Shancheng Free Trade Zone, Autonomous Prefecture, Gold Digger Hotel at night.

A man with a mustache and dressed like a wealthy businessman stepped off the carriage, and a waiter immediately came up to him: "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Box No. 7 on the third floor." The wealthy businessman said in a calm voice. He paid a tip and handed the briefcase to the waiter.

"Okay, please follow me." The waiter spread his hands respectfully, and then walked in front to lead the way.

The two came to the door of the box. The waiter knocked on the door first, and then opened the door for the guests. Seven people were already seated at the long table in the box, leaving only the seat at one end of the long table empty.

The wealthy businessman took back his briefcase and walked into the box. The host of the banquet immediately stood up from the seat at the other end and came forward to greet him: "Ah, Mr. Delenn, I'm waiting for you!"

"Oh, I'm sorry for being late. The negotiations were delayed." The wealthy businessman replied politely.

"It's okay, hurry up and take a seat." The host put his hand on the other person's shoulder and spread his hands towards the seat. After the other person passed by, he turned to the waiter and ordered: "The wine will not be served until seven o'clock. No one is allowed in before then. We have something to talk about." ”


The waiter bowed respectfully. The main customers of this hotel in the free trade zone are basically wealthy businessmen and business owners who travel between the autonomous prefecture and Gistas. They use the private rooms here as social venues and business conference halls. Since the customer has asked not to be disturbed, no one will approach the box until the time is up or the customer takes the initiative to ring the bell.

After the door was closed, everyone took their seats. After exchanging glances, one of them stood up, walked to the door and leaned against the door with his arms folded to prevent anyone from suddenly intruding.

Then, the wealthy businessman who came in last spoke: "This time, I am here on the entrustment of the captain of the White Eagle."

Upon hearing this signal, everyone else on the seats stood up in unison and saluted collectively.

The flag of the Kingdom of Gistas is a blue flag with a white eagle spreading its wings. In the internal code of the gendarmerie loyal to the royal family, "Captain of the White Eagle" refers to the king, and there are many other metaphors and pseudonyms.

The Royal Secret Police will first determine which code to use before pretending to have a connection. After the connection, if the code is correct, the person is the right person.

The last "rich businessman" to sit down - the disguised Royal Secret Police Chief Heinz Hoffmann looked around at the subordinates present. After confirming everyone's faces, he spoke in his usual voice: "As in the previous secret message, As mentioned, I will directly take over the next mission codenamed 'Crown'. I have read the telegram and you have indeed failed in your duty."

Others present immediately lowered their heads.

"Everyone, sit down. The review and punishment will be postponed later. The top priority is to complete the task. Let's start the combat meeting now." Heinz motioned for his subordinates to take a seat and continued, "The target entered the autonomous prefecture prison to avoid pursuit. The sentence is relatively long. Extradition is basically It's impossible to do it. The target's identity is from Shancheng, the autonomous prefecture. Even if we forge her criminal record in Gistas, it's impossible to do it without going through the foreign affairs officer. It's basically the same as making it public to the opposition right away. They will know that extradition will be interfered with. What’s even more troublesome is that the empire has been paying attention to this matter. If the empire hears about it... things will become even more difficult. So we have only one goal-"

Heinz suddenly felt a lump in his throat when he said this, causing him to pause here involuntarily.

But after only half a second of delay, he continued to finish the sentence calmly: "It is to let the target die in prison. Considering the special nature of the mission location, the mission must be completed secretly enough to not leave any diplomatic risks. However, ... The priority is still to complete the mission, and we are allowed to use any means. This is His Majesty’s will.”

Several secret police captains who were sent to the autonomous prefecture exchanged glances with each other. This order meant that the king was determined to kill Serra Lexia even if it caused a diplomatic dispute.

The current situation of the kingdom maintains a delicate balance under the influence of multiple factors, but this balance is also similar to riding a unicycle and walking on a rope. As long as even a little external force is applied, the balance will be broken.

The existence of Serra Lexia itself is such an external force.

The former king did not specify an heir in his will. Before the illegitimate son was discovered, it was completely logical for the former king's "only son" to inherit the throne.

However, after the discovery of letters between the former king's past sympathizers and his illegitimate daughter, opposition forces who had objections to the new king immediately united.

They suggested that the king's will did not clearly name an heir out of dissatisfaction with his son. This may also be true. During the reign of the previous king, he often argued with the prince due to different political opinions, and everyone knew that the relationship between the two was tense. The most critical thing is that the new policy implemented by the new king is completely contrary to the political philosophy of the previous king.

Therefore, the opposition forces immediately focused on the princess living among the people, viewing her as a banner to fight against the new king.

Even if she fails to win the throne in the end, she will at least be eligible for the title of Grand Duchess, which will still be of great use to the opposition.

As a banner to rally forces against the king, it was enough for the opposition to bring her alive into their control.

Then the new king's goal is clear enough.

"Sir." A secret policeman raised his hand, and Heinz turned his gaze to her and nodded slightly, indicating for her to speak.

"Do we need to send people to prison?" the other party suggested.

Heinz lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then replied: "Let me see the prison information first."

Sending people to the prison to assassinate is the method that can be thought of immediately. If you can directly contact the target, there will be many opportunities to start. Even if something happens, you can find a way to use the power of the country to extradite the person who carried out the mission back - as long as the target is dead, the succession dispute will be equivalent to the end of the curtain, and then the opposition will become a mess, and the opposition will no longer use resources to trip up a secret police.

Even if you have to sacrifice one person to complete this mission, it is still worth it. The members who will be sent to carry out this mission are all loyal enough.

That's right...including himself.

Heinz emphasized to himself in his heart.

But the premise for this plan to be implemented is that the agent who sneaks into the prison can directly contact the target.

Heinz quickly browsed the prison investigation report with a solemn expression.

Rose Iron Prison is a large prison that can accommodate 4,000 prisoners. It has three ordinary prison areas and one core area. Sera Rexia must be in one of the three ordinary prison areas. It is difficult to guarantee that the person who enters the prison will be in the same prison area as Sera if someone is sent into the prison. But if enough people are sent, maybe...

Thinking of this, he turned the page and saw the list of senior leaders of the prison.

Then, he frowned: "Aiden...Garrod?"

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