The Inquisition, the possibility of cooperation with the Witches' Coven...

Heinz made a mental calculation and felt that the possibility was too low.

He is very clear about the atmosphere of the Inquisition. The police may cooperate with criminals under certain conditions. Secret police like them are even willing to directly hire criminal gangs to do work. However, because the Convention involves the special status of many countries, I am afraid that except for Ned Lan, it is almost impossible for the heresy trial agency of any country to put down its reserve and do this, lest it would be a scandal to other countries, and this is especially true for the heresy trial agency of the autonomous prefecture.

It is possible to use each other, but just like this, can we really defeat the Feng Rang Mother Goddess Cult?

If it was the Witches' Assembly that defeated the Fengran Mother Goddess Cult head-on, it would be understandable that the Heresy Bureau of Silver City would have to do the finishing work. But if the Inquisition was not involved, there would be no need to keep this matter secret. The Fengran Mother Goddess Cult is not a well-established terrorist cult in the autonomous prefecture. Even if the achievements of the Witches' Gathering are attributed to themselves, it will not be considered a big credit.

The Royal Secret Police also collected information on the Witches' Gathering - after swallowing up the territory of the old Reese Kingdom, the Misty Forest also bordered the Gistas, and even a small part was included in the Gistas Kingdom. The great witch Abigail established a stronghold here to restart the witch gathering, and Gistas has always maintained a wait-and-see and vigilant attitude towards it.

The core of the witch coven are several great witches, centered on Abigail. In recent years, two great witches have been arrested in the autonomous prefecture, and both are imprisoned in the Rose Iron Prison managed by Eden Garrod. Already...

In other words, this Aiden Jarod is both a former heresy judge who has a relationship with his old employer and the prison chief guarding the two great witches.

Heinz's face became more serious.

As the head of the secret police, he has come into contact with the intelligence of many special people. The experience and professional sense he has accumulated along the way allow him to smell out which person may be "dangerous" from his personal resume and related information, and this Aiden Gar Lord—Although his subordinates have not found any conclusive evidence in such a short period of time, he can smell the danger of this person from this pile of information.

This warden once suppressed a riot and a large-scale prison robbery. It is said that the initiator of the riot was Mirukinu, a killer trainer who is famous in the underworld. As for the Red Shark Pirates who robbed the prison, they were unscathed in the past. He robbed the Empire's capital prison.

Want to carry out an assassination in this person's home field?

If the assassination fails and the person performing the mission is still caught, and the person falls into prison, they cannot easily rescue him even if he wants to.

Maybe his subordinates can keep it secret, but that doesn't mean that the other party will never be able to pry out the truth.

Heinz turned to the following pages. The information on other prison management personnel was relatively simple. They were basically veteran prison guards who had been working in Rose Iron Prison for more than ten years.

"The mission cannot be failed. Don't take unnecessary risks in the first step of the chess move. First of all..." After reading the information, Heinz quickly made a decision, "It is better to find out the prison area where the target is located first. Let’s collect some information about female prisoners who have recently been imprisoned, and find ways to contact them through visits, and find out where the target is in the prison.”

"Then what?" the subordinate asked.

"Try to bribe the warden of that prison district to do something for us." Heinz said calmly. "The identity of the prisoner who comes into contact will be faked as a gangster. The reason... you choose the one that suits you. The money to buy it must be attractive enough. But don’t go too far to avoid being noticed that the power behind it exceeds the limit of a gang.”

Several captains looked at each other, and finally one of them raised his hand: "Sir, if there is a criminal case inside the prison, the prison will be responsible for the investigation. There are also people supervising the middle management of the prison. If there is criminal deterrence, they You won’t necessarily be bribed with money. If you want to be bribed, why not just bribe the warden there?”

Heinz thought for a moment and replied: "There are still some mysteries about this person that have not been solved. There is no need. Try not to contact him first. Continue to dig up his information and don't be discovered by him. If the bribery of the ward chief does not work, Try to start with him again.”

"Sir, if bribery doesn't work, why don't you try to kidnap the family members of the middle managers?" A captain suddenly suggested.

"Kidnapping the families of local military and police personnel? Are you serious?" Another more senior captain immediately raised objections, "If the other party does not submit, our opponent will be the entire city's police force! Don't forget that this is not us. It’s your territory, if you mess up the mission, you don’t even have enough heads to kill you!”

"You are right. Kidnapping and coercion must either be used when there is no other choice, or they must be absolutely successful, otherwise they are meaningless." Heinz agreed with the latter's opinion, "Our policy should be limited. Consider low-risk methods, and then try high-risk methods after the plan is eliminated. I will go to Silver City tomorrow and let the people in the city carry out the investigation first, that’s it.”

After saying this, he stood up to signal that the meeting was over, and the other captains followed suit.

"Everything is for our country." Heinz said slowly.

Including the secret police guarding the door, all the captains of the mission action team saluted together.

Heinz could see determination and fanaticism in the eyes of everyone under his command. He just hoped that his eyes at this moment were as clear as theirs.

In the Rose Iron Prison, Aiden sat in the interview room, looking at the female prisoner who had just been brought in across the iron table.

Prisoner 01 Rexia, who was detained in the first prison area, lowered her head and clasped her hands together, rubbing her fingers nervously.

She didn't know why she was suddenly "arraigned" by the warden of this prison. Several imaginations that emerged always made her feel deeply uneasy - what if those people's claws have already extended to this prison, what if the leader of this prison has been bribed...

She tried to look at the other party carefully, but the moment she met the other party's eyes, she felt a palpitation and couldn't help looking away.

The other party's eyes did not reveal any emotional color, but it was inexplicably with a strange courage. When he looked straight at her, it was as if he wanted to see through every secret hidden in his heart.

That person's eyes occasionally revealed such a look, as if carrying the edge of a sword. She was deeply fascinated by that look... until her father suddenly died and the new king ascended the throne. His position changed drastically, from a knight protecting her to an executioner responsible for her execution. The memories that once made people nostalgic seemed to be entangled with thorns and could never be touched again.

Just imagining that the man would point the gun at her face with such eyes in the future, she felt a pain in her heart.

"Why do you look like you have something to hide?" At this time, Aiden broke the silence first, "Prisoner 0168, I only have a few questions to ask you."

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