The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 385 Direct Confrontation

Xiacheng District, Bauhinia Hotel guest room.

"The deal to hire a local gangster failed, and the person who contacted him was caught red-handed." A secret police captain reported to Count Heinz Hoffmann.

"It's not surprising." Heinz replied without any surprise. "If you are a qualified leader, you should have expected that we would do this after knowing the necessary information, and you will definitely inoculate your subordinates. But you should Did you teach those gangsters the correct way to communicate, and the people who contacted them were caught on the spot? They didn’t do what we told them to do?”

These days they've been hiring local gangsters to do the same thing as them, they collect intelligence on prisons, and the gangsters collect intelligence on prisons. Of course, comparing efficiency, the intelligence that local gangs can collect is very limited, and most of the necessary information is provided by them.

Once they found out that Serra Lexia had been transferred to the core area, the plan was to naturally find a way to bribe Flanda Rogli, the warden of the core area.

At this point, they directly handed over the matter to the hired local gangsters and taught them step by step how to propose a deal with the other party. Franda proposed to give an answer the next day, and the joint at the abandoned dock where gangs were rampant was also their backup plan.

At that time, it would be enough for the gangsters to confirm whether Frenda went to the dock alone as agreed, and then send a gangster to deliver the letter and check. The Royal Secret Police also sent people here, but they only monitored the scene from a distance. Based on their surveillance and tracking experience, even professionals would have a hard time finding their hiding place.

"My people checked at the surveillance point. The only person who went there was Frenda Rogli. She came to the meeting place alone and arrested the person who was meeting with a gun." The captain replied, "A very risky move. , it is understandable that gangsters will be deceived.”

"How dare an ordinary prison guard have such courage?" Heinz recalled the information he had seen about Flanda Rogli and was stunned for a moment. "No matter how upright she is, she would not do anything other than her duties." Risking your life?"

He expected that the other party would not have imagined what situation she would encounter before arriving at the dock. Although the gang stuffed a gun into her to give her a sense of self-defense, the bait that really attracted her to come to the transaction was the large check and the transaction. Attractive funding upon completion.

Normally, if she goes alone, she should agree to the deal. If she wanted to arrest someone, no matter how risky she was, she should have brought a group of police officers.

If she planned to go to the transaction location to catch the contact person and find out who was behind it, she would have a conflicting consciousness with those present. Without the confidence to deal with a group of gun-toting thugs alone, who would dare to run alone to an abandoned dock in the old city controlled by gangs with a gun?

Of course, it is also possible that she originally planned to act according to circumstances and pretend to accept the deal if it was not convenient for her to do it. But when she saw that there was only one person coming to contact her, she simply caught the other person.

But this kind of courage is also quite remarkable. Even if the person making the decision behind the scenes is likely to be Aiden Garrod, it is difficult to imagine that a prison guard with no relevant experience would dare to take this risk on his own.

Heinz felt something was wrong again, and this time the something strange did not come from that Aiden Garrod, but from the Ward Chief Flanders, but he couldn't figure out the reason for a while.

"Sir, do you think the prison management already knows about our affairs?" the secret police captain suddenly asked hesitantly.

"Just tell me what you have in mind." Heinz heard that his subordinate seemed to have doubts.

"I'm thinking if they already know the whole story, why don't they just disclose everything?" The captain said doubtfully, "If we disclose everything, our actions should be greatly restricted. They obviously know it. It’s hard to deal with the opponent.”

"In that case, it will be more difficult for us to perform our tasks, but the prison itself will also attract the attention of all forces. His Majesty and the opposition will put the struggle on the bright side, and the empire will also intervene, using the political neutrality of the autonomous prefecture. This Whose team should we take in this situation?" Heinz said slowly.

"Wouldn't it be better if you insist on not taking sides?"

"The most troublesome thing is not taking sides after it's made public." Heinz shook his head. "This means keeping the hot potato in your hands. All the forces that want them to take sides will use various means to win over or force them to take sides. , this prison will continue to become the focus of the struggle, and when the struggle comes to light, the situation will only become more complicated. If anything goes wrong...if it's not made public, they can still argue that they didn't know about it, but once it is made public, it will be a scapegoat that cannot be shaken off."

The captain nodded thoughtfully, somewhat understanding.

If the prison discloses this matter, it will become more difficult to assassinate the princess, but if His Majesty the King wants to sleep peacefully, he must continue to carry out the assassination even if it becomes more difficult. The opposition will also find ways to bring the princess under its own protection and control, and the empire is always planning to use the princess to divide Gistas, even if it just makes the other party disgusted.

In other words, once it is revealed that the secret princess happens to be in the autonomous state prison, the political forces of Gistas and the empire will pay attention to this small prison. The autonomous prefecture's position is theoretically to remain politically neutral, but if this matter were made public, it would become embarrassing.

If we have to hand over the princess, it won't be suitable for anyone. If we don't hand it over, it will let these people keep the flame of struggle in this small prison. Once the princess is in trouble, they will have to bear the heavy responsibility of failing to protect important political figures.

"So the other side doesn't like to cause trouble?" The captain frowned in confusion, "Then why would they take the initiative to fight us?"

From what happened today, it seems that this prison is planning to fight the spies of the Gistas Royal Secret Police on its own.

"I'm afraid the one who wants to fight us is that Aiden Garold." Heinz said slowly, "From the outstanding record in his information, he has the capital to be confident."

"But we are also..."

"Don't forget that this is not Gistas, but an autonomous state. This is the opponent's home court. Don't underestimate the enemy!" Heinz reminded, "It's hard for a strong dragon to suppress a local snake."

The captain took back what he wanted to say, nodded in agreement, and asked again: "What should we do next?"

"It seems that there is no way to get around this person." Heinz thought seriously, "Then... Let's just fight him directly to test the waters."

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