The War of Resistance

Chapter 898: 1 pig causing a storm (1)

After all, winter in the south is different from that in the north.

It was already March, and the sky was gloomy during the day with signs of rain. When it was dark, there were no stars and no moon in the sky, and the sky and the earth were naturally pitch black.

At night, the old man of a family woke up in the middle of the night. He felt light when he was old.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the sparse raindrops hitting the roof tiles.

"It's raining." The old man rolled over and sat up without feeling sleepy.

And when he sat up, he moved the quilt covering his body.

Although the quilt was mended, it is also called a quilt after all, and it can keep out the cold after all.

It's just that as soon as he sat up, the coolness got into the bed, and that's all when the coolness got into the bed. With him, the old woman who shared the bed with him also woke up.

"It's raining." The old woman muttered too.

The old couple sat together under the shabby quilt at home and listened to the sound of rain falling on the eaves.

At this age, the old man and the old woman have long since lost the passion they used to have. They have several grandchildren, but now they don't even need to cuddle with each other.

After listening to the rain for a while, the old man was about to go to sleep when he suddenly shuddered and said, "Did you hear the pig cry?"

"Huh? I seem to have heard it too." The old woman came to her senses when her man reminded her.

"Didn't our pig get robbed?" The old man said as he went down to the ground in the dark.

"Hey, it's cold outside, put on your clothes and go out." The old lady also panicked, but she never forgot to care about the well-being of her old man. This kind of concern has long been ingrained in the bones of husband and wife for decades.

The door creaked open, and in front of him was a hunched old man in clothes, and behind him was the figure of an old lady who was holding a kerosene lamp and had to cover it with her hands.

The old couple hurriedly walked to their pigsty in a panic, and saw that the door of the pigsty had been opened, and the old woman covered the kerosene lamp with her hand to shine a light, and the thin pig manure in the pigsty It's still there, but the pig has really disappeared!

"Oh! Who the **** stole my pig!" The old woman cried.

The pig was his family's hope, and his family lived in poverty and only had one tattered quilt, but they were hoping to raise this pig and sell it to supplement the family's income.

"It must have been done by those soldiers!" After experiencing the initial panic, the old man finally made an inference when he looked at the dark night.

In the past few days, the army has lived near their village, but nothing has happened to disturb the people, but today the pig was lost, who would do it except those gangs?

"What's going on? What's going on?" The old woman had an instinctive fear of soldiers, and the family of soldiers and bandits really wasn't just talking.

"What can I do? I'll look for the pig's hoof prints during the day, and I can't let them just abduct our pig." The old man said angrily.

It is still up to the man to support the family.

It didn't take long for the pig to cry just now, if he followed the footprints of the pig's hoofs now, he might be able to catch up.

But it is more troublesome to catch up with that, isn't there such a saying? The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people.

Although he was very sad to lose this pig, his own life was still important. If he came to the door with the pig's foot prints in the daytime, those soldiers would never dare to embarrass him in front of the chief.

But if I go to find it now, and the black light and ignorant people just give me a guy like that, not to mention whether it is life or death, then I will really suffer from being dumb!

There must be a cause and an effect, and by the morning, the old man was really standing outside a nearby village.

He wanted to go into the village, but there were soldiers standing guard with guns at the entrance of the village.

Looking at the shiny bayonet on the gun and the tall and cold look of the northerner, the old man did not dare to approach rashly after all.

He could only wander around the entrance of the village, looking east and west for a while, and kept muttering, "That's so good, why is it gone?"

It's just that his whereabouts of entering the village and not entering the village, but only wandering around the entrance of the village, quickly attracted the attention of the sentinels.

This is a time of war. Although this is the rear, the front line is not far from here. If someone is wandering around in front of the army station, do you think the sentry will be suspicious?

So a sentry stepped forward with a gun and shouted, the old man was naturally frightened and shouted his injustice, and this matter suddenly became a big deal.

Half an hour later, a soldier from the Northwest Army kicked open the door of a house, but just as a dozen or so people with guns filed in behind him, they saw the windows and doors of the house suddenly slam, and then There were long guns and short guns pointed at them.

The gun in the black hole was not a joke. The company commander who broke in and led the team was a veteran. He instinctively pulled out his box cannon and opened the trigger at the same time.

As for the soldiers under him, although they also loaded the bullets, they also raised their guns.

But the company commander knew that if this battle was really an encounter between the enemy and ourselves, then those of them who entered the courtyard would surely die! The other party's reaction was really too fast!

"Fuck? Who told you to trespass on the barracks?" At this moment, the earthy Northeast accent came from the room.

"Fuck? Someone stole the common people's pigs, and was ordered to search, and put down all your guns!" The veterans were all walking under the muzzle of the guns, and the company commander shouted loudly after regaining his composure.

Of course, the company commander knew that there was a group of Northeast Army members living in the yard.

The reason why he came here to search here was because of Li Wei. How could he be afraid of these Northeast people when he has an army on his side? It's just that he didn't expect the Northeast soldiers to react so quickly.

But so what, he naturally knew that when he lit up the signboard, this group of Northeast soldiers, you have to lie down for me even if you are a dragon, and you have to lie down for me even if you are a tiger!

What happened next was both expected and unexpected.

As expected, the other party really put down the gun amidst the leader's hoarse command.

Unexpectedly, after the leader gave the order to "put the gun down", he muttered another sentence, which made his face feel feverish.

Just because people said: "Fuck, there is such a big battle for catching pigs, I don't know if I think it's catching traitors!"

But if it’s just that, then that’s fine, but some soldiers answered, or to be precise, they said to the searchers: “Do you understand the rules? , this is what we see is wrong, otherwise your lives will be gone!"

As others said, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Are all of you here?" In the end, the company commander used his authority as an officer to get rid of the embarrassment that all veterans knew well. He looked at the soldiers who were already lined up in the yard and asked.

"Reporting sir, there are 32 of us in total, all of us are here!" And this time it was not the hoarse man who answered the but a soldier with a small nose, small eyes and a small mouth.

The company commander responded with pretending to be reserved, then looked up and down the group of people, and then involuntarily let out a "chuck" in his nose.

He still knows this group of Northeasterners.

Just because this village is now the resident of the 59th Military Hospital, and his current company is responsible for protecting the logistics unit, how could he not know that there is such a group of people?

One of the companions in this group is still living in the hospital because he was injured in the battle with the Japanese army, so this group of soldiers who have no combat missions came to accompany them.

Of course, he also knew how the companion of this group of soldiers was admitted to the 59th Military Hospital, and he also knew about the confinement of those who sent the wounded back then.

What is the name of that old guy with a hoarse voice, old hat Wang? This guy with small nose, small eyes and small mouth is called Qian Chuaner. There are two of these.

At that time, these Northeast Army soldiers were captured by his subordinates, but he gave the order to release them.

But it is estimated that these guys still haven't figured out why they were arrested.

The reason for being arrested was just because of one sentence, and it wasn't a big deal, but as a soldier in the Northwest, of course he was happy to watch these miserable Northeast masters slump.

But this has nothing to do with today's topic. Seeing that the few soldiers who had been arrested a few days ago came to him and asked to be released, their honest leader was not there, so he continued to look at these soldiers.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly pointed to one of the tall soldiers and asked, "Why are your shoes wet, and what's the matter with the mud on them?"

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