The War of Resistance

Chapter 799: Ditch rescue

Shang Zhen raised his gun, but before he could shoot, there was a gunshot behind him.

But at the sound of the gunshot, Shang Zhen's mind changed, and he suddenly shrank back and lay down again.

Although Shang Zhen didn't look back, he also knew who should have shot that shot, so how could he not know who he put behind him?

It wasn't just that he found out that the Japanese army was shooting at someone, but the horse and two tigers behind him must have discovered something too.

Moreover, since Ma Erhuzi was farther away from the Japanese army, there must be a distance of three or two hundred meters, so Ma Erhuzi dared to show his figure in the ditch to observe.

So, up to now, Shang Zhen has not seen where the person shot by the Japanese army went, and he did not dare to observe the Japanese army unscrupulously, but Ma Erhuzi dared to take the position where Ma Erhuzi was.

There are only six people including myself from this group, but how many Japanese soldiers chased them out of the town? Even if Shang Zhen didn't see the Japanese army near the ruins just now, he knew that there would definitely be many Japanese soldiers chasing after him just by hearing the gunshots.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen put the box in his hand to the cannon instead, he hid in place, reached out and took out two grenades, pulled out the pins and waited there.

The place where Shang Zhen stayed was naturally still the corner of the ditch, and he would not make such a low-level mistake that he could be seen at a glance by the Japanese soldiers in the ditch.

During this time, the gunshots became even more chaotic. Although the gunshots in front were uneven, there were also gunshots from near and far behind him.

Shang Zhen didn't want to reveal his position, so he wouldn't stretch his head to look at it, but he could guess the general situation based on his imagination, the Japanese army was chasing his partner, and the person or people he teamed with should be the same as himself. In the ditch, the people I arranged behind were also shooting, and they must have figured out the situation.

Shang Zhen was waiting here, and it only took a moment before he heard movement on the other side of his turn in the gap between the gunshots.

He peeped out from the corner and saw a man crawling along the ditch with a rifle in his hand.

Although it was just a glance, Shang Zhen had already confirmed that the one who was crawling towards the other side of the ditch was Gu Man.

The situation is not good, Shang Zhen began to think about the tactics.

Shang Zhen reacted quickly, and he realized that the situation was not good, but it had two meanings.

Gu Man is now being hunted down by the Japanese army, and he will soon join the ranks of being hunted down.

Although because of the bend in the river ditch, he only saw Guman when he glanced at it just now, but he guessed that Guman was the only one who fled back this time.

As for why? This is a simple reasoning!

If Xiao Dupan, Guan Tiedou, and Hulu all escaped back, then they couldn't just focus on running for their lives when they were hunted down by the Japanese army.

They were crawling, and the Japanese army was running, but if they had one more person, not to mention leaving one behind, it must be a cross cover to retreat! Only when Guman was alone would he crawl back desperately!

Don't look at Shang Zhen's complicated thoughts, but what in this world can come faster than human thoughts?

In just a blink of an eye, Gu Man crawled over.

To say that at this time, Gu Man's heart was almost desperate.

If he stands up and fights back, it will be a dead end. As long as he dares to stand up in this ditch, the Japanese army behind him will beat him into a sieve in no time!

But just when he saw that there was another turning in front of him, he was about to cross the turning and raised his gun to fight the Japanese army to the death. He heard Shang Zhen's voice: "Big man, climb forward! When my grenade rings, you stand up and run!"

Ok? Why does this voice sound so familiar and intimate!

At this time, Gu Man was overjoyed, but the inertia of running for his life allowed him to climb and jump to pass the corner, and at this time, he was only a little taller than the Japanese soldiers who were already chasing close at hand. I saw it.

The shouts and gunshots of the Japanese army sounded, and several bullets shot directly into the ditch wall.

When Gu Man turned the corner and realized it was Shang Zhen's voice just now, several Japanese soldiers who had already approached suddenly saw a black grenade flying out of the ditch.

Soldiers shooting, charging, lying down and throwing bombs on the battlefield are both complicated and simple.

To put it complicatedly, it is not easy to become a qualified soldier. To put it simply, shooting, charging, laying down and throwing bombs is just a skilled job.

What's the matter, if the body's reaction speed becomes instinctive when you are familiar with it, then why think about it? And the Japanese army is not like this.

The Japanese soldiers who rushed over saw the grenade flying out of instinct, so they dodged the bomb and fell down.

But who would have thought that those Japanese generals were still falling and the grenade exploded with a "boom" before it hit the ground.

Fragments of the grenade in the void flew in an explosive manner. If there was a metal barrier, of course they would not penetrate and would make a sound of collision.

It's just that besides the barrel of the Japanese rifle, where did the metal thing come from here and now?

As a result, those metal fragments penetrated all the organisms they could touch, this time it was good, the Japanese soldiers who originally wanted to lie down fell down without lying down this time!

You know, the lethality of the airburst grenade is doubled!

But just after the explosion, Shang Zhen threw out the second grenade. This grenade was not an empty bomb this time, but it happened to hit the barrel of a Japanese soldier and sent out a blast. There was a resounding "Dang", and then it exploded after a few strokes.

If it is expressed in Northeast dialect, the Japanese army behind was really fooled by the two grenades flying out of the ditch.

One of the reasons for being confused is that the explosive force of the first grenade is no different from that of other grenades, but how can the damage range be so large?

The Japanese army was chasing and killing a person, but what rushed out was a large But after the grenade exploded, the Japanese army behind found that the front view was very light, and the explosion of the grenade In the sound, the fallen piece is also a large piece, even though this piece is not the other piece.

The second reason for being blinded is that the second grenade flew out and exploded on the ground. No one was seen, but a few people were injured, but a puff of smoke was blown up, and just when the puff of smoke was just rising, On the opposite side, there was suddenly the sound of "cracking" and "cracking" box cannons firing!

If the wind blows the smoke, the wind is invisible, but the blown smoke is the shape of the wind.

However, the wind was too slow after all, the bullets pierced through the smoke, the smoke remained unchanged, but the scattered bullets were fatal!

It was not because of how many enemies were killed, but because of the sudden sound of continuous firing, the momentum was extremely frightening. The Japanese soldiers behind who were hit by the bullets fell down, but those who were not hit also quickly lay down.

And just as the gunshots stopped, another grenade flew out of the ditch, but this time it was thrown far away, there are always some fifty meters!

When the smoke and dust from the grenade explosion rose again, two people got up, bowed their waists and rushed along the ditch to the periphery desperately!

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