The War of Resistance

Chapter 840: wipe out

There is a small game in later generations, which asks readers to find the hidden sniper in a painting.

This is undoubtedly very fastidious.

Painters will use their omnipotent pens to make the sniper stand in front of the readers from an unimaginable angle, but the readers may not be able to find it even if their eyes are sore.

But in this battle, the Chinese soldiers in ambush were not snipers after all, and they didn't have camouflage clothes that could blend in with the background.

Just as Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu of the Northwest Army thought, Shang Zhen's style of play was a life-gamble style of play.

When a Japanese soldier came up with his companions with a rifle, he happened to pass the pigsty in front of that family's house.

To be honest, from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't care much about the life and death of his companions. He is a foodie, and he just wants to see if there are pigs in the pigsty.

He doesn't care whether the pig in the pigsty is a big fat pig that looks like the second senior brother, or a thin pig with thin hair and long hair, all he wants is to hold the pig by the hand after this task .

But when he walked to the dirt wall of the pigsty with his gun and looked inside, he happened to see a Chinese "commoner" standing up from behind the dirt wall with a rifle in his hand.

Looking at each other for a very short moment, the Japanese soldier only had time to yell, and he instinctively pointed his rifle forward, but it was too late after all, because the Chinese civilian was ahead of him.

Thus, the battle began with the discovery of a Chinese soldier ambushing in a pigsty.

There was a "pop" gunshot, and a 6.5mm rifle bullet originally made by the Japanese directly pierced the head of the Japanese soldier who was still lingering.

And in the next moment, although the Japanese soldiers who were on guard against the house all heard the sound or turned their bodies or turned their heads around, they were only tens of meters away from the Japanese army, even only a few meters away from the Japanese army. More than a dozen Chinese soldiers in plain clothes and holding long and short guns appeared in the place.

The gunshots of "pa", "pa" and "pa" instantly rang out, and at the same time, two black grenades flew out of the yard that was less than 40 meters away from the Japanese army.

There is no way to describe the turmoil and chaos of the battle at this moment.

Express it in words? However, there are many soldiers on both sides of the enemy and us, and shooting or throwing grenades all happen at the same time. If language wants to express it at the same time, what will it look like? It's like a performance of folk music, erhu, suona, shengxiao, drum, etc. All the instruments are mixed together, you can hear various sounds, but it is absolutely impossible to hear any melody!

Express it in words? There is a sequence in the written expression, but the problem is that all the soldiers are not idle, they are parallel units, not units with a sequence!

But there is no doubt that during the moment when the battle started, the Japanese army suffered a loss, a big loss!

For the attacked side, cross-fire from the front will double their casualties, not to mention that the Japanese army has entered the ambush circle arranged by the Chinese army.

Just in front of the Japanese army, more than a dozen firepower points of Chinese soldiers suddenly appeared on the left, right, left, and right sides, and this did not include those Chinese soldiers hiding on the periphery who were aiming at the Japanese army with their rifles.

The enemy and us are less than 50 meters away, and some are only more than ten meters away, but Chinese soldiers are everywhere.

None of them were deserters, and none of them could not pull the trigger because of nervousness. Regardless of whether they were from the Northeast Army or the Northwest Army, they were all veterans!

There is a saying in describing the fighting friendship between brothers called "repay each other with your back and support each other with your life". Why is it important to pay back with your back? That, of course, is because no one has eyes in the back of his head.

It can be proved to the contrary, when the opponent always appears behind you and points at you with that cold muzzle, it is staring for death, do you think it is scary?

Shang Zhen used the existing terrain to arrange the soldiers in a chaotic manner. Although it was not easy to form a unified action, it also ensured that there were Chinese soldiers behind the Japanese troops no matter what direction their faces were facing.

In this way, how could the Japanese army not suffer?

The nearby gunshots were like black birds flying suddenly, coming and going quickly, but at this moment, less than half of the Japanese troops could still stand. Fun Court

The enemy and the enemy are too close, and if it is a rifle, there is only one chance to get a shot.

The box cannon could shoot continuously, but when the Japanese army saw that they were too close, they rushed forward with a pistol in their hands. They were Japanese soldiers, and they had a tradition of hand-to-hand combat.

And then the enemy and us are mixed together, fighting hand-to-hand? No, no, the accurate term is hand-to-hand combat, and the bayonets of the Japanese invaders were not always mounted on their rifles.

At this time, the gunshots from elsewhere continued.

Where did the gunshots come from? On the flank of the house, Chu Tian, ​​Chen Hanwen, and Guo Baoyou were firing 38-type rifles on the road.

The Japanese army didn't all come over. They also set up covering fire behind the place where there were two Japanese soldiers' corpses. There were three riflemen with a light machine gun, one positive pair and two shooters.

It's just that they released covering firepower, but how could Shang Zhen not think of this, if you cover behind, so do we.

It's just that the Japanese machine gunners at the back heard the gunshots ahead and started looking for the target, and the gunshots in front stopped, and the enemy and the enemy got mixed together.

The three riflemen fired twice, but then they also stopped their guns. One of the reasons was naturally that they were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people.

And another reason, that is because the Japanese machine gunner lying on the ground was hit by a bullet flying from nowhere, his head drooped and he lay down, and the blood flowed on their daily on the crooked handle of a machine gun.

At this time, the remaining four Japanese soldiers felt that something was wrong.

Although they were responsible for covering fire from behind, they were not far from the house in front, less than a hundred meters away, so how far? When they looked around, they saw that there were more gray and black figures and fewer earthy ones. At this time, why didn't they understand that their Japanese imperial army was being counted by the Chinese army!

Originally, when they heard the gunshots, they rushed out and inspected the wounds of their Yu Sui partner on the road and determined that they were only done by ordinary Chinese people, but now they look at the other side and where are ordinary people?

Since the other party is deliberately plotting against them, they will never take the initiative to ask for jade pieces, so let's go back with the information first!

The remaining four Japanese soldiers got up from the ground, turned around and ran back. At this moment, gunfire sounded again in the distance. It was still Chu Tian, ​​Chen Hanwen and Guo Baoyou's shots, and the bullets caught up with the two Japanese soldiers again. Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining two Japanese soldiers slanted towards the waterless paddy field on the side of the road.

They fell in love with the stalk of the paddy field, the surrounding area was flat, and only the stalk could block the bullets.

It's just that the two Japanese soldiers bent forward and rushed forward, when they saw two figures in gray clothes suddenly appearing from the field stalk.

The figure is not important, what is important is that they are too close to there, they even see the black muzzle of the rifle that the other party is holding!

The two Japanese soldiers felt their heads "buzz", no matter what they didn't expect that the other party would have ambushes here!

They used to look down on the dilapidated rifles used by the Chinese soldiers so much, but the facts have proved that no matter how old the rifle is, as long as it can shoot bullets, it can also kill people!

Gunshots rang out, and the two Japanese soldiers fell down after being shot.

And it was Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu who appeared at the field stalk at this time.

The battlefield is like life, sometimes who can figure out what's going on.

Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu also didn't get the chance to shoot before, but who would have thought that there would be silly roe deer in the Japanese army, and they would hit their guns directly!

"Come on, these two guns belong to both of us!" Chang Wei said excitedly. In the dark and damp mine tunnel, Lu Ye walked forward step by step with a mining basket on his back and a pickaxe in his hand.

The content of the website is wrong, please download the iRead app to read the correct content. The boy's expression was a little sad, his eyes focused on the space in front of him, as if he was staring at something.

From the perspective of outsiders, there is nothing in front of Lu Ye, but in fact, a translucent shadow can be seen in the young man's field of vision.

It was like the shadow of a tree, gray and unreal, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the branches were separated from one third of the tree to the left and right, supporting a semicircular crown.

It has been more than a year since he came to this world called Kyushu, and Lu Ye has not yet figured out what it is. He only knows that when his attention is concentrated enough, there is a chance that this shadow tree will appear in his vision. And no one will notice at all.

What a sad life. The boy sighed.

A year ago, he woke up suddenly in this strange world. Before he could familiarize himself with the environment, the power he was in was captured by a group of thieves, and many people were killed. He and some other young men and women became that He was taken captive by the bandits, and then sent into this mine vein, where he became a lowly miner.

Afterwards, he learned from scattered conversations with other people that the faction he belonged to belonged to the Haotian League, a sect called Xuantianzong.

The name of this sect sounds cool and domineering, but it is actually just a small sect that is not popular.

It was Xieyue Valley under the command of Wanmo Ridge who captured Xuantianzong.

The Haotian League and the Wanmo Ridge are the two major factions in this world, both of which are formed by the alliance of countless forces, big and small, fighting against each other with the intention of completely destroying each other, and it is said that it has lasted for hundreds of years.

In Lu Ye's view, this kind of battle is simply a confrontation between the lawful camp and the evil camp, and he was just accidentally involved in this tide of confrontation.

Over the years, the Kyushu Continent has been raging with wars, and small forces like Xuantianzong have been uprooted every year, but soon more forces have sprung up like mushrooms, occupying various territories, making the situation even more chaotic.

A miner is a miner, right? Lu Ye comforted himself. Compared with those who were killed, he was still alive after all.

Being able to survive is not because he has any special ability, but because Xieyue Valley needs some handymen to do things, such as Lu Ye, who has no cultivation base and is still young, is undoubtedly the best choice.

In fact, the miners in this mine vein are not only members of Xuantian Sect, but also disciples of other small families and small sects.

Xie Moon Valley is not weak. Over the years, it has captured a lot of sites. Naturally, the original forces on these sites were wiped out, and some of the available manpower was sent to various places by Xie Moon Valley to be enslaved.

Without exception, these people all have one characteristic, they are not enlightened yet, and they have no cultivation base, so they are easy to control.

There is a saying in the Kyushu Continent that it is difficult to transform a demon without enlightenment, and it is difficult to cultivate without enlightenment.

If you want to practice, you need to open your spiritual aperture, and only if you open your spiritual aperture, you are qualified to practice.

Opening the spiritual aperture is not a simple matter. Ordinary people can open the spiritual aperture after systematic training, but around a hundred and one, if they come from a cultivating family or sect, and have elders to guide them, the proportion may be higher.

Lu Ye failed to open his own spiritual aperture, so he could only make a living by mining in this dim mine tunnel.

However, the mine slaves are not hopeless. If they succeed in opening their minds and find someone in charge to report to the higher authorities, they will have the opportunity to participate in an assessment. If the assessment is successful, they can become a disciple of Evil Moon Valley.

However, there are very few mine slaves who can get enlightened. They work all day in this dark environment, and they can't even eat enough. How can they still be enlightened.

So basically 99% of miners have resigned themselves to their fate, working hard every day just for a full meal.

Lu Ye didn't have any sense of belonging to the Xuantian Sect. After all, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed when he first came to this world, and he didn't know anyone in the sect.

He also doesn't want to be a disciple of Xieyue Valley, this is not a serious force, just listening to the name gives people a sense of evil, and it will be cold sooner or later.

But he can't stay here forever as a miner's slave. How decent is that? After all, he is also an elite in the new era. If a man has no dreams, he is no different from a salted fish.

So this year he has been working hard to open his mind. Originally, he thought that only the shadow tree he could see could provide him with some wonderful help, but until now, the shadow tree is still just a shadow. Don’t say anything about help. Sometimes it will affect his eyesight.

Lu Ye seriously doubted whether there was something wrong with his eyes.

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After turning a corner, a faint light appeared in the distance, which was one of the exits of the mine.

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The harvest is good today. If you turn in the ore in the mine basket, you should be able to get three points of contribution. Counting the accumulation in the past few days, there are about twelve points. Two points are exchanged for two steamed buns, and the remaining ten points are just enough. Change to a Qi and Blood Pill.

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Qi and Blood Pill is a very low-level elixir, not an aid for enlightenment, but if you want to have enlightenment, you must be full of Qi and blood. Although Qi and Blood Pill is low-level, it is suitable for people like Lu Ye who are not enlightened.

The reason why Xieyuegu is willing to take out Qi and Blood Pill is not out of kindness, but because they are well versed in the way of people's hearts. This cheapest and low-level pill can make hopeful people work harder to mine.

For example, Lu Ye is very hardworking every day.

Thirty feet away from the exit of the mine, Lu Ye casually glanced at a corner on the left front, where there was a huge boulder lying across.

He kept walking, and continued to walk forward until about ten feet away. Then he put down the mining basket on his back, tightened the mining pick in his hand, and took out a moderately sized stone from the mining basket, and weighed it a little. .

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The next moment, he ran towards the boulder, approached the boulder, slid sideways, stepped on the rock wall of the mine, and swooped down behind the boulder with the strength of the rebound, like a vigorous cheetah.

The two figures were squatting halfway behind the boulder, using the boulder to cover their figures, and they never expected that anyone who came would find them.

Hearing the movement, it was too late to see Lu Ye wanting to get up.

Under the horrified gaze of the two, Lu Ye raised his hand and threw the ore in his hand, hitting the bridge of the nose of one of them. The man immediately let out a miserable cry, and fell to the ground on his back with blood streaming from his face.

Lu Ye shot again with the pickaxe in the other hand, but missed the second person. The person reacted well and turned his head to avoid it.

However, Lu Ye had already rushed in front of him, kicked him down, and hit the opponent's lower abdomen. The man's face was filled with pain, and he flew out, knelt down on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Lu Ye stepped forward, grabbed the opponent's hair with one hand, saw the opponent's face clearly, and sneered: I don't know who it is, it turns out it's you two brothers!

He knew these two people, they were disciples of the Liu family. After the land where the Liu family was located was captured by Xieyue Valley, some young disciples of the Liu family were sent here to serve as miners.

Strictly speaking, the two brothers, Lu Ye and the Liu family, are also related by fate.

The website content is updated slowly, please download the iRead app to read the latest chapter content. Did I ever say, don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you! While Lu Ye was speaking, he picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it down hard.

This blow was not light, Liu's second child only snorted, and was directly knocked unconscious.

Lu Ye walked towards Boss Liu who had been injured by him before.

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Boss Liu's forehead was smashed, and his eyes were blurred with blood. He faintly saw Lu Ye walking towards him, and was so frightened that he rolled and crawled: "Forgive me, my two brothers didn't know it was you who came, and thought it was someone else who spared me!"

The two Liu brothers sneaked in ambush in front of the exit of the mine, naturally they had no good intentions.

Before these two people were captured, they were both pampered and pampered. Even if they became miners, they would not be willing to endure hardships. However, the status of miners is low. If you contribute, you can't get food at all.

Therefore, the two brothers often squatted in front of a certain exit of the mine tunnel, robbing those miners who were alone. Many people were unlucky because of this. Not only were the ore they worked so hard to mine every day robbed, but they were also beaten to death.

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Last time they just wanted to rob Lu Ye, but they were not their opponents, so they were taught a lesson.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, I met these two brothers again.

The same kind of rice feeds all kinds of people. Among the mine slaves, there are lazy people like the Liu brothers, and there are people like Lu Ye who have dreams.

Over the past year, Lu Ye's contributions exchanged through ores, in addition to ensuring daily food and clothing, were all exchanged for Qi and Blood Pills.

He took no less than thirty qi and blood pills in various ways.

This created Lu Ye's physique stronger than most miners. Although his body was not considered strong, the strength contained in his body was already better than that of ordinary people.

It's no problem dealing with two lazy miners.

Boss Liu was still begging for mercy, but Lu Ye pretended not to hear, grabbed his hair, raised the stone in his other hand, and smashed it down hard.

Lu Ye has seen too many tragedies in his career as a miner for more than a year, and he has long understood a truth. In this world of cannibalism, any pity and sympathy are useless.

The miners are not in harmony either. The miners from different forces are doomed to be unable to unite. For a piece of good ore, the miners will often beat their heads to death.

People die in the mine every day, and every time you walk a certain distance, you can see a dead bone scattered on the ground.

There are not a few miners who starve to death because of being robbed.

Boss Liu fell down in response.

Lu Ye picked up his mining pick, put the mining basket back on his back, and walked towards the exit. He didn't kill the Liu brothers, not because he was merciless, but because injured miners generally wouldn't live long here.

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After walking a few steps, a person suddenly rushed in from the exit in a panic.

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Get out! The man drank in a low voice, and slapped Lu Ye over.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt cold all over his body, because he saw a light blue light flowing through the opponent's palm.

That was the light of spiritual power, in other words, it was a monk who attacked him!

Only by opening the spiritual aperture can one be qualified to practice and be called a monk.

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The monk's spiritual power is an extremely magical power. Lu Ye once saw a monk from Xieyue Valley make a move. Although it was not too powerful, the man smashed a piece of ore with just a light palm. It was after seeing that miraculous scene that Lu Ye made up his mind that he must open his spiritual aperture and become a monk.

He had also secretly evaluated that even the monk with the lowest cultivation level in Xie Yuegu could easily beat ten of himself.

So when Lu Ye realized that it was a monk who shot at him, Lu Ye knew that he was going to be in trouble.

At the critical moment of life and death, he abruptly stopped his pace and jumped back suddenly.

There was a numbness in his chest, and the sound of a broken bone sounded, and Lu Ye flew upside down and fell to the ground.

The severe pain cleared his mind a lot, and he got up immediately after realizing that he was still alive.

what! The monk who took the shot was a little surprised. Although he didn't use all his strength to slap the palm just now, he just slapped it casually, but it shouldn't be something a miner can bear.

Seeing the miner's face clearly through the dim light, he blurted out: Lu Ye?

At this moment, Lu Ye was already in the posture of turning around and running away. After hearing the voice, he was extremely stunned: "Guan Shi Yang?

This monk surnamed Yang is a small steward in the mine, and Lu Ye often deals with him, because the Qi and Blood Pill was exchanged from him, so they are familiar with each other.

Steward Yang is very optimistic about Lu Ye, after all, it is rare to see such a hard-working Download love to read novels to read the latest full content

However, if you are optimistic, you are optimistic, and there is no special preferential treatment. If you don't get enlightened for a day, there is an insurmountable gap between ordinary people like Lu Ye and monks.

After recognizing Lu Ye, Manager Yang was relieved that he failed to slap him to death. Lu Ye had exchanged a lot of Qi and Blood Pills from him in the past year, and his physical fitness was better than that of ordinary miners. Strong, plus he just hit casually and didn't intend to kill deliberately, so it's not surprising that the opponent survived.

On the opposite side of Guanshi Yang, Lu Ye's heart beat like a drum.

The monks in Xieyue Valley generally don't care about the life and death of miners. They also know that miners often fight in the mine veins. Unless they meet them, they basically ignore them.

Lu Ye just beat the Liu brothers until they were bloodied and passed out on the ground. Turning around, Manager Yang slapped him. From Lu Ye's point of view, it was obvious that Manager Yang was teaching him a lesson.

To see the latest and correct content, please download Love Reading Novels. But soon he felt something was wrong again, because when Steward Yang rushed in, he looked flustered, as if he was standing up for the Liu brothers.

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The website content is updated slowly, please download the iRead app to read the latest chapter content. Download the iRead app for a better reading experience. While he was thinking wildly, Steward Yang showed a look of surprise, as if it was a good thing to meet Lu Ye here, he stepped forward and grabbed Lu Ye's shoulder: Come with me! "

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