The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 362: Uncontrollable Desire

"From what you said, this person is still valuable to the Witch Assembly?" Aiden looked at Qiqimora and asked.

"His research on black magic, whether it is his own or what he took from others, will mostly be destroyed and sealed if handed over to the Inquisition, but it is very valuable to us." Qiqimora said slowly, "And the power of the 'material' authority he possesses..."

"Do you want to learn?" Aiden asked.

"I do, but right now... I still prefer to focus on one authority, after all, I am not far from my goal. In comparison, Vera should want to learn more, and what she pursues is the power of the 'material' authority." Qiqimora lowered his voice, "We can offer her a price, and we will split the reward she gives in a 30% to 70% split, and you take the big head."

Aiden glanced at Joey Lawson. Joey said nothing, just covered his injured right hand and supported himself on one foot. After losing all means of attack, he obviously lost the will to continue fighting.

"So what do you plan to do with him in the end?" Aiden turned his eyes back to Qiqimora.

"Let him teach the Word of God, and then strip him of his divinity and hand him over to Abigail for disposal. Although we have no intention of avenging the witches he killed, his actions have ultimately harmed the interests of the Witch Assembly." Kikimora replied, "If he is willing to cooperate, he may not be killed, but he will not be let go easily. At least he will be unable to use magic for the rest of his life."

"I was basically the one who worked hard to catch him, but in the end he was handed over to you? I don't think it's fair for me." Aiden said.

"Then how about considering it as a favor I owe you? If you have any requests in the future, as long as they are not too risky, I will try my best to meet your needs."

"Your favor..." Aiden stared at Kikimora, hesitant to speak.

"We still have some credibility between us, right?" Kikimora smiled.

"No." Aiden replied firmly.

"Am I so untrustworthy!?" Kikimora opened his eyes wide.

"In our cooperation, you acted twice without authorization. Why do you think you have this face? Huh?" Aiden asked.

"Ha... well..." Chichimora smiled awkwardly but politely, "I won't do it again next time, I promise."

Aiden thought about it. Joey Lawson's current identity is the Inquisitor of the Netherlands. The only official charges he can be held accountable for are his attempted murder of Sophie Carter, as well as his stalking, surveillance and threats. This man has been acting more like a wizard than an Inquisitor. Perhaps it would be a more appropriate choice to hand him over to the Witch Assembly...

"Okay, I'll leave him to you." Aiden made a decision and lowered his voice, "But I have one condition."

"Please speak."

"This guy's head is counted on your head, and it has nothing to do with me. Do you understand what I mean?" Aiden said in a voice that only Chichimora could hear.

It would be of no benefit to him to let the Smiling Balance or other forces know that he was the one who solved Joey Lawson. Aiden only needed to ensure that Sophie paid for this matter.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not leak your information." Kikimora nodded in understanding, then turned his eyes to Joey, "Your disposal has fallen into the hands of the assembly, Mr. Rosen."

"Oh, I admit defeat." Joey showed a miserable smile on his face, "You really found a powerful helper. This unreasonable power can be compared with Abigail, right? Who is this person?"

"It's not convenient to disclose. But I think to be precise, rather than saying that the helper I hired is too strong, it should be said that you have become weaker. Your room "I have seen you for a long time. You are so obsessed with a woman. I didn't know you were so obsessed with women. If it was you in the past, how could you be lured out so easily?" Qiqimora stared at Joey and said slowly, "Even the information about your own divine words has been completely discovered. You have made a lot of enemies since you were expelled from the assembly. It's a miracle that you can live to this day with such recklessness." Aiden also agreed with this statement. He was able to deal with this wizard so easily not only because of the suppression of Joey by the "Wordless Code". In the final analysis, if there was no information provided by Sophie, it would be difficult for the "Wordless Code" to play its advantages in a targeted manner. Joey's completely abnormal obsession with Sophie is the key to victory here. Joey was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes and thought about it, and finally shook his head: "I can't explain why. When I first saw her, I didn't have any thoughts. But when she approached me, I felt that the desire to possess her was ignited in my heart, and I couldn't stop it anymore. Reason told me that it was meaningless to waste time on such a woman, but I really couldn't control it..." Desire-Hearing Joey's confession, Aiden keenly noticed something. Joey Lawson's abnormal mood changes, the mental backlash insurance that appeared on the housekeeper... I feel that the possibility of the connection is not small. "If you don't look at your subsequent development, this opening sounds like a good love story... Hmm? What's wrong, sir?" Qiqimora teased, and Aiden raised his hand to interrupt her. "Have you considered the possibility of being hypnotized?" Aiden asked.

This time, before Joey could answer, Chichimora spoke: "I'm afraid that's not the case. The witch this guy killed was Precia's teacher. Although her level at that time was not as good as it is now. Precia, but he is quite accomplished in hypnosis. Not only did he kill the opponent, but he also looted all the research. I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to fall into that trap easily."

"So, what about the possibility of being affected by power?" Aiden asked again.

"Spiritual authority." Kikimora frowned.

"Do you...know something?" Joey suddenly raised his face.

"I'll leave him to you. Please help me check the possibility of his mind being affected by external forces." Aiden turned to Kikimora, "This should be able to be found out, right?"

Even the succubus' dream infiltration ability can analyze a person's mental state, and there's no reason why high-level mental spells can't do it.

"Maybe, but our best psychoanalyst is with you." Kiki Mora reminded.

"Then let me find a way to check him after you finish dealing with him." Aiden replied, "Before that, remember to save his life."

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