About three quarters of an hour later, Veronica put the map she drew from memory under the tent and unfolded it, while Dailey and Precia began to report on the preliminary investigation.

"There is a railway that runs through the village and directly reaches the abandoned mine pit. At this crossing, there are two nuns guarding it. Then there are five nuns in gray robes patrolling this part of the village and this part, basically covering all entrances and exits. ." Dai Li marked it on the map.

"I went deep into the vicinity of the abandoned mine, and I saw white flowers all full of people inside the mine..." Precia added.

"Bai Huahua?" Aiden was stunned by this description.

"Without any clothes, it's probably their breeding ground." Precia explained.

"Quantity?" Aiden asked.

It sounds like a very ideal place for men, but considering that these doll-like nuns have been bred at high speed, they are all their enemies, which is a bit sad.

"I clicked. There are thirty-two new students in this batch. There are two other nuns behind them who brought gray robes and weapons and distributed them to them."

Aiden's face couldn't help but become solemn, and he found nearly fifty people in this casual exploration. Considering that each of these nuns is a warrior who is not afraid of death, it may be difficult to attack them by force.

"Where are the hired hunters?" Aiden asked again.

"I didn't see it." Dailey and Precia replied in unison.

It seemed that all the stragglers that the cult had spent money to gather were thrown into the Sabbat Forest. If nothing else happened, these people should have died in Abigail's hands by the end of the night. Aiden relaxed a little. Take a breath.

The cult's fierce attack on the Sabbat Forest is still continuing, so there is no need to worry. These nuns should be sent out sooner or later, and by then the defense of this stronghold will be relaxed.

"Where are the priest and Sister Nai?" Aiden asked about the most critical target.

"Still looking. If they are indoors or underground, it will be difficult for our familiars to find them." Precia spread her hands, "If they intend to hide, there is nothing we can do."

"Then the main target position can only be determined by Kiki Mora." Aiden thought to himself.

If the main target can only be accurately located with Kikimora's infiltration ability, then the initiative to launch an attack on the cult will lie in the hands of the Witches' Assembly.

At this time, Aiden suddenly felt the pendant hanging around his neck react.

Contact from Abigail is coming!

"Wait for me a moment, Veronica, the authority of the shackles is transferred to you, you watch them." Aiden quickly ordered while sitting upright.


As soon as Veronica responded, Aiden felt a surging gray mist appear in front of his eyes. Then, he appeared at the witch gathering. On the other side of the long table, he only saw Abigail. , Lamia, Vera and Harbinis.

Everyone is here - this thought flashed through his mind, but soon he found that the seat next to Abigail was empty.

This was not "natural" and made him feel a little uncomfortable for a moment, as if he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder when he saw the asymmetry in the number of people on both sides of the long table.

"Is there someone missing?" He blurted out this sentence.

"I'm very happy that your Excellency can remember me." Kikimora's smiling voice suddenly sounded.

Aiden was shocked, and suddenly realized that the person missing just now was Kiki Mora.

On the originally empty seat to Abigail's left, Kikimora appeared there at some point, holding a lit cigarette in his hand.

Obviously, she had just used the power of "nothingness" to eliminate her own existence in other people's consciousness.

But Aiden was still a little surprised. Before Kikimora took the initiative to show up, he did have an uncomfortable feeling like he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. It was like looking at a puzzle with a piece missing and always wanted to put it together. Make up.

"Kikimora, you should be in the middle of the enemy camp now." Abigail was obviously very accustomed to Kikimora's power, and asked as soon as she appeared.

"Yes, I have found Father Barres and Sister Nevius." Chichimora replied calmly.

"Where are they?" Aiden asked.

"The priest is in the same room as me. Next to the clock tower of this ruined village, in a two-story house with a red roof, the priest is lying on the bed and resting." Chichimola reported with a smile, "As for Sister Nevi , directing other nuns to prepare their weapons in the clock tower."

"Are you and Father Bales in the same room?" Habiness said with interest, "Then if you stab him now while he is sleeping, won't his head fall to the ground immediately?"

"Then he can immediately activate the inherited authority and kill me later." Chichimora added.

"I have finished cleaning up here. I killed almost two hundred people this night." Abigail said slowly, "The priest is resting. The power of 'reproduction' should have been used to its limit. Now is the right time." When taking action.”

"There are at least thirty new nuns in the mine. Let's wait until they leave the mine before we take action." Aiden suggested.

"Your Excellency, do you want me to take on another offensive?" Abigail looked over.

Now that the Witches' Coven has lost the venue for its annual gathering, she naturally does not want the cult to penetrate further into the depths of the forest.

"Since you have chosen to defend the base to protect the hatched eggs, you must naturally take the responsibility of delaying the opponent's combat power." Aiden smiled, "This way our assault will be smoother."

"Why not just do this, I will go and deal with the miscellaneous soldiers in the mine, I happen to be on the mine now. Then I will deal with Sister Naiwei, and then you will go to besiege the priest?" Lamia suddenly proposed.

"You are choosing the safest proposal for yourself." Aiden commented.

"I have to deal with the most people." Lamia said slowly, "and if the plan goes well, the remains with divinity will fall into your hands first."

"If the heir dies too early, the priest may have the opportunity to re-select a new heir, and the time difference between the two must be controlled." Abigail reminded, "However, the 'inheritance' power that mortals can use should be limited in range, and the two of them will not be too far apart."

"That's easy, I will just break the nun's limbs and control her." Lamia's tone seemed quite pleasant.

It seems that the division of labor has been decided. Aiden doesn't mind joining the siege group with more people.

"So, when will we act?" he asked. "It will take us about fifteen minutes to get to the railway crossing of the village."

Everyone focused their attention on Chichimora. After all, she was now in control of the situation on the scene of the enemy camp.

Chichimora thought for a while and said, "How about half an hour later?"

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