horses, and now they only had to suffer from the bullets.

In just a moment, those Japanese soldiers fell off their horses one after another, and even the horses were knocked down to the ground. Little Dustpan stepped forward with a gun.

If you beat a snake to death, you will be bitten by it. He is alone in front of his eyes, but he dare not be careless at all.

Two Japanese soldiers who fell from their horses and were struggling on the ground were directly shot dead by him.

But he looked at the Japanese soldiers who were not moving on the ground, but he also directly fired a shot, who cares if you shoot first and then talk.

At this time, a Japanese soldier who was lying down suddenly jumped up from the ground

The Japanese soldier faked his death at first.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the little dustpan to come over and stab the little dustpan, but he didn't expect that the little dustpan was very vigilant.

Although the Japanese soldier was closer than the small dustpan, only more than 10 meters away, the saber was not as good as the bullet after all, and the small dustpan pulled the trigger again and knocked the Japanese soldier down, and at this time the flower machine in his hand came The sound of hanging up the empty warehouse.

The little dustpan handed the gun to his left hand, and pulled out his box cannon with a movement of his right When he pulled it out, the box cannon rubbed against his thigh and caught fire. Seeing that there are still Japanese soldiers who haven’t replaced their guns He fired two more shots.

The name is Little Dustpan, but Little Dustpan is not small now, and he is in his early 20s, but he is a true veteran!

When the two soldiers he led ran over, the battle was over. When the three saw Shang Zhen, they chased after him.

"Be careful of the devils over there!" Shang Zhen shouted while leading everyone forward, he naturally saw the battle on the little dustpan's side.

"The devils have dismounted, avoid them!" At this time, Ma Erhuzi also shouted.

Now there is a woods in front of them on the left, and there are Japanese horses by the woods, but the Japanese soldiers on the horse are gone. No need to ask, you know that the Japanese army is hiding in the woods, and they are going to shoot them coldly.

Of course Shang Zhen and the others knew that the Japanese infantry's marksmanship was extremely accurate, but who knew how the Japanese cavalry's marksmanship was?

Although the effective range of the horse rifle will be a little worse than that of the 38-type rifle, yes, it will definitely not be much worse.

Therefore, Shang Zhen and the others who were eager to evacuate naturally had to use the terrain as a cover.

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