The next day, on the outskirts of Beifeng Town.

Aiden and his party set up a temporary tent in a hidden place on a low slope. It is called a tent, but it is no different from the awnings erected by roadside stalls. It can only be regarded as a simple resting point.

"That's the abandoned mine where the target is." Aiden stood on the low slope, wearing his past outfit as an inquisitor, looking at the mine in the distance with a telescope.

There is nothing to see from this place. The distance is too far and the angle of view is not high enough. You can't see the mine, only some abandoned houses. But Aiden is worried that if he gets too close, he may be discovered by the enemy.

But both the Inquisition and the Witch Assembly are sure that there is an enemy garrison there, and this information should be correct.

"You two..." Aiden turned his head and looked at Precia and Daly, glancing at the shackles on their wrists, "Open the casting authority. Use your familiars to explore the situation in the village first, and try to find the location of the priest and the nun."

The shackles on Daly and Precia have a sealing effect similar to the barrier in the prison, but they are for single use.

Although there is a demon contract, considering the possibility that the two of them secretly contacted other members of the witch gathering, Aiden chose to add an extra insurance.

"Understood, Warden."

Only Daly responded. She walked to the tent and took out the birdcage prepared in advance, and released the crow inside. This crow will act as her ears to scout around the abandoned mine.

Precia did not bring any special pets with her. She looked around and set her eyes on a turtledove resting on a rock not far away.

"【Give me eyes and ears, give you wisdom.】" She raised her hand and chanted a spell, instantly controlling the bird with her mind.

The turtledove flapped its wings and flew over, landing directly on the shackles on Precia's wrist. Precia's attainments in mental spells far surpassed Daly, and she could use local materials.

Then Aiden looked at Veronica who was sorting out her equipment: "Veronica, have you performed missions here before?"

"Yes, I've been here twice." Veronica nodded.

"Can you draw a rough map?" Aiden asked.

"I can try to recall it." Veronica nodded.

"Everyone has work to do, are you going to be lazy here?" Precia stared at Aiden.

"It seems that you haven't figured out your position yet. When will it be your turn to supervise me?" Aiden glanced at her, "You are responsible for investigation, I will wait for Abigail's contact, and when they make a move, we will follow up."

After the raid that night, the Inquisition still needs one or two days to prepare before it can free up manpower. Aiden doesn't get much support in terms of combat power. Of course, Aiden doesn't want the Inquisition to get involved too much now. On the one hand, it is difficult for the Inquisitor and the Great Witches to get along well, and on the other hand, he also wants to seize the divinity held by the Abundant Mother Goddess Cult.

Aiden turned around, took the luggage under the tent, and prepared to get something to eat. They took the train from Silver City to Beifeng Town overnight, and then hired a carriage to move to this wilderness. They didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

There were only some dry food, cheese, canned food, and sugar in the backpack, all of which were portable foods taken from the prison. They were simple and crude, like the most crude marching rations... But if you think about it carefully, they are actually here to fight.

"Why can't we eat something in town? We have to run here non-stop to eat dry food." Precia complained.

"The warden is eating the same thing as you. You are a prisoner and you have a lot of requirements. How about I hire a chef to follow you next time?" Aiden replied with a fake smile, and then pointed to the mercury ball huddled under the tent, "With it, we can't move around in town at all."

The mercury alloy golem weighs more than half a ton and has independent consciousness. Naturally, it is impossible to let it act arbitrarily in the outside world.

During the domestication of these days, Aiden found that the mercury alloy golem would enter a dormant state when it encounters low temperatures, so Aiden cooled it and put it in a sealed container, and released it when the goods were escorted to the suburbs.

The shipping cost alone was a lot of money, but considering that Abigail's statement did make sense, he just endured it for the time being.

"Don't stay under the tent, you don't need to cool off." Aiden drove the mercury ball that was curled up under the tent out. The domestication these days has been effective, and this thing can understand some simple commands to some extent.

The mercury ball slowly crawled out of the tent. Aiden took out the food from the backpack and suddenly froze.

He flipped through the backpack again, and then he was sure.

A can was missing.

Aiden slowly moved his eyes to the mercury ball that was slowly moving to the outside of the tent.

Being stared at like this, the mercury ball suddenly stopped crawling, and then Aiden vaguely heard a crisp "click" sound from the inside of the mercury ball.

"Spit it out." After a long time, Aiden spoke expressionlessly.

The mercury ball stopped there without responding, as if pretending that nothing had happened.

"Would you like some sulfur powder?" Aiden smiled "kindly" and took out a flat sealed can.

This jar contains sulfur powder used to repel insects. Aiden used the conventional "whip and sugar" method to tame the amalgam golem. "Sugar" is naturally Mercury Ball's favorite precious metal, but he still spent some effort to find the "whip". In the end, he It was discovered that the amalgam golem seemed to hate sulfur powder that reacted with mercury.

Sprinkling this thing over can't actually cause any serious damage to the mercury ball, but it seems to make it feel extremely uncomfortable, like a vampire smoked by garlic.

The moment he took out the can, the mercury ball trembled violently, and then he heard a strange gurgling sound inside it, and finally spit out a crumpled and worn beef can.

"When we finish eating, the empty can will be given to you." Aiden knew that the mercury ball was actually chewing on the iron outside of the beef can. "Next time you eat it by yourself, I will use this can to give you extra food."

He showed a slightly ferocious sneer and shook the sealed jar containing sulfur towards the mercury ball.

The mercury ball was so frightened that it turned into the shape of a sea urchin for a moment, and then quickly slid into a gap in the mountain wall and shrank up.

Aiden suddenly laughed when he saw the mercury ball's reaction. The "Terminator" that was controlled by Vera using its core and could turn into human form was very cool, but this kind of "robot pet" with autonomous consciousness seemed pretty good too. of.

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