The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 365 The whereabouts of the Hand of Annihilation

The next day, Kikimora visited the Rose Iron Prison again and was led to Aiden's office.

"Vera has received the divine word taught. Although she does not have enough divinity to activate the power, she is still prepared to pay the reward." Chichimora sat in the guest seat and reported to Aiden.

"What is she going to settle with?" Aiden asked.

"Cash, totaling two thousand pounds. As we agreed before, you take the big one, fifteen hundred pounds." Chichimola.

"It's actually money?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"She can't give you anything else. After all, her best work is now a toy in your hands. And her attitude towards you... although it has softened a bit, it is impossible to be like me and you. "It's very unlikely that she will do things for you like me." Qiqimola spread her hands and said, "She gets the most money from our business with you, and now she has accumulated enough wealth to buy several properties in the autonomous prefecture. "No problem can be solved with money" - these are her words.

"What a heroic declaration, enviable." Aiden nodded and commented.

"What do you think, Warden?"

"Just do it." Aiden waved his hand, "I don't care."

"You're very calm. Your indifferent attitude is really admirable." Kikimora immediately put on his hat.

As a person who is still worried about his future outcome, Aiden does not take money very seriously now. The level of entertainment in this world is far lower than that of his previous life, and there are really not many places worth spending money on for him.

"So Warden, my reward..." Kikimora asked tentatively.

"I've already sent someone to call. They'll be here soon." Aiden glanced at the wall clock.

Two minutes later, there was a knock on the office door.

"Sir, I brought him." Veronica's voice sounded outside the door.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, let her come in." Aiden replied.

Veronica opened the door and stepped aside, allowing Sophie to enter the office. Before closing the door and retreating, she glanced twice at Kiki Morado sitting in the office.

"Is it my imagination? The policewoman seemed to be staring at me just now." Kikimora laughed and seemed to have a good impression of Veronica, "People who can notice me like this, It’s really rare.”

After saying that, she turned her eyes to Sophie Carter, pursed her lips, and greeted her: "Nice to meet you, big star. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this."

"Nice to meet you, Great Witch Kikimora, I have heard information about you before." Sophie smiled politely, "Is it my imagination? Although you are smiling, you don't seem to be looking at me properly. Friendly."

Sophie is both a receptionist and an entertainer of the intelligence agency organization, and her analysis of facial expressions is better than ordinary people. She could see that there was no smile in Kikimora's eyes after he turned his gaze to her.

"Please understand that I have always been concerned about my lack of presence, so when I see those celebrities who can shine in various situations, I will be more or less jealous." Kikimora admitted generously and glanced at Aiden again, "The warden clearly knew about this and arranged for us to meet directly. It's really too much."

"Let her explain the information to you directly to avoid you looking back and suspecting that I missed something when I relayed the information, so you can feel more at ease." Aiden replied expressionlessly.

"That's so thoughtful." Kikimora smiled and looked at Sophie again, "Then I won't waste my time. I heard that you know the whereabouts of the Hand of Annihilation?"

"Well, according to the intelligence pieced together by the organization, we believe that the Hand of Annihilation should have been obtained through some channels by a professor named Dodge at the Imperial Royal Military Academy about ten years ago." Sophie replied.

"A teacher? A scholar?" Kikimora was a little surprised.

"Serving at the Imperial Royal Military Academy means he is not just a teacher. He has a military rank and is considered an officer of the empire." Aiden added next to him, "You should also know that the empire's heresy trial agency is affiliated with the imperial army. This Professor Dodge is the faculty member who teaches the Heretic Inquisition. He also works in the Empire's Inquisition Bureau and is responsible for sealing and analyzing black magic items. He is a well-known instructor."

The Heretic Tribunal in each country will have some researchers who are licensed to study black magic. These people are responsible for providing the Heretic Tribunal with simple black magic that can be used by the inquisitors, analyzing the weaknesses of black magic and developing countermeasures. As well as sealing and disposing of seized potions and dark magic items.

However, countries under the Convention have always had a negative attitude towards black magic. These researchers who have been given special licenses often have to continue to undergo strict supervision, and their research is also restrained. On average, the official researchers' attainments in black magic are far inferior to those of the witches' coven.

But this does not mean that there are no more powerful leaders among official black magic researchers.

"So he accidentally gained his only authority through work?" Chichimora asked.

"It's not clear through what channels he obtained it, but we are very sure that he got it." Sophie said slowly, "The organization's conclusion is that ten years ago, or slightly earlier, he He had obtained the Hand of Annihilation. Ten years ago, the empire censored his private research on necromancy, which was completely prohibited, and imprisoned him while awaiting trial. "

"Did he escape from prison with the Hand of Annihilation?" Kikimora asked.

"Not only did he escape from prison, he also used it to flee. As long as he always carried this artifact, no one could catch him." Sophie said, "In the following seven years, he only left traces in a few places, so the information that the Smiling Balance could collect was completely fragmented."

"So this thing is still in his hands now? It must be difficult to find him." Kikimora frowned, "How can you determine his location?"

"Because since three years ago, he has not been hiding his whereabouts as he did before. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't. He should be unable to continue to use the sole authority. It is said that long-term use of the Hand of Annihilation will be backfired by it, and his own existence will be gradually devoured, and finally become 'a person who does not exist in this world'." Sophie said seriously, "The last and the last related intelligence updates were two years ago and one year ago respectively. Both intelligence showed that he was in Luohui City in the south of Gistas. He stayed there, perhaps for some purpose."

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