The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 179 Are you also a time traveler?

"Intelligence?" Aiden asked, "What kind of information?"

"All kinds of things, about our common enemy, and... you and us." Abigail said unhurriedly.

"I can understand exchanging information about the enemy..." Aiden paused, "Even asking for each other's information?"

"Since we are going to join forces, we still need to get to know each other a little bit." Kikimora said with a smile, "To be honest, we have always been curious about where your divinity comes from?"

"I once asked a lady her age at a social dance, and she taught me that as a gentleman, you need to know what questions you should ask and what questions you shouldn't ask." Aiden smiled and played Tai Chi with the other party. "I always thought that only men Such mistakes will be made.”

It is absolutely impossible to reveal the details here to the witch coven. First of all, Melifilia's information is top secret and cannot be disclosed. Secondly, Abigail will choose to stop Vera's assassination and cooperate with him. In addition to the fact that they have a common enemy, there is also a big reason. The reason is that they don't know what Aiden Garrod's trump card is.

This unknown makes them dare not act rashly against him. If the witch coven knows that he only possesses the word of God given to him by Abigail, and the ruler sitting behind him is just a prisoner in a cage, perhaps Maybe he would make up his mind to operate on him first.

Lamia and Kikimora exchanged glances subconsciously, as if they were thinking about how to pry open his muzzle and say something. Aiden realized that they were ready to delve deeper, so he spread his hands and said: "Besides, , you also have reservations about me, is it a bit too much to ask me to tell you my details now? "

"Where did your Excellency start with these words?" Kikimora asked in a nonchalant tone.

"You told me before that the Mother Goddess Fengran Cult is eyeing the divinity that you three have mastered..." He raised his hand and pointed at Abigail, "But in fact, the cult should be focusing on Abigail. The 'only authority' that Gale holds is the hatching egg, right?"

This is the information that the fortune teller Melissa told Aiden. Aiden believes that the credibility of this information is quite high. Compared with Kiki Mora's explanation, what Melissa said is obviously more reasonable.

Even if he is bluffing, he must keep the witch assembly cautious about him. Cooperating with these big witches is like dancing with wolves. If he is not careful, he may be eaten up by them.

The witches fell into silence for a moment. Abigail held the sole power of "reproduction". The other great witches also knew this information, but they did not reveal it to the man in front of them - even in prison. It is impossible for Daley and Precia to tell that they both "signed" a contract with Abigail when they joined Abigail's party, and Abigail gave them the "big witch" "Proof" is also information about the divine words and authority that Abigail holds. Without Abigail's permission, they cannot disclose it to outsiders.

"...It seems we were rude." Abigail broke the silence, "As you said, I hold the sole authority to 'reproduce'."

As she spoke, she took off a necklace from her neck and held it up. Even though it was entangled in the mist, Aiden could still vaguely see that what was hanging under the necklace was not a polished crystal like the "Great Witch's Certificate". A stone, but an oval-shaped object.

"The hatched eggs have been calling for those who are close to authority, so the Order of the Mother Goddess of Fengyang has been able to sense my location. Over the past month, the Order's battle sisters have continued to harass the Sabbat Forest and have explored the outer reaches of the forest. To be honest, this is quite a threat to me." Abigail said calmly, "For now, we are using Vera's golem to strengthen our defense. The same mother body, sharing a unified hive mind.”

"Sister Nevi Barres?" Aiden announced the name Melissa had mentioned to him.

"It seems that you have done more homework than we thought." Abigail said flatly, "From the results of our investigation, it seems that those battle nuns have quite good combat skills and can use elementary necromancy. Techniques are mostly inherited from the mother.”

"Just rob it... Their methods are quite tough. Didn't they negotiate with you first?" Aiden asked.

No matter how stupid the leader of the Mother Goddess of Fengran is, he should have thought about the consequences of taking direct action against the "Apex Witch" Abigail. No matter what, he should have given priority to negotiating with Abigail.

After all, it can be foreseen that seizing the "sole authority" from Abigail will require a high price, and they may be able to accept it even if Abigail's price is more aggressive.

"No, they won't be willing to negotiate. In their eyes, this is something that belongs to them." Abigail replied, "Do you really not know? The hatched egg was once a secret treasure of the royal family of the old Reese Kingdom. ah."

Aiden was stunned for a moment. The hatched egg was once in the hands of the royal family of the old Lesai Kingdom?

Meaning... the queen of the old Lesai Kingdom at that time was actually only one step away from becoming a ruler?

Melifilia once said that to become a Dominator, in addition to obtaining the "sole authority" and mastering the corresponding three major powers, you must also complete rituals that meet the needs of each power before you can successfully integrate with the authority and be promoted to a Dominator. . The saint who single-handedly founded the Blood Moon Order also stopped at this step of the ceremony.

When the queen was assassinated, she might be able to hand over her divinity and power to her offspring through the power of "reproduction", but without the "sole power" of fusion, it should fall into the hands of the person who killed her. That's right.

If it is true, as Melissa said, that the queen of the old Lesai Kingdom was assassinated by the unknown witch who established the Flying Noodle God Cult in this world...

Abigail, is she really the unknown witch who is suspected of being a time traveler?

Aiden had also suspected this, but there was a big gap between the years when Abigail and the unknown witch were active, so he only had doubts.

Aiden stared closely at Abigail at the other end of the long table. If Abigail was a time traveler, he should also know that he was a time traveler through everything Kiki Mora found out in prison.

So Abigail just... was reminding him of this?

Abigail looked directly at him, and Aiden couldn't see her expression clearly because it was shrouded in fog.

Suddenly, Abigail looked away slightly, as if she heard something. Then, she said: "Harbinis, it seems that the task has been completed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of mist billowed up from the seat next to Kikimora, and Habiness' figure appeared in it.

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