The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 14 You are still too young

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule, Officer Bruce Kane." Sitting in the reception room of the police station, across a tea table, Aiden greeted the young man in front of him and glanced over his shoulder. police badge, "Ah, by the way, congratulations on your promotion."

He went over the other party's information in his mind. Bruce Kane, nineteen years old, a police officer in the Mounted Police. He became a regular officer six months ago and was promoted to a first-class police officer last week. In Veronica's case, the day of the incident was He guards the vault.

"Thank you, thank you." The young man named Bruce placed his interlocked hands on the table cautiously, and rubbed his thumbs uneasily, "You are... Mr. Aiden of the Inquisition, right? I have known you for a long time. "

"Ahaha, I no longer work for the Heretic Bureau. Now I serve as the warden of the Rose Iron Prison." Aiden smiled politely.

Compared to his current title of Warden of the Rose Iron Prison, former Aiden's senior investigator of the Inquisition Bureau obviously has more dignity with the Mounted Police. He was able to come to the Mounted Police so smoothly and meet Bruce because of his predecessor Aiden's connections within the agency.

The Heretic Inquisition is a law enforcement agency that specializes in dealing with cases and disasters caused by alien creatures. Most of the monsters in the core area of ​​the Rose Iron Prison were captured and brought to justice by the Inquisition. In order to deal with those dangerous monsters, investigators from the Inquisition are not only allowed to use military equipment, but can also make an exception to learn forbidden black magic.

Within the system of this world, investigators from the Inquisition Bureau are more in line with most people's impressions of elites. As for prison guards, they are more like positions that are reserved for those who are waiting to die and want to retire.

However, Aiden has no intention of digging into this issue. Counting his previous work experience, he has been working in the prison for more than ten years, and he has long been indifferent to how others view his career.

"Then, the warden came to me specifically... for something?" Bruce asked nervously.

Aiden saw his reaction in his eyes and thought that the other party had probably realized the purpose of his trip. After all, the only prison that could hold Veronica was the Rose Iron Prison.

"It's like this. Our prison recently admitted a death row inmate, Veronica Wolfe. She turns out to be from your department. You should know her." Aiden started talking casually.

"Um, um..." The lines on Bruce's face became noticeably tighter when he heard the name.

"After she came to our prison, she made noises in the prison every day saying that she was wrongly accused." Aiden pretended to be distressed and sighed, "It gave me a headache."

"Well, she...hasn't her case been decided?" Bruce raised his face and forced a smile.

"That's right. I also told her that if there is no new evidence or defense reasons, don't even think about raising any questions for retrial." Aiden replied smoothly, "But she also said that you can definitely testify that she is not the murderer. Because she personally handed the gun to you that day. I also think she is being unreasonable, but I really can't stand it, so I can only come over to confirm with you and let her give up. This is also a job, and I really don't want to. The solution is to follow the process.”

"Yeah, yeah." Bruce tried to apologize.

So easy to deal with, young man, Aiden thought to himself.

Based on his authority, he actually did not have the investigative power to question Bruce. If Bruce directly refused to continue chatting with him, there was nothing he could do.

He was deliberately vague, as if the prison guard had the responsibility to confirm the prisoner's responsibility. Anyway, the other party probably didn't understand the scope of the prison guard's authority at all, so he fooled Bruce into cooperating with his questioning.

"Then I'll just ask a few questions." Aiden smiled and nodded, "You said at the trial that on the day of the crime, Veronica hurriedly returned the gun at 12:30, and then Is it true that you didn’t check the bullet on the spot?”

Bruce hesitated for a moment and nodded sharply: "...Yes, it rained that day. She, she said she wanted to go home to collect her clothes, so I...I asked her to go back first."

Aiden noticed his stuttering and smiled kindly: "Don't be so nervous, I'm not here to catch you."

"Yes, yes." Bruce laughed dryly.

"Do you have a good relationship?" Aiden continued to ask.

"It's... okay. When I was a trainee, Miss Veronica was responsible for guiding me."

"By the way, she keeps telling me that she was once kind to you. Is that true?" Aiden seemed to bring up this topic naturally.

"Uh, this..." Bruce was caught off guard for a moment, "Does this have anything to do with the case?"

"It's mentioned in the case file, so I'll just ask." Aiden asked without changing his expression, "Is there any problem with this?"

"Well, it's actually nothing..." Bruce pretended to be relaxed, but his eyes lowered unconsciously, "When I was a trainee, I once let go of a prisoner I had already caught due to negligence. , the prisoner took a hostage on the street, and finally Miss Veronica recaptured the prisoner and rescued the hostage, and then...begged for me in the report. "

"Oh, so that's what happened. If she hadn't settled the matter, you might have lost your job." Aiden smiled meaningfully and continued to ask, "Then when did the investigation team call in her partner?" Gun?"

"It seems that it was almost noon that day..."

"There were no bullets in her gun at that time, right?" Aiden confirmed with him.

"Anyway, the investigation team's result is like this." Bruce answered vaguely.

"During that time, you were on duty at the safe deposit box, right?"


"Didn't anything unexpected or strange happen during the time you were on duty?"

"No, it was the same as usual."

"Yeah, it's exactly the same as what's in the case file." Aiden nodded thoughtfully, "But... she killed someone and returned the gun with no bullets to the police force as if nothing had happened. What on earth was that woman thinking?"

"This... who knows?" Bruce said as he looked away, raising his hand to scratch his brow uncomfortably.

"I guess she's just stupid. I saw in the case file that it was your testimony and evidence that sent her to jail, but she didn't realize it at all and even thought you would help her overturn the verdict. She's trying to coerce you with personal connections." Aiden smiled sarcastically, then nodded to Bruce with appreciation, "Not bad, you're so selfless at such a young age, it's amazing."

"Thank you..."

Bruce couldn't even look at Aiden after being so sarcastic, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

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