The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 371: It’s good to go to jail

Sera Rexia stared at the judge, with only one thought in her mind.

No matter what, she must go to jail! This is her only chance to survive now.

Those people must be waiting outside the courtroom now, and they will kidnap her without hesitation as long as she comes out!

Thinking back to what happened a week ago, she still felt a little scared.

Everything was as expected by the bounty hunter who parted ways with her.

She "secluded" herself in the tavern for several days, and she didn't dare to show her face. She relied on the owner of the tavern to buy and sell things and send letters.

She sent a letter for help and waited for a reply day by day. But what came faster than the reply was the pursuers. One day, when she wanted to send a letter, she saw someone holding a portrait and asking the owner on the stairs.

At that moment, she felt that her back was soaked with cold sweat.

Before the other party turned his eyes to her, she quickly retreated to her room, took out the rope and luggage that she had prepared long ago, and went down from the second-floor window to the alley next to the tavern where no one passed by, and then fled quickly like a rat crossing the gutter.

She knew how high the reward those people had given her, and whether the "reliable" boss in the bounty hunter's mouth could be so reliable, she didn't dare to gamble with her life.

The moment she walked onto the street, she only felt that everyone was looking at her with the corner of their eyes, and the passers-by who whispered to each other were planning to force her into a dead end.

She finally calmed herself down, lowered the brim of her hat and walked forward with her head down, just wanting to get away from the tavern as soon as possible.

After walking aimlessly and fearfully all the way, she finally made up her mind to try her luck at the train station.

This decision almost killed her.

The poor disguise made by finding a clothing store could not deceive the eyes of the secret police at all. At the station, someone soon spotted her and strode towards her through the crowd.

This time, it was not her illusion.

After realizing her situation in time, she had to leave the station, and the gang soon followed closely.

Considering the manpower they arranged to catch her, Sera almost despaired of the future in which she was surrounded on a street, tied up and pulled into a carriage that "just happened" to approach.

When the chill ran through her spine, the first thing that came to her mind was not the emergency plan given by the bounty hunter, but the face of a man she was once very familiar with, but she erased the man from her mind.

That man was no longer the knight who protected her. On the contrary, he was now chasing her everywhere... He was the leader of the secret police.

In the face of personal commitment and family honor, he finally chose the latter.

What's the use of missing someone who has betrayed you?

Now she can only rely on her own strength to survive!

It was not until she saw the two local policemen who appeared at the intersection that she saw a little hope.

Her first reaction was to ask the police for help and ask them to escort her to the train station and leave this city full of spies.

But then she realized that this road was not feasible at all. As long as one of the other party sneaked on the train, she would have no way out. Even if those people were unlikely to confront the local police head-on in order to complete the mission as secretly as possible, the local police could not always protect her.

Even if she was lucky enough to escape the pursuit in this city, then... what about the next city?

This endless escape journey, now only these pursuers who wanted to kill her were walking with her.

In the end, it was the thought of survival that pushed her, and she, who was isolated and helpless, rushed to the extremely stupid emergency plan given by the bounty hunter.

Even if it meant going to jail, she had to survive this desperate situation.

When she said this in court, the judge, jury, defendant's defense attorney, prosecutor, and even her bailiff fell into a dead silence.

Their eyes were focused on her, and she stared at the judge fearlessly.

After a long time, the judge simply ignored her and continued to read the unfinished verdict: "According to the evidence provided by the prosecution, the defendant's crime is proven, but in view of the fact that his crime is minor and he has confessed voluntarily, he will be given a lighter sentence..."

"Hey!" Saira gasped on the spot.

"Please don't get sick, please!" The lawyer pleaded in a low voice.

But Saira ignored him at all. This verdict was not an opportunity for her to reform, but a one-way train to death.

At this moment, she seemed to feel the cold muzzle of a gun against the back of her head.

It seems that if she does not take some substantial action, the judge will not change the verdict.

Thinking of this, she made up her mind, leaned over and took off her shoes with her handcuffed hands before others reacted, and then threw them at the judge with all her strength.

The judge reflexively shrank his head, and the shoes flew over his head.

The defendant's lawyer's mouth was wide open enough to fit an apple.

"Defendant! I'm warning you for the last time—" The judge was completely enraged.

"Warn me what?" At this time, Sera was already taking off her second shoe. "Do you think you'll be fine if you just dodge it? Don't forget I have two shoes!"

The female bailiff finally reacted and quickly grabbed her shoulders and hands to control her forcefully.

"Damn! Let go! I must teach this ungrateful judge a lesson!" Saira was still struggling there.

The judge's eyes twitched a few times, but he finally restrained himself and said in a calm tone: "This judge originally thought that you were a first-time offender before giving a suspended sentence. I hope you can change your ways, but you don't know what is good and what is wrong. And for repeatedly disrupting the order of the court, and also attacking the judge, the suspended sentence is revoked and sentenced to three years in prison. In addition, you disrupt the order of the court and are sentenced to ten days of judicial imprisonment.”

The defendant's lawyer covered his face in despair. He really wanted to take off his shoes now, and then threw them hard at the defendant's face.

But at this time, Saira actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Going to's good to go to jail, you don't have to be released to die...

You have to buy time first and then think of a way... maybe you can find a way to ask for help from outside.

At least this frightening journey of escape can come to an end.

"Okay, okay." A relieved smile appeared on Saira's face. As she was being taken down, she nodded frequently to the bailiff beside her, then looked at the jury and the judge, "Thank you... thank you!"

The entire jury and the judge looked at each other.

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