The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 672 The Returning Mascot

Half a month later, Rose Iron Prison.

"Warden is on patrol, come to the cell door!" Veronica, who was accompanying Aiden on patrol, shouted in front of the cell door.

Except for the goddess of vengeance attached to Hero, who was still lazily lying on the bed and acting like a madman, the other prisoners gathered in front of the cell door, moving quickly and neatly. There was basically no extra sound during the whole process, as if the well-trained soldiers in the barracks heard the call to assemble.

"It's getting more and more like what a prison should look like." Aiden smiled softly.

In fact, the prison in his previous life should be like this.

However, Aiden occasionally misses the scene of the prisoners' "warm welcome" when he walked into the core area in the past.

Aiden strode through the corridor, and prisoners whispered hello to him from time to time along the way.

"Hmph, you are getting more and more stylish." Ophelia looked at Aiden and said, "I say, there are fewer and fewer prisoners who cause trouble recently, what should we do?"

"Isn't this a good thing?" Aiden stopped and glanced at her.

"The chances of commutation have become fewer!"

"Your sentence is long, there will always be a chance." Aiden smiled.

"Hey, that monster won't come back after being released from prison, right? No, right?" Camilla shouted at Aiden, Lamia just left this prison the day before yesterday.

"Are you afraid of her?" Aiden asked with interest.

"Who, who would be afraid! I'm the number one street fighter in the old city." Camilla said stubbornly.

"Then I'll share a room with you next time she comes." Aiden smiled and turned around and continued to walk forward.

"Fuck you!"

"The warden is getting more and more handsome, how about having tea together tomorrow when we are free?" Daly smiled charmingly.

"I say, tell us! Where did the ruler of the spiritual throne go?" Precia lay in front of the cell door, looking at Aiden anxiously.

They later learned about what happened that day from Chichimora and Lamia, and also learned about some of the things between Aiden and the authority.

From then on, they wanted to talk to Aiden more every day.

"If there is a chance." Aiden waved his hand, "Don't forget that you are still in my probation period."

"Hello, warden."

"Thank you for your hard work, warden."

Aiden continued to move forward, and there were still prisoners greeting him. What happened in recent days made the prisoners in the core area fully realize how stupid and unnecessary it was to resist the warden - there is nothing wrong with living well in this prison.

But there are exceptions.

There was a prisoner who had been waving and shouting since Aiden came in, trying to attract Aiden's attention in a very ostentatious way: "Lord Aiden, look here, look here! Haha, my Fei'er is back again!! Did you miss me?"

Aiden stopped in front of her cell door.

On this day, the mascot of the core area finally achieved the great achievement of coming in for the sixth time.

The moment she saw Fei'er, Veronica's face quickly darkened.

"Should I expected?" Aiden stared at the familiar face in front of him and raised his eyebrows, "What is there to miss? Didn't we just meet a few days ago?"

After being released from prison this time, Fei'er did make great progress. She was banned from obtaining business licenses for related industries, and finally learned her lesson. She no longer went out to open a store with her sisters, but first bought a small financing company, and then invested in several stores in Fireworks Street through this company, and entrusted others to operate them. In this way of being a shareholder of a shareholder, she once again intervened in the industry and became the queen of nightclubs in Fireworks Lane.

The store with the best business under her is actually a chess and card room. In addition to replicating some of the chess and card games in the Rose Iron Prison, this store also has a highlight that there are female employees including succubi to play with customers, and they also play the edge ball of taking off a piece of clothing if the customer wins a game.

This store just opened a few days ago, and it is said that it was so popular that a stampede almost occurred.

"When I learned that you started to invest, I really thought you had changed your mind." Aiden sighed.

Unlike the vampires who must suck blood to survive, succubi use dreams or intimate behaviors to absorb the essence of others. It is not necessary for survival. It only allows them to gain extra magic power and produce a highly addictive pleasure.

This is also the fundamental reason why Fei'er and his group always cause business accidents and repeat them again and again.

As long as they overcome and stay away from this addiction, succubi can live like ordinary people. Fei'er no longer continues to work in the industry, which at least shows that she knows how to control herself.

"I just have a special goal." Fei'er stared at Aiden with burning eyes and licked her tongue very deliberately.

"So..." Veronica interrupted with a stern face, "Is this why you broke into someone's house and attacked them?"

"I told you it was a misunderstanding, I just wanted to catch up with an old friend." Fei'er spread her hands, "Unfortunately, the police and the judge didn't believe it."

"You wouldn't sneak into someone's bedroom while they were asleep to catch up with an old friend, and bring a camera with you." Aiden asked, "I've moved once, how did you find me?"

Fei'er had completely cut off from illegal operations, but she finally came in because of another crime - illegal trespassing.

And the victim was Aiden.

Not long ago, Aiden moved and used his large savings to buy a mansion not far from the prison. He hadn't even told the other prison guards in the unit. However, on the first night he moved into his new home, Fei'er actually sneaked into his residence, slipped into the room, and tried to attack him at night.

But Aiden had set a special rule for himself that anyone who showed any hostility to him would be imprisoned. So before Fei'er tried to do something more radical, Quan Neng arrested Fei'er and woke Aiden up.

"Just investigate a little and you'll know!" Fei'er showed an "innocent" smile.

"You even hired someone to investigate me. It seems that you were sentenced too little." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief.

"I paid a lot of money to get your neighbor to sell the house to me. From now on, we are neighbors, Lord Aiden! I can go out in a month this time. We still have a long life ahead of us, hehehehehehehe!!" Fei'er smiled more and more like a rogue who pestered a beautiful girl.

"If you change your gender, you will definitely be in jail for your behavior." Aiden shook his head.

"You, can't you learn a lesson? Is it meaningful to force yourself to do something you can't do? You are hurting others and yourself." Veronica stared at Fei'er and scolded.

"Oh, really, sister?" Fei'er looked at Veronica provocatively, "Although the intimate contact in reality did not succeed, the infiltration into my dream was successful! Hehe, do you want to know what I and Master Aiden did in the dream?"

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