The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 662 The True Self

"Whether what I said is true or false, this is the best choice for you." Melifilia said calmly, "I will not surrender, and your resistance is meaningless."

"Even if you are detained as you said, you are capable of escaping." Aiden saw this calmness from the attitude of the god in front of him.

"Then you can completely contain me in the best way you can think of..." Melifilia said with a smile, paused, and added, "It is best to match it with the best guards."

"...Then let's do it." Aiden responded solemnly.

He accepted Melifilia's proposal, accepted his last mission as a heretic inquisitor in this life, and accepted the reality that he might not have much time left.

"Very good, then in the end, I want to add an insurance on you." Melifilia suddenly said, "Insurance that can ensure that I can recover everything from you in the end."

"What do you mean?" Aiden was stunned.

"You will become one of 'us'."

This time the answer did not come from Melifilia, but from behind Aiden.

Aiden raised his gun alertly and saw a strange woman appear less than ten steps behind him.

"Who are you?" he asked, cold sweat on his body.

This person appeared silently, and he didn't notice it at all.

"I am the 'goddess of conspiracy and wisdom' who just talked to you." The strange woman smiled and raised her hand to point behind Aiden, "I am her..."

"She is me." Melifilia continued.

"And you will become us now." The two spoke at the same time.

Powerful power was imposed on Aiden, and his consciousness was instantly crushed by that power and shattered, like a piece of glass being run over by the wheels of a carriage.

The "influence" power of the "desire" authority forcibly assimilated his thinking with the goddess of conspiracy, and the "general knowledge" power of "wisdom" instilled huge memories that did not belong to him into his mind. A new personality was born with his spirit as the carrier, expanding rapidly and easily swallowing up his original personality.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Aiden Garrod's mouth. At this moment, his personality and memory had been devoured by the self-consciousness of the Goddess of Conspiracy.

However, this smile immediately began to fade, and his memory was manipulated again. The hundreds of years of memory that belonged to the Goddess of Conspiracy that was instilled was quickly blocked, leaving only the part that belonged to Aiden Garrod.

"From now on, 'I' will continue to play your role in this world, becoming a chess piece on the chessboard, until the end of life, or the power of authority, until then, 'I' will remember who I am - this is the real role-playing game." Melifilia said, "Ah, in fact, there is no point in telling you so much, you have... disappeared from this world. But I will abide by the rules of the game, and the new soul will be selected by 'I play you', and that will still be your will."

"Aiden" covered his head, his expression became blank, and for a moment he couldn't tell who he was, but soon, he came to his senses.

He subconsciously looked back, and there was nothing behind him.

He still thought he was Aiden Garrod, but the real Aiden Garrod had disappeared from this world at the moment of assimilation. Now standing here was one of the conspiracy goddesses who had forgotten himself and was completely immersed in the role.

At this moment, Aiden, who had merged with the authority of "Order", felt that he finally remembered everything.

Memories with a huge amount of information were reviving in his mind. These memories belonged to a goddess who had gained authority in a certain era and did whatever she wanted in the world.

A new self-consciousness awakened with it, and this consciousness was so powerful that it squeezed Aiden's self into a corner.

At this moment, he finally remembered that "she" was Aiden who devoured the heretic inquisitor and the soul from another world summoned by "himself". It's just that she forgot which part of her memory belonged to her, mistakenly thought she was "Aiden Garrod", and concentrated on playing this role.

This is her true self. She is not the heretic inquisitor Aiden Garrod, nor is she a soul from another world who drifted here. She is... the great conspiracy goddess! !

A strange and mysterious smile appeared on Aiden's lips, and the people watching around were not only puzzled by this.



"Little devil... your smile is so creepy."

They all vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Aiden at this time.

At this moment, they heard a voice explode in their minds at the same time:

"Worship me!!"

A field descended instantly, covering this space.

The "influence" power of the "desire" authority, it ordered the people present to worship a certain existence.

The invisible force began to twist their will, turning all their thoughts to "love" for a great existence.

"Offer me the highest reverence, offer me the supreme respect and love!!"

"Desire" arises spontaneously, wanting to love this existence that calls them, wanting to crawl at her feet and offer her everything.

Tony and Veronica tried to resist this power, but the gap was so great that their will was vulnerable to this power.

Their eyes were empty and they completely lost their consciousness.

"Great... goddess... Melissa..." Tony whispered intermittently.

"Please allow me... to follow you..." Veronica said.

"Damn it! Chichimora! Is there any way!?" Lamia rolled on the ground with her head covered, knocking her head to the ground again and again, trying in vain to keep herself awake with the pain.

"..." Chichimora did not respond to her because she could not protect herself.

She tried to use the hand of annihilation to cast "hide" and "overhead" on herself at the same time, trying to make herself "a person who does not exist in this world", but the indiscriminate mental attack was still eroding her consciousness, because the status of this power was higher than the only authority.

I have to leave here before my consciousness is eaten away!

The same thing happened in every corner of the prison. Whether it was the prisoners imprisoned inside the prison or the prison guards on duty at their respective posts, at this moment, they were all offering their worship to a certain god with empty expressions.

The "influence" power of the "desire" authority, in addition to synchronizing the thinking of a certain target with oneself, can also be used in a range, forcing all targets within the range to worship the user of the power.

In just a blink of an eye, the entire Rose Iron Prison fell to the power of this god.

At this moment, this god was standing outside the prison gate.

"You played well, my 'chess piece', my clone." Melissa laughed while clapping, "Now let me see what other surprises you can bring me."

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