Two days later, in the evening, in Pingcheng District of Baiyin City, Flanda, the warden of the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison, got off the public carriage and turned into an alley with residential buildings on both sides.

As a senior prison guard in her forties, she rarely needs to work in shifts like the new prison guards. She works in the morning and gets off work in the evening. She works night shifts a few days a month. Her life is generally quite regular.

She returned to her door, took out the key, inserted it into the door lock, turned it, and immediately frowned.

The door was not locked.

Her children already have their own families and moved to other districts, and only she and her husband continue to stay in their hometown. Her husband is a surveyor working in the city hall. He is very busy because of a project to be rushed recently. He also said that he has a night shift to do today.

Why did you come back suddenly?

With such doubts, Flanda opened the door and walked into the house.

She stopped as soon as she passed the entrance, and at the same time she felt that the hairs on her body stood up.

She saw a strange man in her living room. When she walked in, the stranger stood up from the sofa with a smile on his face, as if he was the owner of the place and was welcoming her.

"Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Rogli." The man politely took off his hat and saluted, "Ah, please don't be so nervous, don't call anyone, I definitely don't mean to hurt you and your husband, can you listen to me for a few words first?"

Frenda was about to retreat to the entrance, and suddenly there was a "knock knock" sound outside the door - it was the sound of a cane hitting the steps, which meant that someone was blocking the door.

Frenda realized that she had no way out - this group of people came prepared and ambushed her. She didn't have a gun outside the duty unit. She knew some fighting skills, but it might be a bit difficult to deal with two strong men. In prison, the suppression of prisoners depends on the prison's riot control facilities and mobile riot control teams, and basically does not require people in her position to go into battle in person.

She calmed down quickly. She had worked in the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison for nearly 20 years, had come into contact with so many dangerous prisoners, and had experienced the most chaotic period of this prison.

She had experienced more critical situations than this in prison, and a thief who broke into her house did not make her lose her composure.

"Looking at you, you must have found me before running to my house." Flanda stared at the thief in front of her and said, "Who are you?"

"You are indeed the second-in-command who manages the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison. You are indeed a man who has seen the world." The man smiled and nodded.

"It's just a middle-aged woman who has no skills and relies on luck to retire. Since you know that I am a policeman, you dare to sneak into my house to demonstrate to me? Want to threaten me?" Flanda replied lightly, "The things in my safe are not worth a few robbers taking such risks, or are you here to seek revenge?"

"No, no, you really misunderstood." The man waved his hands repeatedly, "We are here to give you money."

"Give you money?" Flanda frowned.

"We're sorry to talk to you in this way and scare you. This is a small token of our appreciation." The man stepped forward and respectfully presented a check.

Frenda glanced at the amount on the check and her face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"We have something to ask of you, the warden." The man said with a smile, "This is just a deposit. The reward after the matter is completed will be twice this."

"You want to bribe me?" Frenda reacted, "This method is really tougher than stuffing money into my shoe cabinet."

Going to someone else's house to do this kind of thing is basically a combination of threats and inducements. Once you are afraid of a stranger who suddenly appears in your home, you will instantly fall into a weak position psychologically and be easily led by the other party.

"It's just a deal, it's good for both you and me." The man explained with a smile, "We are an ordinary gang. Recently, a traitor appeared in our gang and ruined our business. According to the rules, we must find a way to execute her, otherwise it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the underworld in the future. I never thought that she would end up in prison."

"You want me to kill a prisoner in prison?" Flanda widened her eyes, "If we are found out, that would be..."

"Just find a way not to be found out. I think the price here for buying a life is quite generous. If you are not satisfied with the price, you can negotiate it again, but please don't make an outrageous offer." The man said.

"In the prison, I have someone above me. If you want to bribe, why don't you bribe the warden directly?" Flanda asked again.

"We also judge that the management in your position has more opportunities to contact prisoners." The man laughed.

"..." Flanda fell silent and kept staring at the check in the man's hand.

"This deposit is enough for you to live a worry-free life for the rest of your life." Seeing that she seemed to hesitate, the man began to persuade her, "I remember that the working environment in Rose Prison should be quite bad. How long does it take to save so much money there? We hope that you are only dealing with a criminal."

"This is not a small matter." Flanda raised her eyes.

"Are you going to refuse... or pay more?" Based on this sentence alone, the man was a little unsure of the other party's attitude.

"I need time to think about it." Flanda replied, "I will give you an answer tomorrow. At this time, can we go to the tavern at the end of the alley?"

"This..." The man looked embarrassed.

"This is not an excessive request, is this the attitude you always have when asking for help?" Franda looked unhappy.

"Please understand, if you call the police to lure us into the trap, then we will..." The man smiled awkwardly.

"I can't make this decision now anyway, what are you going to do?" Franda simply folded her hands, "Tie me up and threaten me?"

"No, no, how dare I! How about this, if you are willing to make this deal, come to the warehouse entrance of Pier 7 in the old city alone at this time tomorrow. If you are worried, you can take this." The man took out a gun and removed the bullets, and put it on the table in the living room, "If we don't see you, we will assume that you have refused the deal, and we will never bother you again in the future."

Frenda thought about it and replied: "Okay, then please leave my house now."

"Okay." The man took off his hat again and saluted, "I'm sorry for suddenly breaking into your house. I promise I didn't touch other things. Good night."

After saying that, he pushed the door and walked out.

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