The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 398 Inflicting Pain

Two days later, the secret police stronghold in the Old Town.

"There's no movement today?" Heinz asked the subordinate who was reporting.

"No, he never left prison at all." His subordinate reported back.

"You're so calm." Heinz closed his eyes.

For two days, Aiden Garrod remained hidden in the prison, standing still.

It's actually similar on their side, and they can't act rashly at all.

The Mounted Police are now searching hotels and rental houses for foreigners suspected of being spies, and the Inquisition is also on the move. Fortunately, many members of the Royal Secret Police Intelligence Section have legal long-term residence status in the autonomous prefecture, so after abandoning those temporary strongholds in hotels, apartments and rental houses, they still retain the ability to continue espionage activities to a certain extent. But compared to before, it is still subject to considerable restrictions.

"Let's continue surveillance for now," Heinz continued.

"Sir, are you really not considering kidnapping the warden or other senior prison guards?" His subordinate suggested, "They should all have the authority to enter the cells from the outside of the prison."

"The problem now is no longer how to enter the prison, but how to get around the monster." Heinz replied, "Our brainwashing and coercion cannot achieve true mind control. If we catch a person, we can only take him with him." He broke into the prison together. If Aiden Garrod arranged it in the prison, we would fall into a trap if we broke through the restricted area. That was his home field. The group of imperial pirates who were captured in the Rose Iron Prison were a lesson learned. There is nothing we can do to deal with him.”

"What about seizing the hostage and coercing him? Now that we have been targeted by the city's police force, we should no longer have to worry about it." The subordinate made another suggestion, "Previous observations showed that although he has no relatives, he has some friends and people from his former unit. Colleagues and some of my subordinates also have good personal relationships..."

"If one of you were kidnapped, and then the other party threatened me, do you think I would agree?" Heinz asked, "If he doesn't compromise, what can we do? The Mounted Police will still handle the kidnapping case. There is no way to lure him out."

"Then we're just going to do this now?"

"Waiting for the opportunity, he will take action sooner or later." Heinz replied calmly.

Aiden Garrod is the controller of the Word of God... This information is very important. I am afraid that the warden will be willing to personally risk meeting their group of secret police, but also for the secrets and divinity passed down by the Hoffman family. .

So what he can do now is use himself as bait...maybe he can fish out Aiden Garrod to confront them.

There was a knock on the basement door again, and Heinz motioned for the people outside to come in.

"Sir, I received the telegram!" A subordinate walked in, holding a file bag in his hand. "The sender's signature is a shipping company called 'Tian Ping'."

"It's the reply from the intelligence agent." Heinz immediately stretched out his hand, "Bring it here!"

At the same time, Aiden sat in Abigail's summoning space in the Rose Iron Prison, sitting face to face with Abigail.

"A stone sinks into the sea." Aiden said with emotion.

"You can't say that." Abigail said slowly, "Kikimora has been keeping in touch with me, although she has indeed made little progress."

"I'm talking about the incident on my side. The prisoner hid and couldn't find any trace." Aiden sighed, "Now I miss the time when Kiki Mora was here."

If Kikimora had helped that day, after fishing out the secret police, whether it was tracking them to their stronghold or working together to catch Heinz, it would have been easy.

"Although I know this is nonsense..." Abigail said and paused, "but I still want to remind you that Kikimora is a member of the Witches' Coven, although she has been very close to you recently."

"With all due respect, your organization doesn't have much cohesion. When other members are in danger, you, the organizer, may not be able to protect them. You can't expect them to be loyal to you, right?" Aiden replied bluntly. road.

"My requirements are not high, as long as they don't do anything to betray the assembly." Abigail said slowly, "Speaking of which, your Excellency only came to me this time to chat?"

"It's mainly two things." Aiden got to the point. "First, do you know the Hoffman family of Gistas?"

"I know that the Guard nobles attached to the Gistas royal family are in charge of criminal affairs in the kingdom, and the 'punishment' power of 'order' authority is passed down within the family."

"You actually know so clearly?"

"I can barely be considered an old rival. After all, the Sabbat Forest is connected to Gistas. Both the Royal Secret Police and the Inquisition have been paying attention to my movements for decades." Abigail replied calmly. He said, "Of course it's the same with me... Why are you suddenly interested in this family?"

"Count Hoffman is in Silver City now, and he had some trouble with me. I want to catch him." Aiden simply replied.

"Fighting against the Gistas Royal Secret Police? You have a very rich spare time life." Abigail teased, "With your ability, you probably don't want to ask me for help, right?"

There was no investigation into the cause, and it was clear that Abigail had no interest in the matter.

"I just want to ask one thing. Can the amalgam golem you made handle the 'punishment' power?" Aiden asked.

"Absolutely not," Abigail replied firmly.

"I know it can't handle 'imprisonment' and 'exile', but if it's just 'corporal punishment', it should be immune... the golem doesn't feel pain." Aiden tried to express his thoughts.

"The golem does not feel pain, but the pain imposed by the 'punishment' power is at the conceptual level." Abigail said slowly, "The power of the 'order' authority is to return everything to a state restricted by laws. The power of 'return' is aimed at insensible matter, and 'punishment' is aimed at sentient creatures. The pain imposed by 'punishment' will be directly imposed on the sentient level of the creature. Life has the survival instinct of seeking benefits and avoiding harm, and avoiding pain is the survival reaction of life. The amalgam golem does not have the ability to reproduce in the ordinary sense, but it has life and the instinct to survive. It has things that it hates instinctively."

"Indeed, it is very afraid of sulfur." ​​Aiden suddenly remembered.

"Then the power of 'Punishment' will give it similar... no, much more intense pain than this." Abigail said slowly, "I don't recommend you to use the Amalgam Golem. If the pain inflicted by the power of 'Punishment' exceeds the limit that the core created by Vera can control, the Amalgam Golem may lose control."

"Well, it seems that there is one less plan." Aiden sighed regretfully.

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