The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 170 Inherited Power

"This feels a bit like the power of 'wisdom', but the effect is exactly the opposite." Aiden nodded.

A certain power of "wisdom" can achieve the effect of seizing the other person's body and inheriting the other party's knowledge and memory. He really knows this better than anyone else, after all, he himself has experienced it personally.

The power of "reproduction" is just the opposite, handing everything you have to your offspring to inherit - it sounds quite selfless.

It feels like a beehive. The queen bee can use pheromones to control the worker bees in the hive. Once the queen bee dies, the worker bees will pick new larvae and cultivate them into queen bees. In some species of bumble bees, the worker bees can even transform directly into a queen bee with the ability to reproduce after the death of the queen bee.

But at this time, Melissa shook her head: "No, in fact, in terms of objective effects...the two are actually the same to a certain extent."

"Why do you say that?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"Didn't I say it before? The will of offspring individuals created through the power of 'reproduction' will be influenced or even directly controlled by the mother. Under the premise of this effect, if the offspring inherit everything from the mother... do you think it will What will it become?" Melissa was persuasive.

Aiden thought for a while: "The inherited offspring...will have the same thinking and consciousness as the mother's body?"

"That's right." Melissa nodded towards Aiden with a look of approval - this action reminded Aiden of Melifilia inexplicably, "Because of the existence of the power of 'reproduction', the mother's consciousness is very important to reproduction. The child body has great advantages. The closer it is to the authority, the stronger the effect will be. Under this premise, the child body will inherit the memory of the mother body. The child body's consciousness will be completely covered by the mother body, and the child body will be in the self after being inherited. Cognitively, it will regard itself as the mother body. Moreover, after inheriting the divinity of the mother body, the inherited child body can also control other child bodies like the mother body. "

Aiden finally understood it completely. This ability should actually be more like the villain in a comic he had read before. Whenever he died, he could pull out a parallel world to inherit his abilities and memories. In this way approximate immortality is achieved.

And the ability to "reproduce" authority can not only achieve immortality, but also achieve eternal life...

"Doesn't that mean that if you don't kill all the saint's children, you won't be able to do anything to him?" Aiden couldn't help but frown.

"You can't say that. After all, there are restrictions on how mortals can use this power. First of all, in order for inheritance to take effect immediately upon death, the heir must be designated during his lifetime. Secondly, even saints cannot Continuous use of inherited abilities for a short period of time.”

"In other words, after the other party uses the inherited power, if you immediately find the inherited individual and deal with it, he will still be finished?" Aiden thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, and inheritance will not change the physical condition of the offspring." Melissa smiled, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Under normal circumstances, the best offspring will be selected...especially the offspring with normal births, right?"

Aiden still remembered that Melifilia had told him before that the offspring produced by mortals using the power of "reproduction" would have the same various defects as the artificial humans produced by alchemy.

The more rapid the reproduction process, the greater the defects in the offspring. Moreover, if the "reproduction" continues from the daughter body downwards, the defects will continue to amplify, and in the end the lifespan of the daughter body will be ridiculously short - this is probably something that cannot be changed by the power of "evolution".

Therefore, choosing a defective offspring to inherit will undoubtedly greatly weaken oneself. The master of the "reproduction" divine word should try his best to choose children with normal fertility as inheritance individuals.

So in fact, as long as the other party uses the power of "inheritance" and quickly finds the best descendants of the other party and kills them, the saint should be able to be successfully eliminated.

"The current leader of the Mother Goddess Order is..." Aiden looked at Melissa.

"Father Benedick Bales, he is a royal descendant of the old Reese Kingdom." Melissa answered.

"Could he... be the successor of the queen?"

"It's impossible to tell. My divination is not omnipotent."

"Then how many children does he have...I mean, normal births."

"Apparently, there is only one." Melissa thought for a while, "It is a nun named Nevi Valles, who works as the right-hand man of the priest in the order. There are many nuns in the Order of the Mother Goddess of Fengran, basically They are all consumables. The gray-robed nuns are used for fighting, and the white-robed nuns are used for entertainment and to make money for preaching. They are all bred from the mother daughter of Nai Xiu. "

"That goal is really concise and clear." Aiden nodded.

"But it's very difficult for you to defeat them all at the same time." Melissa shrugged, "As far as my divination is concerned, if you don't join forces with the Witches' Assembly, your chance of winning is only about 20%."

"What about joining forces with the Witches' Assembly?"

"About seventy percent," Melissa answered.

"Thirty percent of it will be over." Aiden sighed.

"You're too pessimistic. With a 70% winning rate, it's the opponent who should sigh." Melissa looked at him helplessly.

"Okay, I will gratefully accept the information and suggestions you provided." Aiden felt that he had asked the same question, so he stood up and prepared to leave.

Melissa stared at him for a while, and then suddenly said: "It seems you still don't plan to take the initiative."

Aiden was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the other party had read his mind.

His idea just now was to stay in prison and observe for a while to see if the Mother Goddess of Plenty would really take any action as Melissa said, and then decide whether to follow her advice and join forces with the Witch Assembly.

"You haven't completely believed me yet, but it doesn't matter, you will soon find out that what I said is true." Melissa smiled, "Also, I advise you that it is not so easy to become a ruler. If you always act passively, others will take the lead."

"Okay, I will keep it in mind." Aiden nodded.

Passive... It is true to say so. After all, Aiden went back to pursue power for passive reasons. If he didn't know that his life was being watched by a saint who "hated" power, he would have been satisfied just to manage his prison faithfully.

"I see you didn't listen at all." Melissa, who read his mind, smiled helplessly, "I'll take you."

Melissa got up and took Aiden from the room inside to the door of the store and opened the door for him.

"As a chess piece chosen by my master, you have to live longer and don't let her down." She stood by the door and looked up at Aiden.

"I don't live for her." Aiden felt a little uncomfortable with this statement, glanced at Melissa, and walked out of the door.

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