The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 175 Late Night Assault

Late at night, on the outskirts of Silver City.

Rebecca stood on a low slope, looking down at the village below.

She wore the black uniform of a senior judge, with a hood and a bird-beak gas mask covering her entire head tightly. She was equipped with a gun, a dagger, a one-handed sword... all the combat equipment issued to judges. Around her stood four junior judges who were dressed similarly to her but with different uniforms.

A junior judge carrying a long-barreled shotgun half-crouched on the ground, staring at a house at the entrance of the village. The black magic he mastered gave him temporary night vision and long-distance vision.

Behind him, other companions were checking their equipment and alerting other directions.

There were three more groups of five people like this around the village, led by intermediate judges. These twenty people were the team led by Rebecca today, and they were closely monitoring the entrance and exit of the village.

They came to attack the base of the Mother Goddess of Plenty today.

Not long ago, Aiden relayed to the Inquisition the location of a suburban base of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, as revealed by the Witches' Gathering. Judging from the fact that the Witches' Gathering and the Mother Goddess of Plenty were at war, the source of the information was generally reliable.

The Mother Goddess of Plenty was only listed as a restricted religious group at the "strict security control" level in the autonomous prefecture, on the grounds that their religious activities were immoral and involved illegal operations.

Originally, if this level of "cult" did not involve black magic, it could be completely handed over to other police departments for handling. However, according to the intelligence that the Inquisition recently learned that the Mother Goddess of Plenty and the Witches' Gathering had a conflict, the Inquisition finally determined that the Mother Goddess of Plenty was very likely to be a "heretical cult" that mastered black magic, and took full control of the investigation.

More importantly, just the day before yesterday, an unidentified female corpse was found in the village. Then, before the police station in the town to which the village belonged investigated the corpse, a strange phenomenon of self-decomposition occurred, and the local police station immediately sent people to contact the Inquisition.

The Inquisition initially determined that the female corpse was a man-made person created by the life alchemy spell strictly prohibited by the Convention, and judged that the Abundant Mother Goddess Cult hiding in the local area was a major suspect, so this wave of assault operations was urgently organized.

Rebecca glanced at her pocket watch. Three minutes had passed since the scheduled assault time of another team, but there was still no movement at the place where they were squatting.

In addition to their team, there was another team of 20 people led by another experienced senior inquisitor to directly assault the base of the Abundant Mother Goddess Cult established in the village.

The two teams led by two senior inquisitors, a total of 40 elites specializing in dealing with heretics. Although the battle was not as good as the one five years ago when the Blood Moon Cult was destroyed, almost all the police were mobilized and the police from other cities were united, but after all, the Blood Moon Cult was definitely defined as a cult that must be eliminated and had considerable armed forces.

Overall, this lineup can be said to be quite luxurious. Even against Precia, who was an S-level wanted criminal, only fifteen people were dispatched at that time.

They also made certain preparations for this assault. The investigators of the Inquisition visited the village and found out the bungalows that were recently bought and rented in the village. They also sneaked into the base of the Abundant Mother Goddess Cult through the "believers" in the village.

After the preliminary investigation, they determined that the cult had temporarily dug a tunnel underground in the base to other houses in the village as an escape route.

Therefore, the assault team adopted a two-team division of labor plan. The superior judge Victor led the team to directly suppress and raid the base when the cult held routine preaching activities. When the cult's organizers escaped through the tunnel, Rebecca's team kept an eye on the houses and village entrances that the tunnel might lead to, and ambushed nearby.

After so many minutes, there was no movement. It is possible that Victor's team had directly suppressed the scene and captured all the cult members in the base. Of course, it is also possible that their assault encountered a certain degree of resistance.

If it was the former, Rebecca would have nothing to do, but Rebecca felt that it was not that simple.

The Witch Assembly revealed the base of the cult intelligence to the Inquisition through Aiden, which clearly meant to kill someone with a borrowed knife. But from the standpoint of the Inquisition, even if it knew that this was a trick of the Witch Assembly, it must take action against the illegal cult active near the City of Silver.

The witch who contacted Aiden, Qiqimora, was not on the wanted list, and the Inquisition did not have any information about this witch. But according to Aiden's evaluation, the strength of this witch is definitely not inferior to Daly and Precia, who are S-level wanted criminals.

If the combat power of this cult base is relatively weak, then the Qiqimora active in Silver City can completely destroy this base by themselves.

Because of this consideration, Rebecca applied for as many combat forces as possible, and even pulled another senior judge to participate.

Rebecca waited silently in the night wind for nearly two minutes, and finally saw a signal flare rising not far away - another group deployed in the east seemed to have guarded the cult members who escaped from another bungalow connected to the tunnel.

"Two o'clock direction, location C, surround it! Quick!" Rebecca gave orders.

The team members immediately started to move, and at the same time, other groups also approached the location where the signal was sent from different directions. The several directions they were in basically blocked all directions to escape from the village from that location. At the same time, Victor's team was chasing from the tunnel of the base. Unless the members of the cult in this base had armed forces that could kill them, they would be caught.

They approached the target bungalow along the village road and suddenly heard gunshots.

Rebecca immediately became alert - there was an exchange of fire, whether the gun was fired by the team members or the cult, it was enough to show that the cult had enough weapons to make them alert.

Rebecca gripped the gun handle tightly. This time, the action plan was to try to capture them alive, but if the other party showed any resistance, she would fight back without hesitation. The enemies faced by the Inquisition are often extremely dangerous individuals, and they cannot afford to hesitate.

Just thinking about this, Rebecca saw two figures appear at the alley in front through the night vision ability given by black magic. The one walking in front was a nun in a gray robe, and behind her was a man who looked old and dressed like a priest.

Rebecca judged that the other party could not see this side based on their eyesight. Just as she raised her gun and prepared to shout, she saw that the nun raised her flintlock rifle and pointed it at this side without hesitation.

Surprised, Rebecca pulled the trigger directly.

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