The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 165: Don’t relax for a moment

The next day, Aiden stood in the interview room. On the other side of the glass, Kiki Mora, dressed in gorgeous clothes as usual, was sitting on the seat prepared for visitors, smiling elegantly at him.

"So, what are you planning to do when you bring this news to me?" Aiden asked, looking at her suspiciously.

In the past few days, Chichimora requested to meet with him twice through the prison interview process and asked him for his answer on joining forces with the Witches' Assembly to deal with the Toyoko Mother Goddess Order, but Aiden basically continued to put it on hold.

This time when Kikimora came to visit, Aiden thought it was another cliché, but as soon as they met, the other party said that he had information for him - Kikimora revealed to him the stronghold established by the Fengran Mother Goddess Order on the outskirts of Silver City. Location.

"Of course I hope you can tell the Heretic Bureau to destroy their stronghold. I am a witch. Even if I am not included in the statistical list, it is not appropriate to deal directly with the Heretic Bureau." Kikimora said calmly. He smiled and said, "The Heresy Tribunal here should not be so closed-minded that they don't know what the Fengzhen Mother Goddess Order is doing, right?"

Aiden heard what the other party meant.

After reading the file that Rebecca brought for him, he finally understood the reason why Rebecca had repeatedly been reluctant to reveal the information about the cult.

According to the archives, the Fengyang Mother Goddess sect worships the Mother Goddess of the Earth who gives birth to all things, and admires the reproduction and fertility of living things. With such slogans, the nuns and believers of the sect often ask them to pray after routine religious services. Carry out large-scale so-called "reproductive rituals" - of course, this is not free for believers.

In other words, on the surface this sect is an illegal business group that relies on this method to amass funds crazily and grow.

Even in this world full of cults, religious groups that can go so far are quite rare. The most common ones are the so-called patriarchs who use their made-up doctrines to deceive and deceive women from good families. thing.

Of course, this kind of "clearly" behavior is enough to violate public security regulations. Even if the Inquisition has not yet obtained deeper criminal evidence, this is enough reason to seize their stronghold.

"If you want to kill people with a borrowed knife and rely on the Inquisition Bureau to eliminate the cult, you'd better save the money." Aiden stared at Chichimola and reminded, "The Fengxuan Mother Goddess cult is only prohibited from carrying out religious activities in the autonomous prefecture, and has not been banned. Put on the purge list.”

"Actually, as long as you do a little in-depth investigation, it will be enough for them to be put on the purge list. This sect has done more dirty things than you think. Moreover, they came to Silver City to target you. Don’t you have any sense of crisis?” Qiqimora raised her finger and pointed at Aiden.

Even if Aiden Garrod himself is not prepared to come forward to fight against the Fengyang Mother Goddess Cult, he can only rely on his own relationship with the Silver City Heresy Trial Bureau to influence the heresy trial agency in the autonomous prefecture to eliminate the Fengyang Mother Goddess Cult. The Witches' Coven is also a big help, which is one of the main reasons why Abigail believes that Aiden is valuable to cooperate with.

"You are so sure that they are coming for me. You must have found out some definite information before you said this, right? Or..." Aiden stared at Kikimora's eyes and replied, "Are you secretly coming to me?" What do they reveal?"

The witch coven is now determined to win him over to stand on a united front with them, and they can definitely do this by secretly revealing to the Fengran Mother Goddess that the manager of the Rose Iron Prison is a member of the Feitian Noodle God Cult.

"Well, that's up to your imagination." Qiqimola obviously didn't mean to hide it, "But the Fengzhen Mother Goddess Cult has shown signs of starting activities in the autonomous prefecture a long time ago, you should have noticed it, right? "

Aiden also knew this very well, and Rebecca also said that the reason why the files of the Fengran Mother Goddess appeared in the Inquisition was because they began to infiltrate the autonomous prefecture.

This made Aiden a little suspicious that the other party might also be coming for the Blood Moon Order...or even Melifilia.

If that were the case, it would be a matter of time before he, as the caretaker of Melifilia, would come into conflict with the Fengran Mother Goddess Order.

"So, it's better to make up your mind to cooperate with us, former Inquisitor." Kikimora persuaded him like the previous two times.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished thinking about it yet." Aiden replied without hesitation.

But for him right now, the Witches' Assembly, which he has been in frequent contact with, needs to be more wary of than the Fengran Mother Goddess Cult that he has not yet come into contact with.

The sight of Kikimora, who possesses the divine word of "Nothingness" and can easily sneak into the Rose Iron Prison, is enough for Aiden to be extremely cautious.

Although Kikimora has been meeting Aiden through normal means these days, Aiden does not believe that she has never used Divine Word to sneak into the prison to inquire.

However, Aiden believed that the other party was probably not aware of Melifilia's existence - if they were aware of it, they would probably use it as a bargaining chip to ask him to help them eradicate the cult.

In addition, no one can guarantee that the witch assembly will not directly become his enemy after learning about this matter. After all, Melifilia is a very good source of information on the road to becoming a god. Like Pu Lecia came here to track down the Blood Moon Order.

Therefore, you must be cautious when cooperating with the witch coven.

"As a gentleman, it's very rude to be so rude to a lady every time." Chichimora teased.

"When dealing with dangerous women, how can you be careless? Choosing carefully is not a woman's patent." Aiden replied calmly.

"It seems that I have to go back and answer empty-handed today." Chichimora sighed and stood up from his seat, "Then take care, Mr. Garrod, I hope you have made up your mind next time."

At this time, Aiden suddenly called her out: "Don't leave in a hurry. You have only met with me these two days. Why don't you talk to your two companions? I can use my authority to let them stay here with you." meet."

"So considerate?" Kikimora was a little surprised, "Aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to kidnap them?"

"Accepting interviews is a prisoner's right. I will not take it away casually as long as it is in compliance with the rules. Moreover, it is much better for you to meet under our noses than to let you sneak into the prison to meet them by yourself. You are here first. Just wait a moment."

Aiden turned around and walked out of the meeting room, then lowered his voice and gave instructions to Veronica who was waiting aside: "Bring Daley and Precia to meet with her. If time is available, you can extend it as much as possible. But remember Stay tuned, keep an eye on them, especially the visiting witch, and don’t relax for a moment.”

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