The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 392: No Advantage

In the Rose Prison, Aiden was changing clothes in the locker room, thinking about the near miss an hour ago.

The plan really can't keep up with the changes.

After the infiltration of the prison management fails and the hired gang can no longer be used, the Royal Secret Police will try to contact him, and the method will still use bribes to buy limited priority. The prosecutor's office began reviewing prison letters because of previous bribery incidents. In order to show enough sincerity, the secret police will probably send someone to interview him directly - so far, everything is within his expectation.

When he had anticipated this step, Aiden had a slightly more risky plan.

First, capture the secret policeman who comes into contact with you, then control him and use the "Wordless Code" to make him spit out the necessary information, including all their strongholds and personnel distribution in the city, and then temporarily imprison the other party and use a "double" The divine words turned into each other and went to the stronghold for further investigation.

As long as the top commander of their operations in Silver City is dug out, this gang can be eradicated.

If that supreme commander were Heinz Hoffmann himself, it would have dealt a heavy blow to the Gista Royal Secret Police and the assassination plan would have been thwarted.

So he walked at night for the past two days in order to give the other party a chance to strike up a conversation. He didn't bring any bodyguards, lest the other party wouldn't dare approach - it was a bit risky, but the reward was worth it, and with luck you could catch them all.

Aiden had not never thought that the secret police's plan A of bribery and inducement would be closely followed by a plan B of violent coercion. If a secret police officer is captured, a team of reserve personnel may be immediately available to rescue him. But as long as there is the power of the divine word, guns and black magic will all take effect. The number of people in a small team is not an advantage at all. The more people caught, the more information can be dug out.

When he heard someone unlocking his door, he didn't shoot at Rody. Instead, he pounced on him and hit him on the back of the head, then choked him to silence his voice.

When the secret police from the commando team broke in, he had already used his "substitute" power to replace his and Roddy's appearance. Just as he expected, the secret police who stormed in beat their teammates without hesitation, beat them up, gagged them, tied them up and put them in sacks.

However, what Aiden did not expect was that it would be Count Heinz Hoffmann himself who would execute Plan B. When he saw the group of people who broke in, he keenly spotted one of them. Her face shape and body shape all fit the description of Saira Rexia. Despite the disguise and disguise, Aiden still recognized the man as Count Hoffmann at a glance.

Among the four people who rushed in, only two came forward to help. One of the other two stood behind him, and the other stood close in front of him like a bodyguard. The commander standing in position C was obviously a big shot.

I have to say that the Gestapo leader really gave him face. This sudden attack slightly disrupted his position. In the past, the targets he dealt with were basically defeated by pre-set up and intelligence superiority.

And they acted more cautiously than he thought. They didn't even plan to take "Ayden Garrod" back to the stronghold for torture. Instead, they directly took him to a random place in the wilderness. Their approach was just like a gang or horse thieves.

With only a brief moment of judgment, Aiden realized that continuing to follow them in disguise would only have risks and no benefits. First of all, if the "substitute" divine word is only used to change one's own appearance, it is almost semi-permanent. However, in exchange for the existence of two targets, the divine word will be limited in scope and time.

And once they start to torture the captured "Ayden Garrod", Roddy will immediately tell them the truth.

Although the "substitute" divine word is the most perfect disguise method, it is only a "pretend" after all. These people are secret police and specialize in espionage infiltration. This group of people probably have a lot of tricks to confirm identities with secret codes. Playing the "real and fake Monkey King" trick in front of them is simply asking for death. At that time, I will be surrounded by a group of secret police in a place where the sky and the earth are not working, and it will be almost impossible to escape.

There is no need for Aiden to do that. Since the most important target, Heinz Hoffmann, is right in front of him, he can skip those preparatory steps and start directly.

Of course, this is more risky than his original plan. His divine words can be effective against the black magic of firearms, but it is estimated that it is impossible to completely erase the power of the "punishment" divine words. The "Wordless Code" can certainly work. It is effective, but one of the major drawbacks of that thing is that it takes time to write. Without preparation in advance, it is almost impossible to have such time once you get started.

So the first person he wanted to knock down was Heinz, and he really made a mistake in this regard. He should have waited for a better time, but he really wasn't sure how many opportunities there would be between that point and when they started the torture process, and he really didn't dare to take any further risks.

When Heinz ordered "Rody" to go outside to gather others, he judged that there might not be many opportunities to attack in the future, so he hurriedly took action. As a result, the bodyguard posted next to Heinz was destroyed. thing.

When Heinz was about to use the Word of God, he didn't dare to fight, so he could only seize the opportunity to escape. Once trapped by the imprisonment sentence of the "punishment" divine word, he will be completely defeated.

In the situation at that time, he had the opportunity to kill the bodyguard and the unlucky guy guarding outside the window, so as to reduce the number of secret police. But this was not a wise decision. The secret police would not clean up the mess for him if he killed someone in his room and near his residence. Some intelligence personnel hold legal identities in the infiltration area. If Aiden cannot prove that the person he killed is a foreign spy who attacked him, he may face murder charges - even if he is not charged, he will at least be investigated to a certain extent. He does not have time to waste time on such things now.

The arrangement was still not thorough enough. If he could have anticipated that Heinz would take the risk of doing it himself, he would have written down the rules for the "punishment" power in the "Wordless Code" in advance, and this mess should have ended tonight.

Aiden reviewed it in his heart.

This encounter was the first direct confrontation between him and Heinz. Heinz not only exposed the fact that he was in the autonomous state in person, but also would be targeted by the entire city's police force for attacking military and police personnel. Moreover, Aiden roughly figured out a weakness of the "punishment" divine word, which is that the effective distance is very short. After he broke through the window and jumped down, the effect of the "punishment" divine word never appeared.

But Aiden also suffered a big loss, exposing two cards in his hand. Heinz may not know too much information about the divine word, but he can definitely infer that he has the ability to transform into someone else and make attack methods such as firearms and black magic ineffective.

In short, he still didn't get the upper hand.

But starting from this night, they jumped out from under the water together, and the confrontation between them was about to be put on the table.

Fortunately, this city is still his home court.

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