The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 35: Gourmet in Prison

The old man walked away, and Veronica whispered to Aiden: "Is this prisoner going to be released from prison? She looks kind. What crime did she commit?"

Aiden turned his head and glanced at her. He was silent for a moment before speaking: "She is not going to be released from prison. She is a death row prisoner. Today is the day of her execution. She is going to the execution ground."

Veronica was stunned.

When the old man said "goodbye" just now, she didn't think much about it. After all, when a prisoner leaves the prison, neither she nor the prison guards who supervised her would want her to come back. Even saying goodbye here can be regarded as a suitable farewell.

"This old lady used to live in the southern suburbs of the city. She rented her house to others, then gained the trust of the tenants and poisoned them to death, and then swallowed up their property. She killed six people in this way. It can be said that she deserved to die, and there is nothing to sympathize with her." Aiden explained calmly, "Unlike you, she was arrested with solid evidence, and she confessed on the spot."

Veronica still didn't recover: "But she doesn't look like..."

"She doesn't look like that kind of person, right?" Aiden continued naturally, "Yes, prisoners who don't look like they would do that kind of thing are actually everywhere here. People's hearts are hard to see through. So, remember, the most important thing here is not to trust prisoners casually. People who are framed like you are rare species here."

Veronica fell silent. This incident was still quite shocking to her.

Aiden then took her to visit the workshop where other prisoners worked, and introduced her to some facilities in the prison. Soon it was time for lunch, and Aiden led her to the staff cafeteria.

"Can I only eat in the cafeteria when I'm working?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"Yes, in principle, prison guards cannot leave the prison during working hours..." Aiden thought for a moment and added, "Except me."

"Is this in accordance with the rules?" Veronica looked at Aiden suspiciously.

"The rules say that you must report to your superiors when you leave your post during working hours, but I don't have a superior here, so I report to myself." Aiden smiled.

"You must eat in the cafeteria." Veronica sighed.

"You look disappointed." Aiden looked at her with interest.

"When I was a mounted police officer, I could eat outside while on duty..." Veronica saw that her boss had already seen it, so she didn't hide it, "Whether in the police academy or the police force, the food in the cafeteria is terrible."

"Don't worry about that, our cafeteria is still quite good." Aiden said confidently.

Five minutes later, Aiden and Veronica took their meals and sat down opposite each other.

"It feels like there are so many dishes I haven't seen before." Veronica looked at the food on her plate with a curious look on her face. "What are these things with red sauce?"

"That's called sweet and sour pork tenderloin. It's made by marinating the tenderloin, coating it with flour, eggs and breadcrumbs, frying it in hot oil, and then stir-frying it with a sauce made of fruit vinegar, tomato puree and sugar." Aiden explained to her.

Veronica carefully forked a piece of meat and put it into her mouth.

"Delicious!" She covered her mouth and exclaimed. This was a cooking method she had never tasted before. "What is this called?"

"Kung Pao Chicken."

"What?" Veronica didn't understand the name of the dish.

"Anyway, it's peanuts and diced chicken fried with a bunch of spices. Try it."

Veronica scooped a spoonful of the dish into her mouth and was amazed: "How did the chefs here come up with such amazing dishes?"

"I taught them."

"Sir, have you been a chef before?" Veronica asked with wide eyes.

"No, I just know the recipe."

"Then where did you learn it from?"

"Secret." Aiden smiled.

In his previous life, human food culture had already experienced global exchanges and market tests. Although he was not a professional chef, he could still sort out some of the popular and familiar recipes from his memory.

As a qualified time traveler, after coming to another world, of course, he had to vigorously promote the food culture of his own world-after all, to start a new life in this world, he had to satisfy his appetite.

The development level of this world is not backward, but in contrast, the food culture of the civilian class does seem a bit poor. The restaurants on the street are not bad, with both home-cooked dishes and top-notch delicacies. But the big pot meals in the cafeteria are horrible, and are almost useless except for filling your stomach.

After Aiden became the warden, the prison cafeteria also underwent a transformation. He compiled some recipes based on the ingredients and seasonings that can be used in this world and taught them to the chefs here. Although doing so can only improve the meals here to the level of ordinary unit cafeterias in his previous life, it is still a great improvement, and for people in this world, these dishes have a novel taste.

You know, when Aiden first ate in the unit cafeteria in this world, he was full of rejection when he saw the dry bread, a few slices of bacon and a pile of bean paste on the plate.

The improvement of the prison canteen has also boosted the diet of the prisoners. Although the food standard is certainly not as good as that of the prison guards, it is much better than the past when a plate was served with a piece of bread and two or three pieces of paste-like substances with strange colors and unknown ingredients.

As an additional effect, the discipline of the prisoners has also been improved to a certain extent. In the past, riots caused by the dissatisfaction of the prisoners with the food often occurred, and the prisoners fought in the canteen with plates and utensils, but after Aiden took office, such things were completely stopped.

"By the way, what is this in your hand, sir?" Veronica suddenly asked again.

"Are you talking about this?" Aiden shook the two thin wooden sticks in his hand, "I am used to using tableware, this is called chopsticks, is there a problem?"

"Can this thing really be used?" Veronica looked at it curiously.

"Of course it can be used." Aiden said and flexibly picked up the food in his bowl to demonstrate to Veronica.

"It's amazing." Veronica looked around, "I see many prison guards are using the same tableware as you, did they learn from you?"

"Yes, as long as you have a hot pot with us one day, you will want to learn it."

"Hot pot? What is that?"

"I'll let you see it when we have a group dinner one day, you will like it."

Veronica nodded after hearing this, and was glad that she was transferred here.

She looked at the food in Aiden's bowl again and blinked curiously: "This is the first time I've seen noodles in soup. What are the ingredients here?"

"Pickled sauerkraut and pig offal."

"What offal is this? I've never seen it before." Veronica pointed to a ring-shaped piece of offal meat.

"Why don't you try it first." Aiden smiled mysteriously and picked up a piece with chopsticks that he hadn't used yet and gave it to Veronica.

Veronica put the thing into her mouth curiously, chewed it twice, and then widened her eyes: "I have never eaten this taste, what part is this?"

"I will tell you later, if you want to eat it, you can go to that window to order it."

"What is this called?"

"Pig intestine powder." Aiden smiled meaningfully.

According to his experience, it is better not to tell the other party that she just ate pig intestines. You know, he spent a lot of effort to persuade the chef of the cafeteria to be willing to handle this kind of food.

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