The Warmth In Her Heart

Chapter 17 - Troublesome





Her main purpose inviting her two unique friends is to refurnish the guest room. However, looking at the place where they are for the last three hours anyone can see it's not even close to the main purpose. They're in the cinema where they rent the whole room and has been indulging themselves watching movies that they missed out due to their hectic schedules. It's their third movies now before they took a break as they wait for the food that they ordered to arrive. They're just stretching while having a small chat.

"I heard those two mummies found you and trying to create The Mummy 2 movie." Rachel is one of her two best friends and in fact the one loyally stayed by her side even before she was adopted into Ralph's family. She knew everything about her and to make things interesting, she's actually Grey's sister. She only knew about it after she was introduced to the Prince of Hell by Ralph.

"Mummies? I think they should be called fossils. Didn't you see behind those thick makeup of theirs? I'm sure if you wipe it off you ought to see bones beneath them." Farrah who she met during her college days also seem to know bits of her story. Alicia mouth twitched when she heard the nicknames that they gave to those peacocks. Well, she's no better. Although at least peacocks sounds like they're still living while her friends just basically declared that they're dead.

"We need to abolish how we should call them otherwise it will be just confusing."

'Really, Alicia? You're joining the crowd now?' She mumbled to herself.

"I vote for fossils. That sounds better." Farrah hurriedly vote for her own suggestion. And suprisingly Rachel follows as well. Thus, it's been decided that they're going to call Stephanie and Jenna as fossil 1 and fossil 2.

"Anyway, what does fossil 1 want?" Rachel asked after feeling enough making fun of her enemies.

"Something about bringing me back to their house." She said lazily, laying on the comfy chair in the cinema.

"Is she having early dementia sign? She probably need to have her health check. All that seating inside the office and her heavy makeup might be the cause of her early dementia stage." Farrah couldn't help but feels annoyed. First they tortured Alicia and left her alone after the accident and now suddenly they wanted to bring her back home? Where did they their brain go?

"Do you think it's because of the news that i heard recently? Heard that your old pop's company are in financial crisis. His ambition is too big but their financial support can't support his ambition. And according to my father, your grandfather won't even lend a hand since he found out three years ago you were gone from the family. I'm guessing the reason they wanted you to come home is because of that. They wanted to make good impression to your grandfather." Rachel told them everything she knows. She's not being nosy but it's just happen she heard it from her father and her brother's conversation during dinner. She even probe her brother to explain more further. After all, it is about Alicia. Her best friend. How could she not care?

Alicia only kept quite. She didn't agree nor disagree. The possibilities are big. And knowing how cruel and greedy her stepmother is, it must have been more than that. Not long she shook her head. It's troublesome and she's too busy to bother.

"I don't want to know anything about them if possible. They can rot to poverty for all i care. All i wanted to do at the moment is to focus on my career." Alicia replied. Indeed it is troublesome to think about other matters.

"Hah!!! Who are you kidding? With a reputation like yours who would dare to make trouble for you at work? Even you kept it hidden tightly from Ralph. What would happen if Ralph knew what you're doing? I'm 100% sure he's going to put you in house arrest." Rachel scoffed at her.

"I agree. If he can figure out your intention to volunteer yourself to the war country and stopped you in the nick of time, what would happen if he knew that you're the most wanted doctor who they call Miracle Lady. The Miracle Lady who would enter the gangster den and treat the most notorious mobster leader. And the one to ever look so calm with a gun pointed on the head while threatening the leader. Heck, you even dare to use your leisure time just to travel to the rural area where it's dangerous just to give free treatment to others." Farrah elaborate more.

"That's back then. Here, i'm just a normal doctor. And without my mask, no one will know about Miracle Lady." Alicia seem to disagree with her friend.

"Tsk,,,just because you're not wearing your mask, it doesn't mean people who are not blind will not know about your ridiculous technique." Farrah sneered.

"All of that is another exaggeration. It was one time. Saving that mobster leader is just a one time thing. I just happen to pass by. How was i to know he's the leader of Skull? It didn't say anything on his forehead. As a doctor, anyone would save an injured person." Alicia almost shout at her two friends who had to point out her uneventful past.

"A normal doctor wouldn't walk in an empty and dangerous alley at night wearing a mask." Rachel said. Alicia stare in exasperation at her two friends. She regret the fact she re-tell them about that story. She was on her way to treat the homeless kids there and just so happen to encounter an injured person. As she was treating him, out of nowhere she's in the middle of gunshots battle. Thankfully, the place where she treats the mobster leader isn't open and was hidden behind huge dumpster. It wasn't a perfect place to operate on a guy who had gun shots close to his stomach, his shoulder and his thigh. She uses a mix of western and eastern treatment. Thus, from that day she was worshiped by the gangster at that area. Even got herself kidnapped for it just to treat their friend. That's the time where she got her head pointed with a gun as she quarrels with them. Sigh. She realize she have been too reckless back then.

"Fine. Can we not talk about this? Otherwise the news just might got out again. I'm trying to live as a normal doctor here now." She said lightly.

"I doubt that. I heard you got kidnapped again when you land last week." Rachel pointed out. She groaned out loud.

"It seems the gangster back then spread their news." Farrah added.

"How did you know about this again? I thought i told them to keep quite about it and even my brother don't know about my return and my kidnapped incident." She asked them.

"Duh,,,that's because they don't know you're Miracle Lady." Farrah pointed out.

Alicia rubbed her aching temple and didn't dare to think if Ralph what exactly happen a week ago. That stupid gangster group. Can't they just let her off? Now it feels like they pledge loyalty towards her since she have been helping a bunch of their allies back then.

"Ahhhh,,,this is getting complicated. Should i just reside myself in the rural area and set up a hospital there? The thoughts does seem proper at the moment."

"Well, since no one knows and just us should be fine." Farrah told her.

"Yup, for now just stay low." Rachel advised.

"Yeah, i'll do just that." Alicia agreed. She just need to be obedient at the moment and forget being a Miracle Lady at the moment. Just focus on being a good doctor and avoid trouble.

Except, trouble has set her as permanent address two weeks later. Trouble in the form of Lucifer.

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