The next day, at noon, it was time for a walk.

Ophelia sat alone on a bench at the edge of the playground. It was cloudy today, with heavy dark clouds. It was a rare day for her to walk out in the daytime.

Mirujinu stood about two meters away from her, leaning against the wall with her arms folded.

"The woman in the dress and wide-brimmed wizard hat on the east side of the playground, basking in the sun, is the witch Daly." Ophelia's lips moved slightly, while her eyes were focused on the two prison guards patrolling below.

"Daly..." Mirujinu narrowed her eyes, "Is it the witch Daly who lives in the Shadow Ruins?"

"I don't know, I don't know much about her background."

"Then is she very good at summoning demons?" Mirujinu asked.

"Yes, she uses a short-handled ebony staff. I have seen her summon three different demons."

"It seems to be her." Mirujinu was sure.

"Do you know her?" Ophelia asked.

"No, I've only heard of her name. She's a well-known figure in the 'Witch Gathering', but I haven't heard from her for many years. I didn't expect her to be here."

"You are indeed a witch." Ophelia glanced at Mirujinu.

When Mirujinu helped her to remove the curse on her neck, she guessed that Mirujinu had a witch background.

"Or rather, she used to be." Mirujinu breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, she had long been expelled from the "Witch Gathering".

She was once famous in that world, and she was proficient in potions, demon contracts and sealing spells - she used this method to train those children into terrible killers.

"Doesn't she have to wear prison clothes in this prison?" Mirujinu asked.

"That's the privilege of high-level prisoners. They can keep a certain amount of their own clothes." Ophelia explained, "By being a lackey for the warden, they can get a certain level of treatment."

"Where is the necromancer you mentioned?"

"Arsenal, she's not here now, but you should have seen her. She's the librarian appointed by the warden."

"The little girl with glasses who sits there all day and buries her head in books?" Mirujinu remembered.

"Yes, that's her." Ophelia paused and added, "A boring woman."

"Do you know her?"

"Before being thrown in here, we had a little friendship." Ophelia said lightly, "Then, the last one, the bloody Avansha..."

She said and moved her eyes to the small figure in the corner of the playground.

But at this time Mirujinu interrupted her: "Don't tell me about this, I know her."

Yes, better than anyone else...

After all, she raised the child herself.

"I know of only these three people. I don't rule out the possibility of others, but I think there are probably none." Ophelia said in a calm voice, "It should be difficult for a living person to bear too many devil contracts."

"So that means..." Mirujinu smiled slightly, "As long as they are rebellious, the warden will become a lonely man?"

"But the premise is that you can really cancel the death contract on them." Ophelia added, "Can you really do it?"

"I am still a little confident in this regard." Mirujinu responded lightly.

"When are you going to act?"

"I will tell you again. You have to give me some time to plan."

"Then I will wait for your good news." Ophelia stood up and walked towards the direction of the dormitory.

If a more perceptive prison guard sees that he has been alone with this new prisoner for so long, he might be suspicious. Their plan is still in the preparation stage, so they must be cautious.

Mirujinu turned her head to look at Afansha in the corner, stared at her for a long time, turned her head again to confirm the movement of the prison guard, and then walked to the corner of the playground.

"Fanni." Standing behind Afansha, she whispered Afansha's nickname.

Afansha turned her head in surprise, and Mirujinu took the opportunity to unlock her memory.

Seeing the "mother" in her memory standing in front of her, Afansha's eyes widened, and she remembered that her "mother" had sneaked into this prison.

She actually forgot such an important thing!

As soon as she opened her mouth to say something, Mirujinu raised a finger and made a "quiet" gesture.

Afansha immediately closed her mouth and swallowed the sound back-obeying the woman in front of her was a conditioned reflex rooted in her heart since childhood.

"Mom heard it." Mirujinu's mouth corners slightly raised, but there was no smile in her eyes, "You, are helping others, right?"

At this moment, Afansha's face lost color.

The memory of being with "Mother" for many years told her that "Mother" was angry now.

If she made "Mother" angry, she would be punished more painful than death.

As long as she made "Mother" happy, "Mother" would love her.

Never disobey "Mother" - this was the lesson she had repeated countless times and the iron rule of survival she had summed up.

But at this time, Miru Jinu reached out and touched her head, and said in a gentle voice: "You really suffered, being forced to work hard for others... That damn man actually threatened you with his life."

Aifansha opened her eyes in confusion and did not react for a while.

Mei Liu Jinu took the opportunity to find out about the devil contract imposed on Afansha.

"But don't worry, this level of shackles will not be a problem for mom." Mei Liu Jinu smiled, "I will take you away from this hellish place soon, and you will be free soon."

"Leaving... here?" Afansha suddenly showed a confused look.

In an instant, the words that Aiden once said rang in her ears: "This is the only place you can live. If you leave this prison, you will be hunted to the ends of the earth. There is no corner in this world where you can live freely."

"What's wrong?" Mei Liu Jinu noticed the other party's strangeness, "Do you have doubts about mom's words? This is not like you at all."

"But, Aiden said..." Afansha said stiffly.

"You want to repeat what others say to mom? What did I teach you, have you forgotten it?" Mei Liu Jinu suddenly stopped laughing.

A biting cold ran through her body, and Afansha's tongue stopped as if it was tied.

Even though she had lost her sense of pain, the painful memories of the past were already deeply engraved in her soul.

Finally, she opened her mouth mechanically and answered in a lifeless voice: "No."

"Very good, good child." A smile appeared on Miru Jinu's face again.

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