The War of Resistance

Chapter 420: battle of wits

Shang Zhen and the others led the pursuers all the way to Taihang Mountain.

There is no doubt that what they did angered the Japanese army.

They were like awls, stabbing the Japanese army from time to time, which made the Japanese army very painful, otherwise the Japanese army in the squadron behind would never chase them.

And a team like Shang Zhen and the others with only about 30 people can "drag" more than 200 Japanese troops. What more can they ask for?

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Zhen climbed up a tree again, and he started watching the pursuers with binoculars.

After chasing for most of the day, the pursuit of the Japanese army has slowed down.

"Did you see the little devil?" Old Mao Wang and the other soldiers under the tree asked with their necks raised.

"I see, it's two miles away from us." Shang Zhen replied.

"If you were a little devil, would you still chase him down?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"Either withdraw directly, or chase hard and then withdraw. We will never pursue this endlessly, because people will be hungry." Shang Zhen replied.

What Wang Laomao asked was of course Shang Zhen's consideration.

At first they angered the Japanese army, and the Japanese army chased them very quickly.

But seeing the loss of light and not being able to catch up, most of the day has passed, and the anger of the Japanese army has almost been dissipated by them. This is what is meant by the so-called "one effort, then decline, and three exhaustion".

This situation is not only the Japanese army, but also the normal state of everyone.

For example, when I was young, I set up a great ambition, but as I grew up, that kind of vigor was almost worn away by time and society.

For another example, someone was hurt by others and said harshly that he wanted revenge, but as time passed, the desire for revenge faded away.

Now that the Japanese army is almost losing sight of them, why stay here if they don't withdraw?

When I came here, I chased it for a long time, and when I went back, I ran for a while, it should be dark that day!

"Old Uncle Wang, like this, you take a dozen or so people around to go back from the side.

If the little devil retreats, you can shoot again. If you agree, you can shoot again. "Shang Zhen said.

He still didn't forget to specifically instruct Old Mao Wang to only shoot once.

Today they fought the Japanese army because they ran fast. If they were fought by the Japanese army, there must be casualties, no need to ask.

Shang Zhen and the others, including Shang Zhen, can be said to be veterans now. Wars are very slippery, and they only take advantage but not suffer.

Shang Zhen and the others didn't realize that, in fact, their style of play was guerrilla warfare.

It's just that their guerrilla warfare is not the same as that of the Communist guerrillas.

Their combat quality, physical fitness, and logistical supplies are all better than those of the Communist guerrillas.

In terms of combat quality, they are veterans of many battles. In terms of physical fitness, they are in their prime and have undergone special training. In terms of logistics and supplies to the Northeast Army, they are even worse than the Communist guerrillas.

But their relationship with the common people is not as close as that of the guerrillas of the Communist Party, just because the guerrillas fight in the local area, and many of the guerrillas are armed peasants.

Shang Zhen and the others just instinctively felt that it was not worthwhile to fight with the Japanese army with too many casualties.

"Okay! Let's hit the little devil on the way. When it gets dark, the little devil can't go back, and he will be caught even more blind!" Old Mao Wang said excitedly.

But then he patted his thigh again and said: "If we can really drag it until dark, we still need a local guide!

Oh, it's okay, at worst, let's find one in a nearby village, and if it doesn't work, we'll catch one.

What the hell, we beat people to death for the common people, shouldn't the common people give us a guide? "

Old Mao Wang showed his true beard again.

Shang Zhen smiled and did not say a word, still observing with the binoculars.

He knew that Old Mao Wang was absolutely capable of doing this kind of thing, but what else could he ask of Old Mao Wang?

But at this time, Shang Zhen said: "What we said has come true, the little devil is chasing after him, and it is estimated that this will be the case before dark!"

"Okay, you follow me!" Old Mao Wang under the tree gestured with his hand, and he was going to take half of the people on the way back to the Japanese army.

"Wait, take them all away, Erhanzi and Brother Huzi stay!" Shang Zhen shouted from the tree.

"There are only four people in total, can you do it?" Old Mao Wang was a little worried.

"It's nothing, just listen to the movement of the machine gun for the little devil, thinking that we are here, and the main event is at your place!" Shang Zhen explained.

Twenty minutes later, the Japanese soldiers who appeared in the open field were shot again.

It's just that this time it was no different from the original battle. Two Japanese soldiers were knocked down, one dead and one injured. As for the people who ambushed them, the Japanese soldiers didn't even see a shadow. Woods leading to the sky.

In this case, can the Japanese army still pursue it?

Now the main purpose of the Japanese army is to attack the city and land. Although Shang Zhen and the others beat them very painfully, they had no choice but to retreat when they saw that there was no hope of chasing them.

In fact, even if the Japanese army wanted to pursue them, they did not have the conditions to pursue them, but their squadron didn't even bring rations, so why should they pursue them?

The Japanese army was walking back, and at this time, it was right next to the road that the Japanese army must pass through to go back. Wang Laomao and the others had really laid down an ambush.

Old Mao Wang was staring at the road and eating a cucumber seed while eating, grinning: "It's so sour!"

Can it be sour? That's an old cucumber seed.

When the cucumber is young and tender, it is called the top flower with thorns. When it grows up, it is dark green. It was such an old cucumber that he gnawed.

"You're so sour, I just left such a cucumber seed and let you do it!" A young man next to Old Hat Wang said angrily.

The young man was dressed as a farmer, he was only in his twenties, but he was the guide that Old Mao Wang had captured.

"I'll beat you little Japanese devils for you common people, and I'll eat your cucumber seeds frankly, and you're so anxious to break your face with me?" Old Mao Wang scolded.

When the young man was unconvinced and wanted to say something, the little dustpan persuaded him, "Don't mess with my father-in-law, my father-in-law is a bit of a tiger, he's so impatient, he really hurts people!"

"You little bastard!" Old Mao Wang scolded the little dustpan.

It's just that the little dustpan didn't take Wang Laomao's scolding himself seriously, but he said: "My father-in-law, are you old? Look at what you gnawed, what do you call it? It's half a piece, what is it? like!"

"You little bastard, didn't you just not eat it? Here it is!" Old Mao Wang said angrily He threw the half-gnawed cucumber seeds in his hand.

"If you want to say it, I still feel sorry for me!" The little dustpan took the cucumber with a smile, but took out a small knife and muttered, "This thing is thrown away and eaten, and it will be chopped at you." It's a whole half piece!"

When the little dustpan was interrupted, the young guide who was captured next to him looked at the little dustpan blankly. He really had never seen such an aunt serving as a soldier.

I was working at home, and the soldiers came and let him lead the way.

Leading the way means leading the way, but I picked the only old cucumber seed in the cucumber field in my family's already abandoned garden.

"Then why are you staring at me like this, big brother?" Seeing that the young man didn't look at him well, the little dustpan smiled, and then explained as if suddenly enlightened: "Well, look at this fierce man No one! This is my father-in-law, and I am the uncle of his unborn daughter.

Does a son-in-law Banlaer know? I'm his half son, so isn't he my half father? "

The little dustpan peeled the cucumber skin with a small knife while talking poorly, but he only peeled the cucumber skin once, and Old Mao Wang said: "Lower your heads, the little devil is really here!"

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