The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 181 If you say this, I won’t be sleepy anymore

Hearing Abigail say this, Aiden immediately tensed up.

Abigail actually wanted to avoid the other big witches and talk to him alone...could she really be another time traveler?

For a moment, Aiden almost blurted out in his native language: "Are you a time traveler too?"

Traveling to a different world where he was unfamiliar and where the social development level was far lower than his own time. If his life in the original world had not ended long ago, he would definitely have to find a way to go back.

At this time, everyone would be excited to meet a fellow traveler.

But he quickly suppressed this impulse and maintained his composure.

If Abigail is really a time traveler and is ready to recognize each other, she will naturally speak. As for his own information as a time traveler, it was related to Melifilia. This was not a place where he should take the initiative to speak.

"What are you talking about?" He responded in as calm a tone as possible.

"I want to confirm one thing. Are you indeed a believer in the Flying Noodle Cult?" Abigail asked.

"If so, so what?" Aiden felt that the other party was beating around the bush.

"Two hundred years ago, the Feitian Noodles Cult was short-lived in the old Lesai Kingdom, and there was no trace again. I would like to ask where did you get the inheritance?" Abigail continued to ask.

Aiden still couldn't tell whether the other party was testing whether he was a time traveler or just asking, so he hesitated a little.

Seeing his silence, Abigail asked the question again: "Let me ask more clearly. I think you should also know that the person who founded this religion is a witch. I wonder if you have anything to do with her?"

Aiden thought about it and chose to ask instead: "You specifically asked about this matter. Could it be that you are related to her?"

Abigail fell into silence. This silence made Aiden, who wanted to confirm whether the other party was a time traveler, a little uncomfortable. After a while, Aiden couldn't help but speak first: "Don't you like to open the skylight and speak frankly?"

"It's really rude. It's really hard to win people's trust by just asking one-sided questions, so I'll make it clear." Abigail seemed to have made up her mind, "In fact, I was the one who founded the Feitian Noodle God Cult two hundred years ago. The witch's successor."


"Yes, in terms of blood, she can be regarded as my grandmother. And in terms of teaching, I am her disciple. My mother is the offspring she gave birth to using her own blood as raw material and hatched eggs. I was also born in this way. "Yes." Abigail said slowly.

Aiden was a little surprised, but soon discovered that Abigail's statement could explain the age difference between her and the unknown witch.

When unique authority exists in the form of an object, it can also have some characteristics corresponding to the authority. Even if you don’t master the Word of God, you can still “use” it. The authority to "reproduce" may be able to achieve the authority to reproduce.

"You kept me here just to confirm my connection with your ancestors?" Aiden tried to ask.

"I actually have something to ask for." Abigail said slowly.

"Please?" Aiden was stunned for a moment.

"I have a notebook here, which was left by my ancestors. But I have been unable to decipher the words on it. I don't know if you can understand it." Abigail raised her hand, and a notebook appeared in her hand.

Aiden suddenly perked up when he heard this - notes left by other time travellers! ?

In countless time-travel novels, the things left by other time-travelers are synonymous with opportunities! Especially this kind of textual information, most of it must be written in the text of the previous world. No one in this world can understand it. It is a treasure specially left for other travelers.

If you want to say this, I won’t be sleepy!

But Aiden still suppressed his excitement and pretended to answer calmly: "Maybe, I did learn a language that is said to be related to this religion, but I am not sure if it is the text in the notebook."

If he showed too much eagerness, it would inevitably be a bit unnatural. Anyway, Abigail would probably lend it to him to read in order to interpret the notebook.

Moreover, if he thought about it carefully, even if it was really a note written by another time traveler in his own native language, he might not be able to decipher it. Now he only knew two things about the witch who might be a time traveler. One was that she knew about the Flying Noodle Cult, and the other was that she knew how to use chopsticks. These two points alone were not enough to determine whether the mother tongue she spoke was the same as his. After all, there were more than one country where he used chopsticks as tableware in his previous life.

But Abigail did not hand over the note to him immediately, but asked another question: "Can you tell me now, where did you get the inheritance from?"

Aiden thought for a while and chose to find an excuse at random: "The old gentleman from my neighbor's house when I was a child seems to have ancestors from the old Lesai Kingdom. He is a believer in the Feitian Noodle God Religion. According to him, he is related to the founder of the religion. I have a lot of history with him. I used to go to his bookstore often, and I first read about the Feitian Noodle God Cult from the notes he collected. He saw that I was interested in those things, so he taught me some of them, including those languages. "

Aiden directly chose the secret skill of creating an acquaintance out of thin air. Abigail was not a time traveler herself, and it seemed that she was not aware of the existence of time travellers, so there was no need to confess to her.

"Where is that old gentleman now?" Abigail asked inquiringly.

"Dead, dead for more than ten years." Aiden simply chose to die without any evidence, and only added the sentence "the ashes were scattered."

It is most convenient to hide the problem on a dead person, let alone a dead person who does not exist.

"Then the notes he left..." Abigail continued to ask.

"Unfortunately, I remember that he was dealt with by his family." Aiden spread his hands.

"..." Abigail was silent for a long time, and this silence made Aiden feel a little nervous.

After a long time, Abigail said: "Let's just treat it like that."

She said and threw the notebook into the air with her hand. For a moment, the notebook kept opening and closing, flying in the air like a butterfly with fluttering wings, and finally stopped in front of Aiden and opened it.

Aiden focused his attention on the notebook. Abigail obviously didn't believe his nonsense, so she still tried to give him the notebook to decipher.

The first few pages of the notebook had obviously been torn out, leaving several zigzag-shaped breaks. On the first page left, Aiden saw the date. Under the date, it was the mother tongue that Aiden was familiar with:

"I was cheated..."

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