The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 189: Gaining Benefits

In Abigail's summoning space, Aiden sat at the end of the long table and held a meeting with the witches.

"Bounty hunters? We already know about this. In recent days, some people other than nuns have occasionally entered the Demon Feast Forest." Abigail replied after listening to Aiden's narration, "It's just that we now know that their base camp is located in the autonomous state."

"They have turned their main target to you. I guess they should have intensified their offensive against the Demon Feast Forest these days." Aiden asked.

Abigail was silent for a long time before she answered, "Yes, there were many guests last night alone, and the other side also started to spend a lot of money."

Vera looked at Abigail and said nothing.

In fact, the offensive of the Abundant Mother Goddess Cult last night was by no means as simple as "many guests came". It was a "troop" composed of hundreds of combat nuns and desperate hunters who poured in along the route they had explored before.

To be honest, the fact that the Cult had just been hit and immediately launched a serious attack on the Demon Feast Forest was a bit beyond their expectations.

"I guess they won't change their location before they get the sole authority." Aiden smiled, "Then when are you going to make a move? I can get some benefits from it."

"Fuck! You little brat, don't you have any way to hide it?" Habinis cursed immediately.

"Anyway, your situation is more critical than mine now, that's a fact." Aiden replied shamelessly.

He had already made up his mind in his heart that if the Witch Gathering didn't move, he wouldn't move either.

This is not a question of passive response. If the Witch Gathering didn't make a move, he didn't have the confidence to win the direct conflict with the cult.

He was in a very unfavorable situation when he got involved with the Witch Gathering and the Mother Goddess of Plenty. Both the Witch Gathering and the Mother Goddess of Plenty actually had a much higher level of mastery of the Word of God than him.

If the competition was based on strength alone, he couldn't beat the saints of the cult, and he had no say in negotiating terms with the Witch Gathering.

So he tried his best to conceal his true identity from the witches in the process of joining forces with the witches' gathering, so that they could overestimate his strength or the forces behind him.

The intensified conflict between the cult and the witches' gathering was a good thing for him. He soon realized that he should take advantage of this situation, let the witches' gathering fight back head-on, and then he would stab the cult in the back.

It was necessary to take action, but it was necessary to seize the most appropriate time.

"After so many years, the king of the old Reise Kingdom may have completed the adaptation ceremony long ago." Abigail said calmly, "It is estimated that as long as he gets the hatching egg, he can directly be promoted to the ruler. At that time, the next target will be you, sir."

At this time, Vera suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?" Abigail glanced at her.

"The nearby golems have responded, and the invaders are approaching!" Vera said uncomfortably.

"Those ants have come to the scene? No way?" Qiqimora was so surprised that he even dropped the cigarette in his hand.

Vera is now at the venue where the witch gathering is usually held. She has set up a workshop for making golems there and mass-produced wicker men to deal with the attacks of the cult.

But just last night, a large number of fully armed combat nuns and hunters suddenly poured into the Demon Feast Forest. While slaughtering monsters, they destroyed a large number of golems, greatly advancing the progress of the Demon Feast Forest.

The exposure of the venue location of the Demon Feast Forest is no small matter for the witch gathering. If the cult spreads the location of the venue and the entry route, the annual witch gathering will no longer be safe, and the number of witches willing to participate will also be greatly reduced.

"Why didn't your animal familiars sense it in advance?" Lamia asked Abigail in a blaming tone.

"I sent most of my familiars to the autonomous state, and the vigilance of the Demon Feast Forest was naturally weakened." Abigail paused, then waved her hand, and a crystal ball flew over by itself, floating just above the long table, reflecting the scene in the forest.

Several fighting nuns besieged a wicker man. One nun rushed forward without hesitation, allowing the wicker man to grab her and put her in his stomach to burn. But at the moment she was engulfed by the flames, the nun's body suddenly "exploded" - this abandoned nun was actually tied with explosives.

A huge hole was instantly blown out of the wicker man's body. Because the closure was destroyed, in order to prevent the flames from igniting the forest, the spell set on the branches immediately extinguished the flames.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, other nuns rushed forward. This time they changed their close-range weapons from sickles to axes that were more suitable for chopping. They besieged the unbalanced wicker man with axes, cut off the branches on his legs and knocked him down.

Abigail chanted a spell, and the picture in the crystal ball changed. This time, several Warcraft hunters with shotguns appeared in it. The leader was a burly tiger man, carrying a bow and arrow, holding a bloodstained double-edged axe in his hand. Around them, there were already piles of Warcraft corpses.

Aiden recognized that the tiger man seemed to have appeared on Rebecca's list. He was a well-known monster hunter and should be the strongest among the mercenaries hired by the cult.

"It's no use. They have completely mastered the tricks to deal with the wicker man." Lamia commented.

"Looking at the situation, the area near the venue can no longer be defended." Abigail thought for a moment and made a decision, "Vera, give up the workshop. Take the certificate, I will guide you to escape to a safe place."

"But..." Vera looked a little anxious.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Abigail interrupted her, "You don't want to be captured by those hunters to collect the bounty, right? You leave there, and I will find a way to deal with them."

Vera is an S-class wanted criminal. If the hunters discover her, they will definitely pursue her. Although she is good at making golems and alchemy, her frontal combat ability is not very good. If she is caught up, she will definitely die.

Vera did not hesitate anymore, cut off contact, and exited the summoning space.

Aiden looked at the image in the crystal ball. The Mother Goddess Fengran Order should have been accumulating combat power at its stronghold in Beifeng Town. If they were not attacked by the Heresy Tribunal, they would probably have to prepare for war for a while.

Now that they had just been taken over by the Inquisition, they immediately spent all their money to launch a continuous fierce attack on the Sabbat Forest. This risky and sudden approach could be regarded as catching the Witches Coven off guard.

Now that a large number of combat forces from the Order are pouring into the Sabbat Forest, the conflict between the Witches' Assembly and the Order has intensified... If you want to backstab the Order to reap benefits, this may be a good opportunity to take action.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand: "I have a proposal, how about we start attacking their base camp now."

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