The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 152: The Mother Goddess of Abundance

In other words, although the uprising of the Feitian Noodle God Cult was unsuccessful, the old Lesai Kingdom was completely destroyed under the combined influence of internal and external troubles.

After listening to Rebecca's explanation, Aiden thought for a while: "The old Lesai Kingdom happened to be sandwiched between the Gistas Kingdom and the Dragonspine Empire, right?"

"Yes, now it has become three different states, two on the Imperial side and the rest on the Gistas."

"Isn't that very close to the Sabbat Forest?" Aiden realized something.

He remembered the location of the Sabbat Forest, which was just northeast of Gistas and southeast of the Dragonspine Empire.

"It seems like this. The old Lesai Kingdom at that time was on the west side of the Sabbat Forest." Rebecca also nodded.

"Then it was another witch who founded this sect in the Reese Kingdom. Could this Flying Noodle Cult have anything to do with the Witches' Assembly?" Aiden put forward a hypothesis.

But Rebecca refuted: "Although it is said that the Witches' Coven took shape a long time ago... But to really talk about it, the Witches Coven has been around in recent decades. The 'Apex Witch' Abigail has become the He only became active after he was born.”

"Yes." Aiden nodded in agreement.

"The Apex Witch" Abigail is the host of the Witches' Gathering. She organizes the annual Witches' Gathering in the Sabbat Forest. It was precisely because she regarded the Sabbat Forest as her residence and the venue for holding witch gatherings that the forest was changed to the Sabbat Forest - before that, the place seemed to be only called a very vivid name. Misty forest.

The name Abigail actually appeared more than fifty years ago, even much later than Lamia. The current witch coven only emerged after that.

The geographical location and the record that the founder of the Flying Noodle Cult was a witch alone are not enough to determine the connection between the Flying Noodle Cult and the witch coven.

From this point of view, it does not seem to make much sense to delve into the Flying Noodle God Cult brought by this time traveler senior.

This sect was only a flash in the pan and disappeared in history. Even among all the uprisings that broke out before the end of the old Lesai Kingdom, it was not the most conspicuous. This witch who was suspected to be the predecessor of the time traveler did not even have a name. Stay.

However, from Aiden's point of view, although the uprising failed, this senior had done something spectacular for the time being. At least he was more ambitious than a salty fish like him who returned to his old business in another world and tried to live a stable life. Many, worthy of respect.

But at this moment Aiden suddenly noticed something else: "This page is marked Appendix. What file is it attached to?"

Based on the memory he inherited, the contents in appendices in the archives of the Inquisition are often related to the corresponding main body of the archives, but the connection is not close and is only included as supplementary information and reference. of.

"Oh, this is actually an appendix to the archives of the Mother Goddess Feng Rang." Rebecca replied.

"The Cult of the Mother Goddess of Fengyang? I feel like I've heard of it..." Aiden thought for a while, "And it sounds a bit similar to the state religion of the old Lesai Kingdom."

"It is a cult organization that has been operating in the Dragon Spine Empire and Gistas a long time ago. It first started under the banner of the Earth Mother Cult to revive the old Lesai Kingdom. It mainly operates in the three states that were split from the old Lesai Kingdom. "It has been designated as a heretical sect by both the northern and southern countries," Rebecca explained to him, "Because there have been signs of activity in the autonomous prefecture in recent years, the Heresy Tribunal has established an archive, and the historical data on the end of the old Lesai Kingdom has also been included as an appendix. Go in."

"Is this Mother Goddess Order trying to achieve national independence and revive the old kingdom?" Aiden asked.

The political power and religious authority of the old Lesai Kingdom were unified, and the Earth Mother Goddess Church and the royal family were bound. Trying to revive the state religion of the old kingdom on the site of the destroyed kingdom is tantamount to restoration, and it is not surprising that it is regarded as a cult by the empires and Gistas who carved up the old kingdom.

"Well, there are rumors that the leader who currently controls the Fengran Mother Goddess Order is actually the orphan of the royal family of the old Lesai Kingdom." Rebecca answered.

"It's been hundreds of years and you still haven't given up?" Aiden smiled, "You are quite persistent, but it feels useless."

Rebecca also nodded: "Well, before the old Lesai Kingdom was divided, the Earth Mother Goddess Cult had little status among the people. After so many years, there are almost no believers in the Earth Mother Goddess Cult. It is not necessary to revive this religion." It really doesn’t make any sense.”

"But you just said that this cult is operating in the autonomous prefecture. Is it still alive?" Aiden asked again.

"Yeah, to be honest..." Rebecca hesitated for a moment, "It's developing quite well. The Empire and Gistas have been trying to eradicate this cult, but to no avail. In recent years, The sect still has a tendency to grow and develop.”

"Why?" Aiden was a little surprised, "Didn't you say there is no soil for faith anymore?"

"Uh..." Rebecca was suddenly stuck. After hesitating for a long time, she pushed the question back, "I...can't remember this clearly. Why don't you go to the bureau to check it out yourself, senior?" ? You should still have permission in the archives, right?"

Aiden frowned slightly, and Rebecca looked away slightly.

He does still retain part of the authority within the Inquisition, and it is quite high - after all, to this day, he is still performing the important task of guarding Melifilia for the Inquisition.

It was just that Rebecca's reaction was obviously not because she didn't know or couldn't remember clearly, but because she didn't want to say it.

Rebecca had specially retrieved the information that Aiden was interested in from the archives of the Mother Goddess of Plenty and brought it here. There was no reason for her to suddenly let Aiden check it out by himself here.

Could it be that this cult had something that was difficult to talk about and would be embarrassing to talk about?

Aiden felt his curiosity was suddenly aroused.

Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!" Aiden shouted.

The door opened, and a prison guard walked into the office and saluted Aiden: "Warden, there are prisoners in the second cell reporting some situations to us..."

"What situation? Just tell us clearly." Aiden urged.

The second prison area is an ordinary prison area. Compared with the prisoners in the core area, the prisoners here do not know black magic and have no superpowers. They are no different from the prisoners that Aiden managed in his previous life. The management cost required is not high, so there are generally few situations that require Aiden to deal with personally.

"Well..." The prison guard hesitated for a moment and said, "They said... the cell seems to be haunted."

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