The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 168 Your forehead is black

A tea table, a white bone china cup filled with freshly brewed black tea, and a plate with muffins as a snack.

"I'm so sorry just now. When you first came in, I really thought you were another bored customer. After all, I don't feel any desire to buy from you. Basically, only regular customers come to me for divination." Fortuneteller Melissa took a sip of the black tea.

"I didn't realize you were a fortuneteller at all. You..." Aiden looked him up and down again, "Is it a disguise?"

At this moment, although Melissa still looked like a 15 or 16-year-old girl, her mature temperament reflected in her expression, posture, and tone of voice was completely different from that naughty child just now.

"Yes, after all, there are many people who want to catch me." Melissa smiled, "It's not a bad thing to have an extra layer of insurance."

"Then the store manager you mentioned before..."

"It's me. The room next to it used for divination is actually a confession room. The guests who come for divination can't see me. In fact, no one here has seen the so-called store manager. I play two roles."

"I thought you would recognize me at a glance. After all..." Aiden hesitated for a moment, "Merifilia told me that you are very capable."

According to Meliferia, this fortune teller can predict many things, including the most suitable time to meet Aiden, so Aiden always thought that the fortune teller should have a premonition of his visit.

He even thought that maybe after meeting, before he gave the secret code, the fortune teller would first give his name, and then mysteriously say "I've been waiting for a long time."

But the other party actually went around for a long time before recognizing him, without that kind of mystery and style, which made Aiden a little doubt whether the other party really had the ability that Meliferia said.

"I did predict that you will visit in the near future, but the exact time is uncertain. The business of this store is pretty good, and there are many customers every day. It is too troublesome to confirm each customer one by one." The fortune teller explained.

"By the way, is our conversation safe now?" Aiden looked around.

"Don't worry, the witch who touched the power of 'nothingness' is not monitoring you. She is now busy helping the 'witch at the top' to find out their enemies." Melissa smiled confidently.

Aiden looked at Melissa with some surprise. He had not mentioned anything about Qiqimora, but she already knew...

"You just doubted my ability, right?" Melissa smiled.

"What is your relationship with Melifilia?" Aiden asked the question that he had always cared about.

"I can be regarded as a devout believer who follows her." Melissa replied, "It is also her will to let me help people with secret codes."

"Then you are, the master of the word of God?" Aiden asked.

"Of course." Melissa admitted generously.

"So, did you read my mind?" Aiden asked seriously.

Melifilia is a ruler who holds the power of "wisdom". If her followers are masters of divine words, they are likely to use divine words related to "wisdom", and reading minds is also something that the power of "wisdom" can do.

"I noticed it." Melissa admitted frankly, "Yes, I have already used my power quietly to read your heart. This is necessary if you want me to guide your destiny."

Aiden couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After all, it is not a good thing to be seen through by others casually.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you-at least now, I won't casually break the toys that my master likes." Melissa, who saw through his uneasiness, pointed at Aiden and said, "I will tell you the result of the divination directly now-you have to cooperate with the Witch Assembly. If so, you can go one step further on the road to becoming a ruler."

"Is there no risk in cooperating with the Witch Assembly?" Aiden asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but this is the option with the highest survival rate for you now." Melissa continued.

"Survival rate?" Aiden couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

The fortune teller said this as if he was about to die. Aiden felt like he was suddenly grabbed by a fortune-teller, and then the other party swore that he would have a bloody disaster soon if his forehead turned black...

"You have noticed it yourself, the Witch Assembly has leaked your affairs to the Mother Goddess of Plenty, and they have been eyeing you for a long time." Melissa said as a matter of course, "You will notice their movements soon. They will soon come to hunt you down relentlessly."

"Why? Isn't their main target the Witch Assembly?" Aiden was a little surprised.

Qiqimora once told him that the Mother Goddess of Plenty came to kill for the divine words and divinity mastered by the Witch Assembly, and he still had some doubts about this. After all, it is not wise to go to war with the entire Witch Assembly to obtain divinity.

If the Witches' Assembly revealed Aiden's divine power to the cult, it was not impossible for the cult to target him, but normally they should not take action immediately. Declaring war on the entire Witches' Assembly was already unthinkable, and wantonly adding more enemies under such circumstances... This would make people wonder if the leader of the cult had no tactical sense at all.

"The main target of the Mother Goddess of Plenty is not the entire witch gathering, but Abigail alone, because Abigail has what they want to take back - the only authority of 'reproduction', the hatching egg." Melissa said faintly, "As for you, they want to kill you not because you have divinity, but because you are related to the paganism that once rebelled against them."

"Flying Noodle God Cult?" Aiden was stunned for a moment, "Is it that serious?"

The uprising of the Flying Noodle God Cult did not shake the status of the Earth Mother Church at all and was suppressed. The cult collapsed directly, and the nameless witch disappeared. In the end, it was the Empire and the Kingdom of Gistas that really dealt a fatal blow to the Old Reise Kingdom. If revenge is to be taken, it should be the defeated Flying Noodle God Cult that takes action. Why is it the turn of the Mother Goddess of Plenty to kill the Flying Noodle God Cult?

"Of course, because the assassin who assassinated the Pope of the Church of Mother Earth and the Queen of the Old Reiser Kingdom was the witch who founded the Flying Noodle Cult. It was her actions at the critical moment that led the Old Reiser Kingdom and the Church of Mother Earth to complete destruction." Melissa took a sip of the black tea leisurely. "The Flying Noodle Cult is their mortal enemy and a hidden danger to their restoration of the country. They will definitely kill them all."

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