The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 352 Levels of Power

Afternoon, Rose Iron Prison, warden's office.

The warden, Flanda, knocked on the door and said, "Warden, the time has come."

Aiden opened his eyes on the couch in the office, glanced at the wall clock, and immediately propped up his sluggish body and climbed up: "Come in."

After returning to the prison, he went back to the office to catch up on his sleep. In order to avoid oversleeping, he specifically asked Fran to bring the review documents at a fixed time and wake him up at the same time.

Franda opened the door and saw Aiden wiping his face with his hands sleepily.

"I didn't see you last afternoon. Didn't you sleep all night?" Flanda asked.

"Almost." Aiden stood up and sat on his office chair.

"Don't squander your health just because you're young." Flanda advised, "If you get rid of the root cause of your disease, you'll be better off in the future."

Aiden smiled: "Frenda, you must have worked very hard when you were young, right?"

"It's not that I want to fight, I have no choice. The environment when you first came to work, warden... I have been working in it for more than ten years." Flanda put a stack of documents on the table. "This is what the core area will review today."

"Oh, you came here with so much work while trying to persuade me not to work too hard. It's really you." Aiden took the file and started to process it.

"Veronica has been working very hard recently and has been working overtime for several days in a row." Flanda said, "But she seems to be more energetic than others every day."

"A werewolf's physical strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people. The closer to the full moon, the shorter the sleep time required." Aiden explained.

"I heard before that this will affect life span..."

"Theoretically, if we only look at old age and death, the natural lifespan of lycanthropes is shorter than that of ordinary people. But in fact, their average lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary people because they are more resistant to diseases. You don't need to worry too much about this kind of thing. She, she has her own sense of propriety... If she is really worried, I will tell her later and allow her to take a day off to rest." Aiden replied.

"I understand. Then you can continue your work. I'll go back to my post."


After Frenda exited the office, Aiden immediately yawned loudly.

Staying awake all night with just over four hours of sleep is still somewhat too tiring, but before this matter is resolved, it is necessary to reverse the routine. Just as he analyzed with Chichimora in the morning, conflicts with Joey Lawson would most likely occur at night or late at night.

Now he is really envious of Veronica's characteristic of only needing three or four hours of sleep to be full of energy as the full moon approaches, and Abigail - the witch actually said that she doesn't even need sleep and won't get sick. There is no need to sleep, or even death. The power of "life" is convenient enough to make people shed tears of envy.

However, it seems that the authority of "Order" can do it without sleeping.

When discussing with Chichimora while eating in the morning, Aiden casually complained about his physical fatigue after a long night. At that time, Chichimora said: "Warden, if you are so tired, it is completely unreasonable." You can directly use the divine words to restore yourself to the state you were in the morning before, right?"

At that time, Aiden immediately extracted a piece of information from Chichimora's words, which was that the "return" power of order seemed to be able to return people to a state at a certain point in time.

Aiden guessed that the reason he couldn't do this was because he didn't have enough power level.

Melifilia once said that the more powers the same authority holds and the closer it is to the authority, the stronger the effect of each authority will be, and he is among the best in both "existence" and "order" authorities. Elementary state.

If one could return to a certain state of the day just like reading a save file, not to mention not needing to sleep or eat, even near-death injuries should be cured immediately. This is obviously not on the same level as Aiden, who can only be used to repair things or dispel magic.

At that time, Aiden could only deal with it by saying, "Power cannot be used indefinitely, so how can you waste it on such a trivial matter at this time?"

"Levels of power..." Aiden fiddled with the pen in his hand unconsciously.

This was an important point that he didn't think about in depth. Most of the time, he focused on what a certain power could do, rather than how far it could achieve it.

Just like the "empty" authority of "empty" authority.

According to Chichimola, the effect of "overhead" power is to eliminate the target's external interference. In short, it means that the target temporarily loses the meaning of existence.

The initial "overhead" power can directly put the target into an ethereal state that almost loses its entity, leaving only a projection that can be observed and transmit information.

To put it more clearly, the isolated person can still be seen or heard, but cannot be touched. At the same time, the evacuated object cannot interfere with the outside world. From the perspective of combat effectiveness, it is equivalent to becoming invincible but without any attack power.

But of course, the "overriding" power cannot directly override other powers, so if you use divine words, depending on the situation, it should still have a certain effect on the object being evacuated.

The use of the primary "override" power is very rough. Basically, you can only select an object with a shape and the concept of "whole" and then it will take effect directly. You can designate a person to override the whole person and equipment, or you can override only the target person, or override a certain equipment of the opponent, but you cannot override only a part of the "whole". For example, it is not possible to override a part of the target's body to kill the opponent.

Simply put, there are three uses. One is to protect yourself or your teammates, but you also have to give up attacking. The second is to disable a certain enemy, but it will also make it difficult for the opponent to be hurt. Another is to completely invalidate a certain attack method of the enemy.

But when promoted to the intermediate level, like Kikimora, the number of objects to be overridden can increase to two (the specific number may still be discussed, Kikimora may not reveal all the information related to himself), and the accuracy of the operation will also be greatly improved. For example, it is also possible to make a certain target lose the effect of mutual interference with another target, or to override a certain meaning of the target. At the same time, the targets that can be selected will become wider, and some intangible beings can also be suspended.

If it develops in this way, at a high level, it should be possible to suspended some conceptual objects.

Mortals will be restricted in using the Word of God, which makes Aiden often feel that the power of God is nothing great in the hands of mortals.

But considering the level of power... From mortals to saints, there is obviously still a considerable amount of room for improvement.

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