The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 660 Role Playing

With two unique powers, Aiden stepped into the cage.

"I've finally come this far. I feel so refreshed." The goddess of revenge opened her arms happily beside him, "Well done, boy. If I had a body, I really want to hug you and touch your head!"

"Stop it, we have to hurry up," Aiden said.


"Mr. Xueyi's memory has been recovered. 'She' has learned that the script she arranged has ended, and she will definitely come to check it in person." Aiden looked serious, "We are ready to welcome distinguished guests."

"That saves me a lot of time. I will definitely look for her after I get promoted." The goddess of revenge grinned, "Then let's get started."

Aiden stretched out his hand towards the remnant soul attached to the divinity and began to extract the divinity and divine words and transfer them to the goddess of revenge.

"Betrayal", "Revenge", "Sacrifice"... At this moment, the goddess of revenge feels that all the powers are embedded in her gaps like pieces of a puzzle.

Every piece of the puzzle and the gap fit so perfectly, filling it without any gaps, because these powers were originally separated from her.

Then, Aiden suddenly felt that his left hand was empty. He took a closer look and saw that the twin blades of vengeance had pierced the palm of his hand, then burrowed in like a living snake and disappeared without a trace. He did not feel any pain during the whole process.

Then, he suddenly felt a huge pressure rising from the depths of his consciousness - from the soul of the goddess of revenge.

"It's back, it's all back!" The voice of the goddess of revenge rang in her head.

Almost at the same time, Aiden felt a concept emerge naturally in his mind: the ritual of "return" was completed.

Aiden felt the call, coming from the wordless codex on his right hand.

This summons made no sound, but seemed like a natural instinctive impulse, making him strongly want to merge with the only authority.

What is calling him is the authority of "Order" itself. At this moment, Aiden has met all the conditions for promotion.

After a moment's hesitation, Aiden obeyed the call.

He thought he would see the "Wordless Code" integrated into his body, but to his surprise, this time he felt like he was suddenly sucked into the "Wordless Code".

In fact, this is just his own subjective feeling. In the eyes of others, the "Wordless Codex" has truly integrated into his body.

Aiden's consciousness entered a space, similar to the space when he was "exiled".

In this space, he saw countless points and lines, neatly arranged, fixed points, countless parallel straight lines and infinite parallel curves extending towards the distance beyond his sight. Various two- and three-dimensional figures, from simple squares and circles to symmetrical geometries that are so complex that they are simply indescribable, are like stars, filling this space.

Looking around, Aiden saw numbers, words, absolutely smooth surfaces, complete but patternless puzzle pieces, people walking neatly as if bound by invisible rules... He saw everything that could He felt the concept of "tidyness", and everything in this space was a projection of his heart.

Such a huge amount of information is constantly flashing in this space, but it does not make people feel even the slightest bit confused.

Aiden felt that his consciousness was spreading in this space, but it was not diluted. On the contrary, it was constantly expanding under the filling of a force - his consciousness was occupying this space, or in other words, he was interacting with this concept that represented order. The space is integrated into one.

This feeling is so natural and beautiful, with indescribable pleasure, as if he was born for this moment, and nothing in the world can compare with it.

When he came back to his senses, Aiden felt as if he had been reborn.

"Did it succeed?"

He saw Chichimora and others standing outside the "punishment" cell staring at him.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt dizzy.

This dizziness does not come from the body, but from the consciousness.

The memories in the back of his mind that he had been trying to suppress came flooding back again.

He recalled... recalled many, many things.

Once again, he saw his own face in his memory, and that memory was directly replayed from this perspective——

Six years ago, the Blood Clothes Order base.

"Now, you should believe it." Aiden felt a sound coming from his throat, but it was a woman's voice.

He recognized Melfilia's voice.

"It turns out that the goddess of conspiracy and wisdom worshiped by this cult is real." Aiden said calmly in front of him, "Does this mean that the human sacrifice of this cult is to sacrifice you?"

"It's just to provide me with a usable body." Melifilia said.

"It's really an evil god. I wonder if I need to apply for an additional arrest warrant to arrest the god?" Aiden said seriously.

Compared with the self he sees in the mirror on weekdays, this Aiden's eyes are sharper, with a serious expression that is completely incapable of joking.

This is the former owner of this body, the superior Inquisitor Aiden Jarod.

"I can feel that you really want to catch me. There are not many mortals like you. You made me a little interested in you..." Melifilia's voice was filled with laughter, "But you should also See the reality clearly. You should have experienced the power gap between you and me. "

"That being said, I can't give up my duties easily." Aiden said, "This evil cult is on the purge list. Now all the believers are dead, but there is still an evil god who rules the cult."

"You should thank me for suppressing this cult so successfully." Melifilia said.

"It can be seen... If you take action, no one in our team will survive." Aiden nodded in agreement, "Why do you want to abandon your believers?"

"Because in my script, they are no longer valuable and should leave." Melifilia replied lightly.


"I can see that you are interested in understanding."

"Whether you are interested or not, I can only understand. What is your purpose?" Aiden asked.

"It's just a little game I haven't gotten tired of playing yet." Melifilia's voice was a little lazy. "I'm creating interesting characters, arranging their destinies, and finally reaping their lives... You don't seem to understand, so let me explain it in a more popular way. I like to find interesting mortals, give them some scripts and challenges, and when they die, I will recycle their spirits and absorb their memories. I will replay their lives from their perspective in my mind. I call this game... role-playing."

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