The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 25 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting

"Pocket watch?"

Bruce was stunned for a moment, and then his mind came to the gold pocket watch engraved with the harpy that he held in his hand that day.

"You, are you..." He swallowed, his throat becoming dry due to nervousness, "Mr. Jia Long hired you?"

"Now, I'm the one asking the question. If you have any more nonsense, be careful with your eyes." Aifansha continued to threaten.

"I've already sold that pocket watch!" Bruce was so frightened that his voice became shrill, "Didn't I tell him already? Why are you still asking me for it!?"

He was very confused. In his opinion, the only person who would come to him for the gold pocket watch was Gialon. In fact, Gialon did find him after Veronica was arrested and offered to exchange it for money. Return that pocket watch.

But in fact, he sold the pocket watch the next day after he got it. He didn't think much about it. He didn't have the guts to blackmail Jia Long with the gold watch. At the same time, he was worried that Jia Long would regret it, so he simply exchanged the gold watch for the money in his hand.

When Jia Long heard about this, he was a little angry, but he didn't do anything to him. Why did he suddenly hire a killer to look for him now?

He quickly remembered the warden who visited him that day, and Jia Long, who specially invited him out afterwards to warn him that someone might be conducting an investigation to reverse the case and asked him to keep his mouth shut.

Could it be...that's why?

Because someone started investigating, Jia Long was worried that he would expose the matter, so he simply put an end to it...

"Since you can't give me what I want..." the killer said coldly, "then I can only risk your life."

"Wait a minute! Let me meet your employer! Let me meet him! I will make it clear to him. I will never say anything about him! Don't kill me!" Bruce begged for mercy incoherently.

"The only job I received was sealing, and only the dead man's mouth is the most reliable." The killer's voice deepened.

Bruce, who was gripped by despair, foresaw the blood that was about to spurt out from his neck: "Stop, stop—"

"Stop!" The bass voice coming from behind stopped the killer's movements for him, "If you dare to hurt him, I will shoot him right away."

At this moment, the leading actor appears.

"Help, help!!" Bruce subconsciously asked the mysterious man for help.

Afansha put away a sharp blade, grabbed Bruce with her free hand and turned around, facing the mysterious man.

After being forced to turn around, Bruce blinked his eyes that were filled with tears due to fear, and finally saw the person who came to save him clearly: "Are you...Mr. Aiden?"

"The thing you were most worried about has happened." Aiden sighed with a stern look on his face and pointed his gun at the killer behind him. "Hurry up and release the hostages. You will be surrounded soon. Surrender quickly!"

The killer didn't speak, but grabbed Bruce's collar with his free hand, used Bruce's unimaginable strength to lift him up with one hand, and used him as a shield.

Bruce's neck was stuck by his collar, and he had difficulty breathing for a moment. He could only kick his legs desperately and struggle.

"Don't act rashly!" Aiden shouted, "I told you to let go of the hostage. If you kill him, you will be killed immediately!"

The killer's movements stopped for a moment, and he moved the blade away from Bruce's neck and raised it high.

"That's right." Aiden pretended to be relieved.

The killer caught hold of his flaw, suddenly exerted force on his hand, and threw Bruce's whole body towards Aiden.

Aiden was "caught off guard" and froze on the spot, being knocked into his arms by Bruce.

The two fell to the ground together, and by the time Aiden pushed Bruce away and stood up with a gun, the killer had already disappeared.

"Damn it, let him escape!" Aiden pretended to grit his teeth.

Bruce sat on the ground, his legs were weak, and he looked shocked.

"Are you okay? It's a pity that we didn't catch that guy." Aiden put away his gun and reached out to help him.

Bruce finally reacted. He looked at the place where the killer disappeared, and suddenly shuddered - his life was already being targeted, and the killer was still hiding in the dark.

"Why didn't you catch him!" He got up from the ground and glared at Aiden emotionally and asked, "I would die if I let him run away!"

Aiden was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed out of anger at the kid: "Is this the way you treat your savior? But it's understandable. After all, you can even betray Officer Veronica, who has been taking care of him. ”

"What did you say!?" Bruce felt like he was struck by lightning.

"It's time to open the skylight and speak frankly, boy. Why don't you ask why I appear here?" Aiden smiled meaningfully.

"Why?" Bruce asked subconsciously, following Aiden's words.

"Because I have been monitoring you." Aiden put his cane on the ground and said in a businesslike tone, "Officer Bruce Kane, we suspect that you were involved in the murder of Officer Veronica Wolfe. "Accepting bribes and committing perjury to frame others to hide evidence has made you a suspect."

"I...I, I, I didn't!" Bruce was suddenly confused and shook his head desperately.

From being almost assassinated by a killer to being accused face to face by Aiden, he had no time to calmly think about the problem.

And Aiden was not going to give him a chance to breathe, and directly threw out his trump card: "Don't deny it in a hurry. How about we talk about the gold pocket watch that Officer Jaron Roton gave you first?"

Bruce was petrified on the spot.

"Now you should know how far we have come." Aiden stared at Bruce and said, "To tell you the truth, I am currently assisting Officer Veronica in the retrial investigation. Her application for retrial has been approved by the prosecutor's office. . The Procuratorate has already grasped many key clues and has now found its way to you, so I will keep following you."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Bruce still wanted to argue, but he was already sweating profusely.

"Did someone tell you that as long as you don't say anything, there will be no problem? Do you still believe that person now?" Aiden pressed him calmly, "Where did the killer just come from? You don't know a thing Don’t have a clue?”

These words sent a chill down Bruce's back.

After Aiden asked him to question him, Jia Long specially asked him to come out to talk. In addition, he also intercepted a meeting requested by Aiden, isolating him from Aiden who came to investigate.

Then, he encountered a killer, but Aiden saved him...

Was all this designed by Jia Long? Because the procuratorate found them, the guy was in a hurry to shut his mouth! ?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

"Mr. Bruce, I only told you this because I considered that you were under coercion." Aiden patted Bruce on the shoulder earnestly and said eloquently, "Help us and apply for witness protection. This is your only way to survive. If you persist, you will be silenced sooner or later."

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