The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 375 Coming in is like coming home

In Rose Iron Prison, Aiden was sitting in the office, reviewing a prisoner's information.

"Sela Rexia, 24 years old, unemployed, from Shancheng, Autonomous Prefecture, family members... filled in with none, saying her parents died. She had no criminal record before." Aiden raised his eyes and looked at the station The general prison guard in front of him said, "Are you sure this person doesn't have a criminal background?"

"Well, uh..." The young prison guard was a little stumped and smiled awkwardly, "I don't know how to tell."

"Just look at how she gets along with other prisoners after she enters the cell. Does she get along quickly or is she more reserved?" Aiden simply changed the question.

"She should be more reserved. Anyway, she didn't get to know her roommate so quickly. When I was inspecting them the day before yesterday, they were chatting in the same room, but she was sitting by the bed alone." The prison guard thought about it, "There are many first-time offenders. It’s all like this.”

Aiden frowned slightly. It sounded like this prisoner was really a first-time offender. Not only had he never been to prison, but he also seemed to have little experience in contact with other criminals.

Recidivist offenders are often familiar with prison, and going to prison does not put any pressure on them.

For example, a certain succubus always greets a few acquaintances when she returns to prison, just like visiting relatives in her hometown.

Aiden once heard her talking nonsense when chatting with other prisoners: "It's impossible to do a serious job, even in this life. I don't know how to do craft work. I just pimp out to make ends meet." With that kind of affluent doesn't matter if you go to jail. Coming in is like going home. All of you ladies here are talented and you speak so nicely. There is also Mr. Aiden here. I like this place very much. of!"

That's why that guy keeps coming in again and again.

But even if you have never been in prison before, as long as you have some criminal background, you should have experience in interacting with other criminals. When you enter the prison and interact with other prisoners, you will generally not feel particularly restrained.

"After she came in, was there anything... unusual?" Aiden asked again.

"Eh?" The prison guard tried his best to think about it, and finally shook his head, "It doesn't seem like it."

"That's it."

"Warden, is there any problem with this prisoner?" the prison guard asked cautiously.

"If you read her information carefully, you will know that she snatched a bag on the street near the police station. There were police officers at the scene of the bag snatching, and she was arrested on the spot. She went to court and was originally sentenced to probation... How should I say, robbery can She was lucky enough to receive a suspended sentence, but she still insisted on attacking the judge and strongly demanded to cancel the suspended sentence in court, forcing herself to be sent to jail. "Aiden rapped the table with his knuckles, "She clearly entered on purpose. From prison!"

"Ah? She asked to cancel her suspended sentence?" The prison guard was stunned. "I didn't read this information carefully. I thought she wanted to be found not guilty..."

"Some people involved in gangs are seeking revenge, or they have broken the rules on the road, or they know secrets they shouldn't know and may be silenced. When they have no place to hide, sometimes they will Just do whatever you want and go to jail to avoid the limelight, at least they are safe here," Aiden explained to him.

"Is there such a thing?" The prison guard's eyes widened.

"Something happens after all. Once you get into some trouble, you are lucky if you end up missing only arms and legs." Aiden said lightly, "In prison, they can still survive with their hands and feet intact."

You must know that last month, they only had a female star here who wanted to avoid being hunted.

"But she...she looks..." the prison guard hesitated.

"It really doesn't look like it, and there are no other criminal records. However, it is not impossible for ordinary people to get into some difficult troubles, such as owing loan sharks to the underworld. Rather than being caught and forced to sell themselves to pay off the debt, they can avoid going to jail. "Aiden touched his chin.

"Warden, could it be that...she came to the prison to seek revenge?" The prison guard suddenly remembered something, "I heard that there seemed to be a prisoner in the core area who came to kill his enemies last year."

"Well, there is such a thing, and I dealt with it in the first half of the year." Aiden immediately remembered that the prison guard was talking about Slaine and Camilla's matter, "But this kind of thing is relatively rare."

"That's right." The prison guard nodded in agreement.

"But it's not completely impossible. Just observe a little more and tell us if anything happens." Aiden gave careful instructions and handed the information back. "Remember to tell your district chief."

"Okay." The prison guard took the information respectfully and left the office.

After the prison guard left the office, Aiden was still thinking about the prisoner's situation.

In fact, there were some possibilities, but he did not discuss them with the prison guard.

Prisoners who deliberately enter the prison these days are actually not the only ones. They came here with the intention of kidnapping Avansa's Meluki slave, and the Fengran Mother Goddess Order also threw in a reproductive nun just to spy on him, not to mention spying on him. Send out Sophie's Smiling Scales - each with a little bit of a purpose to cause trouble.

After gaining the power of authority, the frequency of events specifically aimed at him has become higher and higher, and he will feel somewhat nervous about this.

But his intuition told him that this female prisoner might be different from the above prisoners who came in on their own initiative.

First of all, there is no problem with this person's identity. He is a local of the autonomous prefecture. Except for the unclear situation of his family, the information proving his birthplace and identity is relatively complete. Shancheng is also a large city in the autonomous prefecture, located in the southwest of the autonomous prefecture. The only special thing is that it is the largest commercial city closest to the Kingdom of Gistas. It has also established a free trade zone, and there are quite a few Gistas living here or settling here for a long time.

The way this female prisoner deliberately went to prison was actually a bit clumsy, and she didn't control the degree well. After robbing something, she was deliberately caught by the police. Because it didn't cause any particularly big consequences, the judge gave her a suspended sentence, which almost made her fail. Finally, taking off her shoes and throwing them at the judge was more like a remedial measure.

Moreover, she was obviously a little anxious. In fact, if she was sentenced to probation, she could still go to prison as long as she committed the crime again. Doing this kind of remedy on the spot was like someone was waiting outside the court to block her, and she would be gone as soon as she went out.

From this point of view...

"Sure enough, she still owed usury." Aiden thought.

Steal some property, return the money if successful, and go to jail if failed - it's not impossible.

If this is the case, Aiden is not too worried, as long as she doesn't cause any trouble.

Let others pay attention to her for a few days, and then ask her questions depending on the situation. Aiden quickly made up his mind.

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