The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 151 The Flying Noodle Cult

The next day, Rebecca visited the Rose Iron Prison again and came to Aiden's office to report the investigation.

"... The details are written in this report. We destroyed Vera's base, but I'm sorry that I couldn't catch her." Rebecca said apologetically.

"This is not something you should apologize for." Aiden smiled and glanced at the report again. "It's a good achievement to destroy her workshop that mass-produces dolls in the city. Under the current situation, she should not be able to replicate the same base in the short term."

From the arrest of Precia to the appearance of the first murderous doll, the time interval was not long. Vera should not have had time to build a second workshop that could mass-produce dolls-normally, she probably couldn't take care of two workshops by herself.

Next, the Inquisition will continue to track down Vera, and the mounted police will also use patrols to check rental houses in various districts. It will be difficult for Vera to make a comeback in the short term.

Next, she had to either stop her activities and hide, or try to leave the city that was hunting her, unless she had some unused trump cards.

Aiden decided to stay in prison for a while and wait and see. Anyway, the one who should be anxious now was Vera, not him.

"Then the sheet below is the information about the cult you asked me to check before. I printed a copy for you." Rebecca pointed to the information Aiden was holding and added.

"Thank you, thank you for your attention." Aiden moved the sheet below to the top and began to read the information carefully.

A cult that can use chopsticks... no matter how you think about it, it may be related to the time traveler. It doesn't hurt to know more.

Then he was stunned.

"This seems to be a local cult that started to rise in a village in the northwest of the old Reise Kingdom more than two hundred years ago. The name is-" Rebecca recalled.

"The Flying Noodle God Cult..." Aiden muttered while staring at the photocopied report paper.

"Yes, that's the name." Rebecca nodded.

Aiden blinked twice quickly.

It's not the Cult of Chopsticks, but the Cult of Flying Noodles...

Although the data uses the language of this world, the meanings can roughly correspond, flying... noodles... monsters... cult...

This is probably not a coincidence.

Just looking at the name is enough to be sure - this cult was definitely founded by a senior time traveler.

Another unlucky guy summoned by Melifilia? No, not necessarily. Although he inherited this body through the power of the authority of "wisdom", there is no evidence that the rulers of other authorities cannot do similar things.

Moreover, it is still unclear whether the person who held this authority at that time was Melifilia.

"How could you not remember such a unique name?" Aiden asked Rebecca.

Rebecca frowned immediately: "It's okay. When I was a junior judge, I took over many cases of cult fraud. Some of the names of the cults were really weird. I remember when I first joined the job, there was a cult that sold water as a hair growth elixir. They also said that if you are sincere, it will work, but if you are not sincere, it will not work. They cheated a lot of money."

This is killing people and destroying their hearts... Aiden commented in his heart.

The predecessor Aiden was promoted to a mid-level judge because of his special merits when he entered the Heresy Inquisition, and then quickly climbed to a senior judge. So he didn't take over this kind of ordinary cult that was purely swindling.

In this world, "gods" not only exist in reality, but also update and replace very diligently. The number of cults is as numerous as cattle hair. I think Rebecca has also been exposed to many religious fraud cases. In her eyes, cults with weird names are like crucian carp crossing the river, so she didn't pay much attention to the name of a flying noodle cult.

But for Aiden, this name was very shocking. After all, a satirical religion that really existed in his previous life suddenly appeared in the history of this world.

Aiden continued to check the information at hand.

Two hundred and ten years ago, in the old Reise Kingdom in the west of the southern continent, a mysterious religion called the Flying Noodle God Cult arose in a small village. The believers of this cult would use two thin wooden sticks as tableware when eating, and use various thin noodles, including fried noodles, soup noodles, mixed noodles... as holy communion. The founder of the cult was an unknown witch.

At that time, the Reise Kingdom was a country with a unified political and religious power. The state religion was the Earth Mother God Cult, which believed in the land and prayed for a good harvest. The royal family and the church held an extremely repressive attitude towards pagans. However, at that time, the Reise Kingdom was plagued by plague, and a large-scale famine broke out due to drought, and the status of the Mother God Cult among the people took a sharp turn for the worse.

The witch who founded the Flying Noodle God Cult had the miraculous power to make wheat grow quickly in the fields. She sympathized with the villagers' plight, helped the village through the crisis, and taught the villagers knowledge of preventing and treating infectious diseases and planting crops, so she was respected by the local villagers.

The Flying Noodle God Cult she founded denied the teachings of the Mother God Cult that praying to the Mother Goddess would bring a good harvest, and preached that it was better to worship food that could fill the stomach than to worship useless gods, so the so-called Flying Noodle Monster was used as a cult to worship gods.

In this context, the Flying Noodle God Cult, which challenged the status of the Mother God Cult, spread rapidly, which made the royal family feel a sense of crisis. The queen ordered the local lords to suppress it, but it completely detonated the local people's dissatisfaction with the Mother God Cult, leading to the outbreak of an uprising with the Flying Noodle God Cult as the banner.

The uprising went smoothly at first. The local lord was overthrown, a base was established, and the kingdom's redress troops were confronted. But after the kingdom introduced support from allied countries, the uprising was eventually suppressed. The witch who founded the Flying Noodle God Cult disappeared after the defeat of the rebels, and the Flying Noodle God Cult was destroyed.

So, this unnamed witch is his predecessor who traveled through time?

Teaching villagers advanced knowledge of preventing and controlling infectious diseases and agriculture, establishing a new satirical religion to negate the ignorant and backward ruling religious ideas... This is something that only a time traveler can do.

Aiden tried to search for the little historical knowledge in his memory, but he only had a vague impression. He could only ask Rebecca for advice: "Rebecca, how did the Old Resai Kingdom end up?"

Rebecca tried to recall: "Well, I remember that after the uprising of the Flying Noodle Cult, the Old Resai Kingdom had several more famous uprisings, and the kingdom was weakened. The neighboring empire took the opportunity to invade, the queen was assassinated at this time, and the allies also chose to backstab at this time. In the end, the kingdom was divided up after being defeated."

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