The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 13 Even my father never hit me

"What are you doing?"

The landlady was shocked, and reflexively wanted to pull her hand back, but the mounted policeman in front of her firmly grabbed her wrist and dragged her over with brute force.

"Be honest, you don't want your husband to come out, do you?" The man impatiently stretched out his hand to pull off the apron of the landlady.

"Let me go! I've already given you money, don't give me too much!" Realizing the other party's purpose, the boss's wife struggled desperately.

"Damn it, you're pretending to be noble, right?" The man was once again reminded of the memory of being rejected by Veronica, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry. He grabbed the landlady's hair and yanked her down to the ground. , and then pressed forward, shouting incoherently, "Anyway, you open this kind of shop to attract customers by your appearance, right? I don't know how many men have been there... One more is not too much... Give me some knowledge, I am willing to sleep with a woman like you to give you face!"

"Get out of the car, you son of a bitch! Don't touch me!" Being insulted like this by a drunkard, the proprietress immediately became angry.

The smell of alcohol in the other person's mouth made her feel nauseous. In anger, she stretched out her hand and slapped the other person in the face.

A heavy slap immediately left a dark red palm print on the man's face.

The man only felt his head buzzing, and the last thread of his precarious sanity was disconnected.

How dare this bitch fight with me... Damn it, even my dad didn't hit me!

The landlady yelled and scrabbled while trying to get out from under him. She got up and ran towards the back door with her skirt in hand, ready to go out and call someone.

The man angrily wanted to get up again and throw her down, but his body was unexpectedly heavy and his legs were too weak to control.

The only thing that could still move was his hand. When he came to his senses, the gun that should have been hanging on his waist was already in his hand.

The palm print on his face still hurt. In anger, he raised his trembling hand and aimed it at the boss's wife's back.

Just as he was about to call out the opponent with threatening words, the deafening sound of gunfire suddenly startled him, and the recoil made his wrist hurt.

The landlady made a muffled sound and fell straight forward, as if she had been kicked from behind. She struggled painfully and scratched her hands, then stopped moving. The pool of blood gradually spread under her body.

The dazzling blood made the man sober for the most part, and the gun in his hand made him feel hot and prickly.

My mind went blank, as if a piece of my memory had been snatched away. He couldn't remember whether he fired the gun because of his enthusiasm, or whether he fired with a flick of his finger. The only thing he knew clearly was the corpse in front of him.

Can't stay here...

Fear re-infused strength into his body that was paralyzed by alcohol. He got up and stumbled out of the back door of the tavern. He ran wildly along the dark alley and knocked over several empty wooden boxes piled beside the door. .

It was raining heavily outside, and within a few steps he was soaked to the skin.

A gust of night wind blew over, and he shivered and suddenly woke up.

He looked at the gun in his hand and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He killed someone with a police rifle. The Mounted Police's gun was specially made. A casual search would quickly find him.

Now go back to deal with the scene? No, there are several pubs on this street, and there are many people there in the middle of the night. Someone must have heard the gunfire just now... If you go back to the scene, you might be caught on the spot.

The gun... we have to deal with the gun issue... Damn it, if you don't return the gun on time, there will definitely be suspicion.

He hurriedly took out his pocket watch and looked at the time - twelve thirty-seven. There was not much time left for him to hesitate.

He gritted his teeth and walked toward the police station with empty steps.

"Mr. Jialon, thank you for your hard work. You were also caught in the rain... You really suffered." Bruce, the newcomer on duty at the vault, greeted him.

After saying hello, Bruce frowned slightly. The man smelled of alcohol - although this guy usually drank heavily while on duty.

Jia Long nodded with a sullen face, but made no move.

Bruce stared at him for a while, a little confused: "Sir, want to hand back the gun."

Then he stiffly unhooked the gun and handed it to the newcomer.

Bruce was stunned as soon as he took the gun - he smelled a faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Please allow me to check..." Bruce tried his best to keep his voice as calm as possible, but his eyes were fixed on Officer Jialon in front of him.

Watching the other party begin to check the bullets, Jia Long finally couldn't hold himself any longer and reached out to grab Bruce's hand.

"What are you doing!?" Bruce was startled.

"Boy, me a favor!" Jia Long tried his best to squeeze out an ugly smile from his face.

"You... shot?" Bruce glanced at the remaining ammunition in the pistol and raised his voice in fear, "Where?"

At this time, several mounted policemen flashed past at the other end of the corridor.

"You guys, stop having late-night snacks and get to work quickly! Someone was shot in Xiacheng District!" someone shouted loudly.

Jia Long shivered in fear and subconsciously reached out to press the gun in Bruce's hand, trying to hide it.

Bruce realized something, and suddenly looked up and stared at Jalon's face, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. He was so horrified that he couldn't speak.

"You just need to do me a small favor...just help me find a way to deal with this gun! I will repay you! My dad is a congressman! I have a way to promote you..." Jia Long said urgently in a low voice.

"What are you talking about?" Bruce shook his head stiffly, "You used bullets... How can you hide something like this? Go and surrender!"

"Use other people's bullets to make up for it! Or just exchange it with someone else's gun!" Jia Long gasped, the crisis made his originally slow head spin rapidly, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "That's right! Veroni Ka! Didn’t she just have a fight with that woman? She handed her the gun back! Yes, use her gun!”

Bruce's expression changed as soon as he heard this: "No, no! Senior Veronica... is my benefactor! I can't do such a thing!"

As he spoke, he reached for the alarm button on the table. If he pressed it, the mounted policemen on duty would swarm to the vault.

"You!" Jia Long hurriedly stretched out his hand to press his other hand, the expression on his face became a little ferocious, "If you refuse, my family will not let you go! Do you understand? You who just joined the police force The newcomer, how easy it would be for us to get you..."

"No, give up!" Bruce replied decisively, saying that his hand had already touched the button.

"I'll give you a hundred pounds!" Jia Long shouted anxiously.

Bruce's hand paused.

After a long while, he asked in a trembling voice: "You mean...really?"

Jia Long was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Of course!" He agreed.

Bruce swallowed nervously and stared at him intently: "So, where is the money?"

"This..." Jia Long secretly scolded the other party for being stupid. How could a normal person carry so much money with him? But his life was now in the opponent's hands. Facing the opponent's suspicious gaze, he could only take out the most valuable gold pocket watch on his body and said, "Here is this for you! This can be sold for at least fifty pounds. I'll look back later." I’ll make up for you again!”

Bruce's eyes were immediately fixed on the pocket watch. He stretched out his trembling hand and grabbed the pocket watch in his hand.

Seeing this, a ferocious smile appeared on Jia Long's lips.

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