The War of Resistance

Chapter 469: motley crew (1)

Beside the window, no one was checking the number or shouting the password, but Shang Zhen, Wang Laomao, Xiao Dustpan, and Qian Chuan pulled the string of the grenade almost simultaneously.

Then, they paused for a moment with the smoking grenade in their hands, and stuffed it into the window at the same time.

There were panic shouts from the Japanese army, and they had been staring at the small second floor opposite, but they couldn't figure out why a long-handled grenade used by the Chinese army flew in anyway.

There was a Japanese soldier who reacted quickly and reached out to pick up the grenade. Of course he wanted to throw the grenade out again.

In the narrow space of that room, the grenade flew up, and you can't escape your life by lying down.

To say that the Japanese soldier's reaction can't be said to be unhappy, if it is really the right choice in normal times, but he happened to meet veterans like Shang Zhen and the others, and the grenade was held in Shang Zhen's hands for a while.

As a result, the Japanese soldier who reacted the fastest was smart and was misled by his cleverness. Before he picked up the grenade emitting white smoke, the grenade exploded.

The grenade used by the Japanese army has 48 petals. As for how many fragments of the projectile body can be produced after the grenade used by the Chinese army explodes, no one has really counted it.

But so what?

When the projectile explodes at the left and right positions of the human head, the resulting damage is the largest, just because there is no dead angle in 360 degrees!

So amidst the loud explosion, the Japanese army in that room suffered the most complete casualties!

And just after the explosion of the grenade, Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao, who didn't drop the bomb at the window, started to "kick the door"!

The so-called "kicking the door" is just an image, but it is actually pulling the door!

A soldier opened the door beside him, and the person next to him rushed in with a flower mechanism, and then the sound of "he, he, he" flower mechanism shooting was heard in the house.

A small building faces an alley, which is called an alley because there are houses on both sides.

The attack on the side of the alley where Shang Zhen and the others were located was carried out thoroughly, and within a short while, all the Japanese soldiers in the house were attacked and killed!

At this time, gunshots and explosions surrounding the small building rang out.

In the battle on the other side of the alley, some Japanese soldiers rushed out of the house when they heard the sudden explosion, but were immediately knocked down by the bullets from the opposite side and the side.

The ones on the side are other soldiers from Shang Zhen's team, and the ones on the front are Chinese soldiers leaning out from the window of the small building and starting to shoot.

After a few more minutes, the battle was over.

"Clean the battlefield, pay attention to refilling the gun!" Shang Zhen shouted, and then went into the room with the gun in his hand to check.

The soldiers came out of the house one after another, and they brought out the trophies, the 38-type rifle bullets and grenade throwers of the Japanese army, and the number of Japanese soldiers who were killed, a total of 21 Japanese soldiers.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers in the small building also came out.

However, to Shang Zhen's surprise, only three soldiers came out of the whole building.

Three soldiers of three heights, three sets of military uniforms and three colors.

"It seems that none of them are from our family." Seeing the three soldiers, Qin Chuan couldn't help muttering.

Although it is called the same China, but China has a large territory, the southerner and the northerner just don't speak, but on the outside, there are differences in the appearance and temperament of the head.

Especially the one who is very short, only about 1.5 meters tall, dark, with a big forehead (forehead) and thick lips. Rao Shang Zhen and the others have traveled all over the world and read countless people. I've never seen anyone who looks like this!

Of course the three soldiers knew that it was Shang Zhen who saved the three of them.

"He Xiangcai, from the 1st Army." The tallest soldier reported himself first.

"Fan Chanchan, from the 1st Army." The medium-sized one followed suit.

People like Shang Zhen have never heard of someone with such a name.

Among the team, Qin Chuan bumped him lightly with his shoulder, and Qian Chuan'er said, "Okay, this time you have a brother. His name is Fan Chanchan, and your name is Qian Chuanchuan."

Qian Chuan'er wasn't worried, but she was also laughing there, and someone called Fan Chanchan? Why not just call it a rice shovel?

And now it was the turn of the shortest soldier to speak.

The third soldier's name is quite normal, but the problem is that his name is in stark contrast to his height, because the soldier said: "My name is Qiao Xiong, from the 1st Army."

The height difference between the third soldier and the soldier was so great that Hu Zhuzi muttered, "Just like him, if he is a bear, then I must be a Siberian tiger!"

After the three soldiers had introduced themselves, Shang Zhen and the others also frowned, because not only did the three soldiers look different, but they also spoke with three accents, and naturally none of the three accents was from Northeast China. of!

"Come on, don't tell us which army you belong to, we don't understand at all, so just tell us which army you are from!" Old Mao Wang said with a wave of his hand.

They could understand what those three people said, but they had never heard their accents before!

"I'm from Hunan!" He Xiangcai said.

"Your Xiang is the Hunan of Xiangshui, right?" Chu Tian asked at this time.

Shang Zhen and the others are the only ones who can make such educated associations.

"Yes, sir!" He Xiangcai replied loudly.

"I'm not an officer." Hearing that he was called an officer, Chu Tian slipped back.

Now he felt that he was the doormat of Shang Zhen and his team, but he didn't dare to call himself the boss, otherwise those **** would never spare him.

"I belong to the Gui Army, from Guangxi!" Fan Chanchan, who was of medium stature, also spoke.

To say that he is of medium stature is only a comparison among these three people. In fact, he is already very short, less than 1.6 meters!

By this time, Shang Zhen and the others had become curious.

This Fan Chanchan is already very short, so who is that little man with the "monkey-headed eight-faced face"?

Some of the Northeast dialects are very unpleasant, and the Northeast people also like to take advantage of other people’s words, but this is the character of the Northeast people, they are still warm-hearted in their bones, and the Northeast people also bury each other like this, so don’t do it here Connect with geography!

"I'm from the Qian Army." At this time, the third soldier named Qiao Xiong naturally introduced him.

"Throwing what? Qian Jun?" Old Mao Wang didn't understand.

"Guizhou, do you know Guizhou?" Qiao Xiong hurriedly said again.

"Guizhou!" Lao Mao Wang Not only Lao Mao Wang, Shang Zhen also showed an expression of enlightenment.

They still know Guizhou, but it is only limited to the map of China.

"Where is Guizhou?" Most of Shang Zhen's group really didn't know where Guizhou was.

One is in the southwest, and the other is in the northeast. It's not that eight feet of people can't reach it, but it's that it's tens of thousands of feet out of reach!

Nowadays, Chinese people are at such an educational level, among Shang Zhen's group, those who can know more than one hundred characters are no more than ten fingers!

"We are at the northernmost point, and others are at the southernmost point." It was Chen Hanwen who explained.

So far, Shang Zhen and the others knew that the Battle of Songhu was so big, but it was the first time they knew that among the many miscellaneous troops, there was such a one from Guizhou.

In fact, this is indeed the case. During the Songhu War, only one division of the Qian Army reached the battlefield.

It is absolutely wrong to say that someone in Nanjing did not fight against the Japanese. It is absolutely wrong to say that in this Songhu War, the Central Army really invested a lot of money, and the two best-equipped German armorers were disabled!

Now that the Central Army has set an example, under the call of national righteousness, there are also people from all walks of life in the miscellaneous army with guns and guns. Of course, there are well-known troops such as the Sichuan Army, the Hunan Army, and the Guangxi Army. Small warlords are absolutely responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

As for the performance of the Northeast Army in the Songhu War, according to the traditional Chinese storytelling method, it is called "Let's listen to the next chapter to break it down"!

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