The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 171 Artificial Human

"Sir, you are back!"

Aiden, who returned to prison, was just about to return to his office when Veronica, who was guarding the door of the office, came up to him.

"What, what happened?" Aiden read a bit of anxiety on the other person's face, and it seemed like something was going on in the prison.

"A prisoner who just came in a few days ago died suddenly." Veronica reported succinctly, "He's in the infirmary now. Go take a look!"

Aiden's expression immediately became serious.

Putting aside the situation in the Rose Iron Prison where there were fights every two days and riots every three days, the death of a prisoner was a common occurrence. But since he took office, the discipline of the prison has been improved to a considerable extent. This is not to say that the unnatural death of prisoners has been completely eliminated, but it has indeed been reduced to quite a few cases.

Aiden immediately sets off for the infirmary, Veronica not far behind.

When he pushed open the door of the infirmary, he saw that in addition to the prison chief Flanda and the prison doctor in charge of the core area, even Mei Ruijinu was also present.

He immediately set his sights on the hospital bed not far away. The prisoner lying on it had his face covered with a white cloth.

He signaled with his eyes, and Veronica stepped forward and temporarily lifted the white cloth from the prisoner's face.

Aiden looked at it carefully. His face looked quite young, and his skin was turning cyan due to blood coagulation. He had a vague impression of the face, but it was not profound. He must have just arrived, and there are no prisoners in the file who need more attention.

"Tell me what the specific situation is." Aiden looked at Frenda.

"Prisoner 3 Wheels, a necromancer, was arrested for illegal grave digging and was sentenced to half a year. He was handed over to us the day before yesterday." Flanda reported briefly, "Around two o'clock in the afternoon, when she was working in the textile factory, she suddenly She fell to the ground, and we sent her to the infirmary for emergency treatment, but her condition did not improve. At three o'clock, her breathing and heartbeat stopped, and she died after resuscitation failed."

"There was nothing unusual before?"

"No, I asked other people present, and she didn't show any symptoms before she suddenly collapsed." Flanda shook her head with confidence.

"Have you contacted your family?"

"No, we tried to find her relevant personnel at the registered contact address, but found that it was a shoe-making workshop, and no one there knew her. The address was filled in randomly."

Aiden mentally refined the information and found that the contact address outside the prison was fake. In other words, the identity of this prisoner may also be fake - before, Meirukinu fabricated an identity and took the initiative to be imprisoned. There are actually quite a few prisoners of this type in the autonomous prefecture, including wandering alchemists and black magicians. Even if your identity is unknown, as long as you are caught committing a crime, you will be sentenced and sent to prison.

Necromancers arrested for illegal grave digging are not uncommon in the Iron Prison of Roses and the Iron Prison of Thorns. In fact, most necromancers in this world have only scratched the surface. At most, they can barely move a corpse or summon spirits. Like Arsenal, they can directly use necromancy to attack people like guns and cannons. There are very few, and the lich who knows how to make a phylactery is even rarer among the rare.

Even if there are two or three so-called "necromancers" of this level in Rose Iron Prison every month on average, there are no special circumstances that require attention, and they will not be reported to him as the warden when they are imprisoned.

Judging from the situation described by Frenda, this person seemed to have suffered a sudden illness and died suddenly. He had no symptoms before... It didn't feel like an infectious disease.

He looked at the prison doctor again: "Do you have any clue about the cause of death?"

"It's...not clear yet." The prison doctor replied with a tired look on his face, "There is no trauma or signs of poisoning. The symptoms are very similar to multiple organ failure. I guess she has some chronic hidden disease, but the specific... …We probably won’t know until an autopsy is done.”

Aiden frowned.

He had seen prisoners die suddenly before, and it didn't sound like there was anything particularly wrong.

But at this made him feel a little subtle.

At this time, Mei Liujinu said: "No, it's not that simple."

Her words made everyone present pay attention. Veronica, Frenda and the prison doctor all showed a bit of surprise on their faces. Only Aiden asked extremely seriously: "What do you mean?"

"It's not just as simple as multiple organ failure. My experience with corpses is pretty good. After her death, the corpse changed much faster than ordinary people." Mirukinu explained, holding her hands, "I have no idea about this phenomenon. I have a sense of déjà vu, and the way this prisoner died feels a bit like when the lifespan of an android reaches its end. I have learned some alchemy of life from Lamia before. The lifespan of an android is very short. It only lasted a few days, and his death was so sudden.”

Cyborg - Aiden suddenly became alert.

What Melissa said to him before came to his mind: "You will find out soon that what I said is true."

Mortals using the power of "reproduction" to create offspring through quick asexual reproduction will have fatal flaws like artificial humans made by alchemy.

The Fengran Mother Goddess Cult may have begun to infiltrate into this prison...

"Impossible. If it were an artificial human made through alchemy, problems would have been discovered during the physical examination." Flanda categorically denied it.

"I also think it's a bit strange. I just took her blood and did some tests, but I didn't find any problems. I feel that she is slightly closer to normal people than the androids I know..." Mirujinu glanced at the body on the bed with interest, "To be honest, I am quite interested, warden. This prisoner doesn't seem to have any family members. Why don't you...let me do the body inspection?"

"Of course not. If we want to do it, the procuratorate has to send someone to do it. It's not our turn." Aiden replied coldly, then turned to Flanda, "You ask someone to notify the procuratorate and the Inquisition. The body is preserved according to regulations. I will write a report."

"If she is really an android, she will definitely not survive until then. Her body will decompose by itself before tonight." Mirujinu said.

"Find someone to watch the body and keep records." Aiden added the order without changing his expression.

If the body decomposes tonight, then we can be sure of the other party's origin.

"Warden... do you have any idea about the prisoner's origin?" Mirujinu suddenly realized something.

Veronica looked at Aiden in surprise.

"This is not your business." Aiden glanced at Mirujinu and signaled her not to ask more questions.

"Sir..." Veronica hesitated.

"Veronica." Aiden turned his head and looked at her, "Go and sort out the information of all the prisoners who were imprisoned this week and last week, and bring it to the office for me to see."

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