The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 381 Transfer to the core area

"Do you know who sent the letter?" Aiden asked.

"I..." Saira hesitated when answering the question, "I'm not sure. The words on the letter were typed on a typewriter."

"Since Count Hoffmann personally showed up in Cedar City to pursue you, he should have also chased you to Silver City, right?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know." Saira turned her face away slightly, her tone was a bit unkind, and Aiden could hear that she seemed a little resentful, "Among the secret police, he is the only one who knows where I live. They didn't catch me in Shancheng. The matter does not necessarily need to be carried out by him personally. After all, the dignified secret police chief should still have some things to do in the country. "

Aiden actually felt that objectively speaking, the possibility that Count Hoffman would appear in Silver City in person was not high. The top officer of an independent police department is a very high official position, and Hoffman also has a title of nobility. Carrying out high-risk tasks such as assassinations abroad does not require him to do it himself. Shancheng, which is relatively close to Gistas, is okay, but when it comes to Silver City, which is located in the central area of ​​the autonomous prefecture...

But being low doesn't mean it's impossible. Now that Saira is in prison, if the secret police sent to the autonomous prefecture didn't have a very capable front-line commander, it would be basically impossible for this assassination mission to proceed.

And if this matter was arranged by Melissa, the possibility of Count Hoffman appearing in Silver City is probably 100%.

Aiden thought for a while and asked: "How much do you know about the Royal Secret Police? Do you think they will send someone into the prison to kill you?"

Saira thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't know much...but I think it's possible to send a killer to prison. They sent a lot of people to kill me, and they were very patient. They can spend so much money. , I think they can use any means."

"I think so too." Aiden nodded, "Now that things have reached this point, it will be difficult for you to leave the prison for the time being. How about making your affairs here public?"

"Publicly!?" Saira's eyes widened.

"The new king wants to kill you because those who oppose him want to take advantage of you. If your affairs are made public, they will find a way to keep you if they want to use your power. If they want to assassinate you again, it will be easier-"

"I don't want to be used as a pawn in a political game!" Saira knocked on the table decisively before he could finish his analysis. "Being pushed up as a pawn will only make you get entangled deeper. Even if you survive now, you will still be targeted sooner or later. What’s the point of risking your life and still being afraid every day?”

Aiden said to himself that it was only human nature to not want to be used as a pawn.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited. I actually don't want more forces to target my little prison." Aiden waved his hand, "Then, just to be on the safe side, I'll transfer you to the core area. Okay. The procedure will probably take about a day. Although there are some dangerous criminals there, the supervision level is also the most reliable. I will arrange for a trustworthy prisoner to live with you, which should prevent you from being tricked by other prisoners. "

Saira opened her eyes slightly after hearing this: "Are you planning to protect me?"

"Otherwise?" Aiden glanced at her, "One of the prisoners in the prison died, but when we looked back, he was still murdered. Do you know how troublesome this is for the prison guards?"

"I don't think they would mind bribing a high-ranking prison official. You really have no plan..." Saira looked at Aiden suspiciously.

"Unfortunately. I'm not actually short of money." Aiden spread his hands, "If you die and it's revealed that you are the princess of Gistas, no matter whether I have done anything wrong or not, someone will definitely doubt me. Yes, I don’t want this to happen. What’s wrong? Someone wants to protect you, but you’re still reluctant, right?”

He does intend to obtain the "punishment" divine word mastered by Count Hoffman, but he is not very willing to achieve it by making a deal against his will. The goddess of conspiracy used him as a pawn to get close to the authority of "Order" and confront Mr. Bloody Clothes. He was already resistant to this forced "road to godhood". If he had to distort himself to achieve it... it would be too much. No fun anymore.

Rather than doing this, it would be more in line with his style to catch Count Hoffmann, beat him up, and point a gun at his head to force him to teach the word of God.

Saira was stunned after hearing his words. This escape journey began with her being betrayed by someone close to her, and then she was abandoned by her hired bodyguards midway, leaving her with no choice but to jump into prison. At this point, she no longer dared to trust others easily, but the attitude shown by the warden gave her some hope.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "I don't know whether I should believe you, but since you said so, I'd better thank you in advance."

"Thank me if you survive in the end. I'll deal with you later about using my prison as a refuge. You'd better tell me something useful first." Aiden paused and continued to ask, " For example... let’s talk about Count Hoffmann?”

Aiden is very sure that the relationship between Serra Lexia and Count Hoffmann is not that simple, and he should be able to dig out some useful information from her mouth.

Two days later, in the lower town of Baiyin City, at the Bauhinia Hotel.

The windows and doors of the room were closed, and the curtains covered the windows tightly. Only a small part of the afternoon sunlight penetrated into the room. In this dark and depressing confined space, Heinz sat at the small table and listened to the reports of his subordinates.

"We inquired about the prisoners in three ordinary areas and finally determined that the target was in the first prison area, but when we investigated further, we found that the situation had changed. It is said that the target was reassigned a room last night. It is not yet certain whether she was just changed to a new room or moved to another cell." The subordinate who reported bowed his head respectfully.

"Changed room?" Heinz frowned.

Has the prison management noticed the problem?

Is it Aiden Garrod?

It is not surprising. According to the report, Sera deliberately went to prison after making a scene in the Judgment House. This unusual behavior will most likely attract the attention of the prison management. As long as Sera is willing to speak out, they may have already known the whole story.

"Please give us a little more time, we will investigate it clearly." The subordinate bowed and pleaded.

"Of course we have to investigate it thoroughly, but..." Heinz replied, "This time we will start the investigation directly from the core area of ​​the prison to see if the target has moved to a room over there."

The subordinate raised his head in surprise, then lowered his head again: "I understand!"

After the subordinate left, Heinz sat alone in a dim room, staring at the bed, without opening the curtains.

According to the subordinates' previous investigation, Sera had stayed in this hotel.

Just a moment of imagination, he felt as if he saw the figure of the girl hugging her feet and curling up helplessly on the bed.

He closed his eyes and tried to divert his thoughts so that the figure that appeared in his imagination would disappear.

But he failed.

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