The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 386 The Role of the Gang

Old town, Skeleton Gang territory, gang office.

"Sir, we still have a few words to say about your question..." The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa tried to stay calm, staring at the guest across the sofa across the coffee table, "First of all, we are also victims, and we were also deceived by those people."

As the leader of the Skeleton Gang, the actual boss, he didn't need to speak to people in such a humiliating tone in his gang's territory.

But he had to be polite to this sudden visitor, because the other party had the ability to easily take his head off.

A young man sat opposite the tea seat, wearing a cloak and a mask, and on the tea table was the identity certificate used by Miru Jinu in the black market.

The one who suddenly visited the Skeleton Gang's territory was the second-generation bloody death god who helped them solve the "traitor" Polpo a few months ago.

Of course, this new legendary killer was still pretending to be Aiden.

Although he felt that there was not much information to be obtained, Aiden still put on a vest and tried to contact the Skeleton Gang. After all, it was an indisputable fact that this gang was hired by the Royal Secret Police.

The guy who pretended to be Flanda to meet the deal was just an ordinary Skeleton Gang thug. After reporting the matter to the procuratorate, the Skeleton Gang immediately regarded the people who were responsible for bribing Flanda as abandoned pawns, and the whole thing became the personal behavior of a small cadre of the Skeleton Gang.

After meeting the leader of the Skeleton Gang with the identity of the second generation of the Dirty Blood Death God, Aiden frightened them with the nonsense reason that the people who hired them had a grudge against Mirujinu, and the boss of the Skeleton Gang immediately began to defend himself seriously-of course, he would not want to sacrifice his own head for a business.

Aiden crossed his legs on the sofa and continued to ask questions: "You are not philanthropists, so I guess they must have paid you for your help. They can safely give you the bribe money, so they should pay you more, right? How dare you call yourself a victim?"

"Well, in fact, we only received some deposits. After the incident, they cut off contact with us, and we didn't get the official commission. And these deposits were paid in two checks in batches..." The leader of the Skeleton Gang frowned in displeasure, "The second check received can no longer be withdrawn. We have also lost many people for this matter, and there is no profit at all. And you can imagine, if I knew that they had a grudge against you, how could we dare to take this job?"

The check could not be withdrawn-Aiden knew this.

After catching the contact person, the check that the Royal Secret Police used to bribe Flanda fell into his hands. After he handed it over to the procuratorate, the procuratorate found that the check was invalid when it went to investigate, because the funds in the bank account of the issuer were suddenly transferred away, and there was no sufficient balance for the bank to pay the withdrawal amount, which was the so-called bad check.

In other words, after the bribe failed, the secret police immediately transferred the money from the account to reduce their losses.

The procuratorate is now targeting the account where the check was issued, but Aiden knows that this direction will not produce any results. If there is a clue in this account, the secret police will not feel at ease to use the check for bribery.

The action was so quick. Although the secret police hired local gangs to do the work in front of the scenes, they have been paying attention to the progress of the work behind the scenes.

Of course, Aiden doesn't believe that the gang really didn't make money from this transaction, but he is not interested in getting too entangled with a small gang at the moment.

"You are in charge of a gang after all. You should have some brains when doing business. Have you confirmed their origins?" Aiden asked.

"They claimed to be a gang from the southern part of the empire, saying that they came to the autonomous prefecture to execute the daughter of a high-ranking official who betrayed the organization... I guess they were mainly trying to silence them. The people who came to discuss business all had accents from the southern part of the empire. Alas, I was deceived by them." The leader of the Skeleton Gang said with regret.

It is probably not difficult for several spies who are responsible for conducting espionage in foreign countries to disguise their local accents. With the acting skills of professional spies, it is more than enough to deceive a gang.

But believing in their identities is one thing, and determining that they are trustworthy is another. If a gang trusts its trading partner so easily, it should have been eaten up in this world.

"I don't think you were deceived by them, but you only care about the money they give you." Aiden continued to ask, "It sounds like you are negotiating business with them in person?"

"Well..." The leader of the Skeleton Gang hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Yes, if the gang wants to bribe the government, even if it is not targeting any senior officials, it will not work without me."

"Since you came out to negotiate in person, the person who came out over there should be a bit important, right?"

"He claimed to be the second in command of the gang, and came to supervise the battle in person."

"What does he look like?" Aiden asked.

"He is not tall, a little fat, with small eyes and a round nose..."

Aiden thought about it, and this appearance was obviously quite different from what Sera told him. Come to think of it, it is just dealing with local gangs, and there is no need for the highest commander to come in person. I am afraid that this guy is at most the level of a captain of an action team.

At present, he has not caught the definite evidence that Count Hoffman entered the scene in person. Of course, he does not expect to catch the head of the secret police directly. In fact, he only needs to catch one secret policeman - he can use the power of the "Wordless Code" to force the other party to spit out all the information.

"You shouldn't be so stupid as to trust them completely after taking the money. Have you investigated them?" Aiden continued to ask.

A gangster should always be a little bit vigilant when facing a strange trading partner.

Of course, it is not realistic for a city gang to spy on the details of a group of elite national spies, but they are the local snakes here after all. They have several times more manpower than the other party, so there should be a little clue.

"We did track down a few of them living in a hotel in the lower city, but we didn't dare to go in and eavesdrop. The gang was very vigilant. In addition to this, when we were talking about things, we actually secretly took pictures of them..." The boss said in retrospect.

"Which hotel?" Aiden asked.

"It's the one on Bauhinia Road, and its name is also Bauhinia Hotel."

"Okay, then give me a copy of the photo as well." Aiden reached out for it without hesitation, "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, I won't cause you any trouble."

This is already a very useful clue. Knowing the appearance of several of them, we can use the power of the police to secretly search for them throughout the city.

Whether we can find anything about the hotel depends on luck.

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