The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 193 People cannot choose their parents

At noon, at the railway crossing of the abandoned village.

This is the flattest road to the abandoned mine. This village built in the mine is surrounded by rocks, and most of the houses are built on the hillside.

At the railway checkpoint leading to the village, there are two nuns holding shotguns guarding it.

Nothing unusual, until a strange sound came along the rails, as if someone was grinding the rails with a hacksaw, and the sound was not far away.

The nuns guarding both sides of the rails looked at each other and were sure that it was not their illusion.

They looked in the direction outside the village together, their eyes extending all the way out along the rails.

Finally, they found that a hundred meters away, there was a pile of things covering the rails, as if someone had dug a box of soil to bury the rails.

But the weird thing is that this pile of "soil" is silver, reflecting dazzling light under the sun.

The strange sound came from there, and no one knew when this pile of things appeared.

The two nuns took up their shotguns at the same time and walked over there.

After the distance was shortened to more than 20 meters, a nun directly raised her gun and fired at the mass of things.

She fired a magic-devouring bullet, which has a very good dispelling effect on the caster, the magic creation, and even the object affected by the spell.

But the strange thing did not react after being shot, and the magic-devouring bullet seemed to have disappeared.

The two nuns became more and more confused. One stopped and was on guard, while the other strode forward to check.

At this time, just as the nun approached, the silver thing suddenly "came to life", suddenly bounced up on the spot, and pounced on the nun like a beast.

The nun did not expect that this thing could still move after eating the magic-devouring bullet. The reaction speed was half a beat slower, but even so she still had the strength to dodge.

But just as she instinctively prepared to retreat, a thin tentacle stretched out from her shadow and wrapped around her ankle, causing her to lose balance.

The amalgam golem directly wrapped up the nun, and quickly grew hardened spikes that pierced her body.

Aiden hid in the dark and watched this scene silently. This was his idea. He let the mercury ball approach the crossing along the railway and lead the guarding nuns out into their ambush range.

From the outside to the railway crossing, it is difficult to find a shelter over a hundred meters away. It would be too reckless to rush head-on.

The mercury golem's cruel hunting skills were not taught by Aiden, but it was originally known by it - this was the life instinct given to it by Abigail's divine words. In other words, this behavior pattern, like its own easy-to-tame characteristics, was written into its "program" by Abigail.

Aiden really couldn't understand the taste of this witch. This scene reminded him of the torture device called "Iron Maiden" that existed in the history of the previous world. It was recorded that this torture device was used to execute pagans and witch hunts.

Another nun raised her gun and fired at the mercury golem one after another, regardless of the possibility that her bullets would penetrate her companions.

Her attention was completely focused on this, so much so that she didn't notice that the shadow under her feet was tumbling.

"[My shadow is too busy, lend me a few hands.]"

Accompanied by Daly's chanting, black tentacles stretched out from the nun's shadow, wrapping around her like a hunting python and tightening quickly. The power of the shadow demon is even greater than that of a real python, and can easily break a person's bones.

But at this time, the nun suddenly let out a powerful roar like a lion or tiger, and at the same time tensed her whole body, relying on brute force to fight against the tentacles.

Aiden noticed that there were faint tiger-like stripes on the nun's face under her headscarf, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although it was not very obvious, it was obviously a feature of the tiger man, and there was a tiger man imprisoned in his prison.

As a cursed group of people with lycanthropy, the tiger man's symptoms were more stable than those of the werewolf, and he would not lose control on the night of the full moon, but his peak power was not as good as that of the violent werewolf.

Aiden remembered that there was a tiger man among the hunters hired by the Mother Goddess of Plenty.

He immediately realized what was going on - the cult used the biological material of the tiger man to merge with the nuns, and then used the power of "reproduction" and "evolution" at the same time to let the individuals born later carry it.

In order to capture the Demon Feast Forest, they have been trying their best to strengthen the combat effectiveness of these "worker bees".

"【Your soul is immersed in the lake and drifting with the current."

Precia appeared from her hiding place, took advantage of the nun struggling hard, strode over, and hypnotized her at the same time. Offensive mental spells are difficult to work if the distance is too long.

The nun's eyes were empty, and her consciousness was deprived for a moment, but just in this moment, her body temporarily relaxed, and the shadow demon took the opportunity to wrap around her neck, twisted it instantly, and ended her life.

Aiden and Veronica came out from behind the rock where they were hiding. Daly had put down the nun's body, and the amalgam golem also vomited out the nun who was already riddled with holes - it was actually not interested in anything other than metal.

"These androids really have no consciousness of their own." Veronica shook her head. She saw with her own eyes that the nun shot her companions without hesitation. Her behavior pattern was no different from that of the puppets made by Vera that simply followed orders.

"The Mother Goddess of Plenty has been identified by the Inquisition as a cult that needs to be purged. Just shoot the armed personnel when you see them." Aiden glanced at her, "It's meaningless to persuade them to surrender. They are born like puppets. There is no need to sympathize with them."

"I know." Veronica had no expression on her face, "I just feel a little sad. Like this, they have no chance at birth, which is worse than those prisoners."

Aiden was slightly startled when he heard this, knowing that she was thinking of prisoners like Camilla Avansha who fell into the criminal field because of their birth environment. Based on Aiden's own work experience in two lives, there are actually many such prisoners.

"People can't choose their own birth and parents. This is also helpless." Aiden simply said, "Let's go."

He has put his mind on the subsequent battle. Compared with the time when he was attacked by the Inquisition, the average combat power of the Mother Goddess of Plenty has been significantly improved.

If you want to besiege Father Valles with the Witch Assembly, the prerequisite is to get rid of these dangerous "worker bees" first.

I hope that everything goes well for Lamia who claims to deal with the "miscellaneous soldiers" herself... Of course, it doesn't matter if it doesn't go well, as long as she can hold the situation back.

As for the rest... He just hopes that those great witches won't sell him out as an ally at a critical moment.

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