In the Rose Iron Prison, Aiden finished his routine work, poured himself another cup of tea, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Recently, the days have been dull. There has been no major events in the prison, and no strange events have come to the door outside. Qiqimora has not gained anything when he went to Gistas. This is not surprising. After all, this is a plan that Mr. Bloody Clothes has spent nearly two years to complete. Even if Qiqimora is good at intelligence gathering, it may not be so easy to make progress.

At the beginning, Aiden asked Abigail more diligently, but soon he stopped contacting her. If Qiqimora really had any major progress, he should have contacted her.

For Aiden, every day now is basically the kind of dullness that can be written in the diary "Nothing happened today". Generally speaking, it is not much different from the past... No, it is even duller than before, because the prisoners in the core area have really become much more honest than before, and there are almost no tricks to do.

But now, after knowing his true situation, he can no longer enjoy such a dull life as he did before.

There is no news from Chichimora, and he did not visit Melissa and Melifilia, but his plan to protect himself and get rid of the goddess chessboard must still be carried out.

Not long ago, he asked Sophie Carter about the news of God's Word. For him now, it is more suitable to try to approach the two authorities of "order" and "existence", and he has mastered one power in each of these two authorities.

The advantage of the "order" authority is that he has the "Wordless Code" in his hand, but this is after all the road paved for him by the goddess of conspiracy, and the goddess of conspiracy will most likely have a countermeasure for this. If you want to get rid of the chessboard of the goddess of conspiracy, it may not be a wise choice to go all the way on this road. In comparison, the power of the "existence" authority may bring more variables for breakthroughs.

But Sophie Carter has almost no information on the "existence" authority. The only piece of information is not only vague, but also has a long time to pass.

Her ignorance does not mean that the Smiling Balance has no control over it. The Smiling Balance naturally cannot hope that these intelligence receivers who have been assigned the power of "existence" will pursue the power of authority without authorization - according to Sophie, this is also prohibited by the organization's order. Once these receivers are found to have taken advantage of this without authorization, the organization will put them on the list of processing and hand them over to the client.

So it is reasonable to infer that even if the Smiling Balance obtains the relevant information of the authority of "existence", it is unlikely to share it with every intelligence receiver, but will limit them as much as possible to obtain this information.

Without intelligence, there is no direction to move forward. Even if the road of "existence" authority is to be taken, it is just a blind man groping at this stage, and it is difficult to go.

Then there is an additional path that is theoretically feasible for Aiden, which is the authority of "balance" - according to the rules of authority, after contacting the upper authority of "existence", he can only contact the middle authority adjacent to "order".

In this regard, Sophie only gave a relatively interesting but useless piece of information. More than ten years ago, a batch of artifacts with divinity and the power of "balance" were brought to the autonomous state by an explorer to be sold. Those artifacts were also recorded in some ancient books. They have the concept of "fixation" and are perfect sealing artifacts.

At that time, after hearing the news, Smiling Balance planned to buy them from the explorer who knew nothing about the power intelligence, but before the transaction was completed, the explorer died in the hands of an S-level wanted criminal, and the things were also robbed. Not long after, the wanted criminal was arrested and sentenced to death, and the batch of artifacts... never appeared again.

Aiden immediately understood that the batch of artifacts was the holy nails used by the Inquisition to seal Melifilia. Of course, he would not have the idea of ​​​​playing those holy nails.

In the end, the only direction that can be seen at present is the "order" authority.

Aiden continued to recall the information about the "order" authority provided by Sophie that he had memorized in his mind.

Sophie provided three pieces of information, all of which were allowed to be directly shared by the Smiling Balance.

One was about the legendary bounty hunter Duboman, who was active from eighty to fifty years ago. It was said that he was a saint of the authority of "order". The famous "Hound" mercenary group was organized by him. Then fifty years ago, Duboman boarded a pioneer ship to the northern continent while chasing a wanted criminal. Since then, there has been no news. It is hard to say whether he is alive.

Then the second piece of information is more vague. It is said that a mysterious witch who was active on the border between the Empire and Gistas one or two hundred years ago, had obtained an artifact related to "order", and her seclusion was unknown - Aiden knew the truth about this information better than Sophie.

The third piece of information is clearer. It is about a noble family in the Kingdom of Gistas.

It is said that this family has passed down three secrets from generation to generation that only the head of the family can learn. The first secret can make people mentally confused, the second can make people physically painful, and the third can turn the air into a hard wall to trap people.

Many wizards, bounty hunters, and assassins have tried to spy on and steal the family's secret skills, but all of them have returned empty-handed, and some have even lost their lives.

The Smiling Scale judged that the so-called three secret arts mastered by this family were actually the effects of the same divine word - mental disorder was actually caused by the teaching of divine words, and as for making people physically miserable and creating invisible prisons, it was the effect of the "punishment" divine word of the "order" authority.

Aiden quickly had an idea of ​​this divine word - I'm afraid this is exactly the effect of the corporal punishment and imprisonment imposed on targets who violate the rules in the "Wordless Code".

The surname of this noble family is Hoffman. The head of the family has the title of earl. Generations have served as officials in the Kingdom of Gistas. The official positions have changed several times as the years progressed, but basically they all served in the king's personal guards. Some generations were the chief guards who protected the king, and some generations were criminal officers... and now Count Hoffman is the police director of the Gistas Royal Secret Police, and he is also loyal to the royal family.

Although there are some deviations in details between the secret police of Gistas and the secret police that Aiden knew in his previous life, there is no essential difference between them - a common means of maintaining centralization in authoritarian countries. Comparable concepts include the ancient Jinyiwei and the Gestapo, which is slightly closer in age.

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