The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 173 You can start your apprenticeship

"... In other words, the cult wanted to know the secrets you had before, so they sent people to the prison?" After listening to Aiden's general description, Veronica tried to summarize.

"Yes, they have a technology that surpasses the known alchemy today. It can mass-produce high-performance artificial people, and these artificial people have no will of their own and completely obey the instructions of the cult." Aiden carefully chose his words, "For example, the prisoner who died today was probably a pawn of the cult."

"So that's it..." Veronica accepted it immediately.

In Aiden's personal opinion, even if he revealed a little about the words of God and divinity to Veronica, it wouldn't be a big problem. After all, he himself accidentally learned about it during his contact with the Witch Assembly.

But this matter involves the existence of Melifilia imprisoned under the office, which is a secret that he can never reveal for both public and private reasons.

Melifilia's files were the most confidential information he knew. Even if he leaked a little bit of it, the Inquisition would mercilessly arrest him and send him to trial, even if he had made contributions to the Inquisition.

Moreover, this information was related to his safety, and even people who were absolutely trustworthy could not reveal it. Sometimes, even if the insider was subjective, he might succumb to coercion and forced confession, or be tricked into revealing the information. In any case, the more people knew about it, the greater the objective possibility of leaking it.

So Aiden tried to replace it with the term "transcendent black magic, potions and alchemy" as much as possible. In fact, this was not biased. After all, the technology of mortals in this area was derived from the power of God. And when mortals used the Word of God, the effect was only slightly higher than that of black magic.

If black magic was achieved to the extreme, it could actually barely touch the edge of the effect of the Word of God. For example, the secret technique developed by Precia, although it was still a little short of the power of wisdom and authority, could already achieve the effect of "taking over the body".

If the other party is an expert who has considerable attainments in black magic research and knows the limits of black magic, he will definitely be suspicious after listening to Aiden's explanation.

Fortunately, Veronica is a complete layman in black magic, and she almost completely accepts Aiden's words and believes them without a doubt, so Aiden explained smoothly.

"Then what happened when you said earlier that this cult and the Witch Assembly went to war?" Veronica asked.

"The organizers of the Witch Assembly have what they want, and several big witches from the Witch Assembly also want to take away their technology." Aiden explained concisely, "The cult has been using artificial people as cannon fodder to besiege the Demon Feast Forest, and the Witch Assembly has been tracking the cult's whereabouts. In the previous case of Precia, I had contact with the Witch Assembly, and now those witches have proposed to me to join forces."

"With you? You are not..." Veronica was stunned.

"Yes, they just want to use me, the former superior judge. The Mother Goddess of Plenty will focus on this place, in fact, it is they who are secretly doing things to attract the attention of the cult."

Veronica was silent for a while, quickly sorted out the information she had obtained in her mind, and then asked Aiden: "Then... Chief, what are your plans now?"

"Things have come to this point, and the conflict with the Mother Goddess of Plenty is probably unavoidable. I decided to agree to the joint proposal of the Witch Assembly first." Aiden answered truthfully.

"Is that so..." Veronica thought.

"You think it's not appropriate?" Aiden asked.

"No, I think it's a feasible plan, but... the risk is a bit high." Veronica asked.

This kind of situation is not unfamiliar to Veronica. The cavalry will also use a gang to deal with another gang, guide the criminal gangs to eat each other, and then take the opportunity to capture one of them.

Sometimes the gangs will also collect evidence of crimes committed by rival gangs, and then try to report it to the police, using the Mounted Police to defeat the rival gangs.

However, if this method is not properly mastered, it will also cause a lot of trouble. For example, in the case involving "Tyrannosaurus" Camilla in the past, the Mounted Police almost became an accomplice in turning Silain into a corpse demon, and their position became extremely awkward.

The Mounted Police use the gangs, at least they are still in a relatively strong position, but the Witch Assembly is an organization that even the national-level Inquisition has to deal with cautiously. If you cooperate with them, you may be eaten up by them if you are not careful.

In addition, the members of the Witch Assembly are all witches of the "Dark Magic Management Convention", and some of the big witches are even S-level wanted criminals. If you get involved with these people and get involved in any criminal field, even Aiden himself will be targeted by the Inquisition.

The motivation of the witch gathering is also very clear. They hope to use the power of the Autonomous Prefecture Inquisition to deal with the Mother Goddess of Plenty, but it is not convenient for them to contact the Inquisition, so they want to use Aiden to act as a bridge.

"But this risk must be taken. The Inquisition will only kill the cult after obtaining more in-depth evidence of the crime. At present, we can't take the initiative to attack the cult by ourselves." Aiden said calmly.

"Then should we... use prisoners?" Veronica thought about it and suddenly said.

"For things outside the prison, it's okay to just use prisoners occasionally... but it's probably a bit difficult for them to fight with the forces outside." Aiden shook his head.

"But sir, you see, the two prisoners in Room 12 are also members of the Witches' Coven, and they may be willing to participate." Veronica suggested cautiously, "In fact, the Mounted Police also selects criminals from the prison to serve as informants. Human precedent, I just don’t know if there is anything similar in the Inquisition..."

Aiden was stunned for a moment, then started thinking.

This approach of the Mounted Police is not theoretically impossible for the Inquisition Bureau to do as long as they use similar procedures.

It's just that due to the atmosphere of extreme vigilance against these dangerous prisoners within the Heretic Tribunal, the Heretic Tribunal rarely considers using the power of prisoners in this way. Because there was no such precedent in his memory, even Aiden himself did not consider it for a while.

If he could go through the formalities and cooperate with the Heretic Bureau, he might be able to use the prisoners.

This incident is related to the Witches' Gathering. As long as the reward is sufficient, Dai Li and Precia should be willing to participate... They can become powerful pawns for him to use against the Feng Rang Mother Goddess Order.

"Okay." Aiden couldn't help but cast an approving look at Veronica, "I feel like you've learned enough here to be a master."

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