The War of Resistance

Chapter 879: same strong

At least one section of the south bank of the Huaihe River was in chaos all night.

The strong men "bombed the camp" and fled in the dark, while the Japanese army hunted around under the illumination of flares.

When it was dawn, only a small part of the strong men were captured, and most of them did not escape, but were shot dead by the Japanese army on the way to escape.

The invaders did not regard the Chinese as human beings. According to their logic, since the strong men they captured dared to run away, they should be killed. At worst, they would go to a distant place to catch more strong men. Anyway, the Chinese have plenty of them, so they should not be killed. Absolutely.

As far as the terrain in front of the strong men's camp is really not suitable for escaping, I don't know how many people can escape in the end, but they will definitely not be many.

But not long after daybreak, a certain village on the north bank of the Huaihe River was also in chaos. The cries of women and children were also mixed with the resentment and anger of men.

"Sir, you can't arrest the young people in our village!" The old man with a gray beard pleaded with a Chinese military officer in a trembling voice.

"This isn't called taking away, it's called resisting Japan! You have lived such a long life for nothing, do you understand resisting Japan?" The officer yelled directly at the old man.

"Then you can't just take them away because you are men, and taking them from other places is also to leave a young offspring for each family!" The old man also defended loudly after going all out.

If he said he was willing to go all out, then he naturally knew that in this turbulent age, he certainly knew that he would be paralyzed by being hit with a gun **** if he violated these wishes of being a soldier!

But he is already old, that's not half buried, the soil has already buried him up to his neck! It is only a matter of lingering for a few breaths before death.

So even if you can't get a good one, you have to say it.

But because of the age here, after all, he has experienced a lot, and it is obvious that the national army is now catching strong men.

And how could this old man not understand? The young man who was taken away basically couldn't come back.

The Japanese caught the strong man and let the strong man work and repair the fortifications. Not to mention the torture during the work, if he was seriously ill and still alive, he would be carried directly to the graveyard.

And that is the one who survived, and there is a high probability that the Japanese will not let him back. Instead, they may just use the machine gun to swipe and finish the matter.

As for what the national army is going to do with the strong men, do you have to ask? That is to go directly to the battlefield.

Is there anything wrong with saying that a man was born to protect his family and country? It's not like that!

The strong men are recruits, and they go to the battlefield without even knowing how to shoot. It would be good if they can give you a gun, but some even have a gun, and they are thrown to the front by the supervising team behind to charge. Well, what is that? That is cannon fodder!

However, the old man understood that when the military officer said that the young and strong men in the village were taken away, it was to fight against Japan, and he could never say that they arrested the strong men.

If he dared to say that he would arrest a strong man, he would be able to cut him straight!

Therefore, he can only use the relatively euphemistic expression of "taking people away". To put it bluntly, "taking people away" is just a fig leaf for catching strong men. That's ridiculous, the officer is really angry from embarrassment!

"The Japanese devils are already on the south bank of the Huaihe River. What men do you have left? All of them have to go to the battlefield, or someone will protect your women and children!" The officer shouted loudly.

"What are you entangled with this old man? If he talks nonsense, just tie him up and let him go to the battlefield to fight against the Japanese!" At this time, several people came on horseback, and there was no doubt that the speaker was an officer with a higher rank.

Then before the old man could say anything, the man on the horse flicked his horsewhip, and the whip tip swept across the old man's forehead accurately. The old man was so scared that he knelt down with a "plop", but the horse ran past like the wind, and the old man was so scared that he couldn't speak anymore.

Half an hour later, amidst the sound of crying father and mother, nearly a hundred strong men were escorted northward by soldiers of the national army with guns.

In order to prevent the strong men from escaping, the soldiers of the national army tied the hands of the strong men together with ropes in groups of ten, which looked like grasshoppers tied together with ropes from a distance.

They looked so dejected, and they were in vain for a name like "Strong Ding", which at least literally seemed to have a hint of toughness.

"Didn't you say that you want us to take guns to defend our women and children, and why are you driving us north?" Finally, there was a young man among the strong men who asked the soldiers loudly and angrily. new

When you are young, it is easy to think about problems.

Since the soldiers who captured them told them to take up arms to defend their hometown, why go north instead of guarding the Huaihe River? It doesn't make sense!

"Who the **** told you to stay here? You can't help it when you come!" The soldiers who were escorted scolded.

"Why don't you count your words?" The young man is very angry, and when he hears the words of these soldiers, his head gets hot and he doesn't care about the consequences.

"My words don't count? Are you **** dissatisfied?" The soldier scolded and at the same time raised the **** of the gun in his hand.

"Forget it, why are you angry with him? Let him be the first to charge forward when the battle is fought." Another soldier said sullenly.

"That's true." The soldier who was just angry put down his rifle when he heard this, but in the end he scolded the strong man again, "You don't need to force me here now, after a few days, you still jump around No?"

The young man was still dissatisfied in his heart and wanted to argue again, but another man who was tied behind him with a rope kicked him lightly and said, "A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses."

"Huh?" The man's words directly hooked the faces of the two soldiers who spoke just now.

What the **** are you talking about? Could it be that you ordinary people who were just caught are good men, so I am not a good man?

But at this time, the strong man who tried to persuade him said in time: "What's more, we are not heroes but peasants. You bosses are really heroes if you fight devils!"

After finishing speaking, the man did not forget to raise his hands and give a thumbs up to the escorting soldiers.

When everyone gives a thumbs up, it usually means stretching out one hand and giving a thumbs up, but the reason why the person wants to raise his hands is because he has no choice but to tie his wrists with ropes.

Just this man's words and actions stopped the anger of the escorting soldiers in time, and after he finished speaking, he lowered his eyelids very interestingly, with an honest look.

The soldiers escorting the strong men could still hear the good words, and they finally didn't speak again, although the sentence "The bosses are the real heroes who fight the devils" made their faces blush for no reason.

But at this time, the man saw that nothing happened, so he looked back.

The strong men are all tied by ropes in groups of ten, and there are naturally others behind him.

The tall and big face next to him is extremely At first glance, he looks like a big and stupid guy.

And the person behind the big stupid man is much thinner, with messy hair of uneven length, it seems that the hair was cut with something instead of cut.

However, the eyes on his young face were rolling, but he didn't have the sadness of the strong men being arrested and far away from home.

On the contrary, the person behind the skinny man is older, but his eyes are the most distinctive, and his eyes are also rolling, but when he saw an **** soldier staring at him, he turned his eyes away in fright .

He looked funny in that situation, felt like a frightened timid rabbit!

And these four people are Shang Zhen, Big Boss, Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan.

At this time, Shang Zhen's expression was still honest, but in his heart he was already complaining.

I am too reckless at this point, I was captured by the Japanese devils just now, and I finally escaped the river but was captured by the national army again! Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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