The Warmth In Her Heart

Chapter 2 - Alicia A. 2

Fate is a cruel thing. Just when you thought everything you planned would turn out fine, your life will be tested for heavier problems. In Alicia's case, her problem just seem to add up. From the abusive father and scheming cousin's combo to crazy, pretentious b**** of a stepmother and a princess-like syndrome of a stepsister. What could get worse? The fact that she become their maid/slave at the age of 10 years old and living in a small house hidden behind their grand house. Even with all the changes in her life, Alicia could not even bother with such a petty tricks like that any longer. Nor cry and begged for mercy when she got beaten up from her father. She did have a plan. But God have a bigger plan for her.

As soon as she reached her 'home' she was greeted with a hard slap. From the corner of her eyes she can she her cousin along with Stephanie her stepsister grinning widely. She can only rolled her eyes. The same usual thing. Just because they can't beat her at school they chose this way to vent their anger. Now what tales did they create today. She's surprised they can use their brains to create such a creative tale but too idiotic to see their own flaw.

"What did you do to Stephanie at school?" yelled her stepmother or she prefer to be called Lady Elaine claiming she has some royalty blood in her.

'I don't know. You tell me. I'm sure she won't tell you that she did badly on her test and her result is very disappointing. Besides from that probably she's just angry because i got another love confession from her crush.' Alicia mumbled in her heart. Instead she just look blankly towards Lady Elaine.

"Mother, it's fine. I'm sure Alicia just want to borrow the diamond ring that i got from dad. But i just didn't expect she brought it to school and lost it. I'm scared dad will think badly of me. We can hide it from dad, mother." Stephanie soft voice can be heard while tearing up a little. Looking at her daughter pitiful state, Lady Elaine got furious even more. She threw another slap on Alicia's white porcelain face.

"My dear cousin, don't be too naive. Do you think she will lose that 80 million dollars of a ring? I'm sure she hid it so that she can run away from this place. I know she's been trying to find the right time to do so. Why else would she suddenly borrow your 80 million dollars ring if she didn't have the intention to do so?" Jenna decided to add more story to just to ignite what they've been waiting to see. Watching Alicia getting beat up is very entertaining no matter how many times they've seen it.

Hearing that Lady Elaine to give her harsh punishment.

"Get me the whip that i've just bought. I need to teach this ungrateful b**** a lesson. And ask someone to search her place and look for the ring. You!!! Stand still and receive your punishment obediently. No wonder your mother left you because it seems she knows what kind of person you are. Shame on you trying to taint The Anderson's name by stealing from your sister. Don't even think about trying to run away from this house. From this moment onward, i won't allow you to go to school any longer. Who knows what kind of things you will learn outside and start running your mouth to some stranger. And tonight, i am telling your father." Lady Elaine dictate in a stern voice.

"No." Alicia reply firmly.

"No? What do you mean no?"

"I'll go to school no matter what you say." she said determinedly. She can tolerate with anything but she won't stay quite if they ruin her chance of going to school. This time she will fight back.

"I am not asking you. I'm ordering you. I'm sure your father will listen to me."

"And i just said no. Even if you beat me to death i will still go to school no matter what you say." With that, she start running out of the house and went straight to her small house. Having a quirk move she easily ran past the guards that are ordered to chase after her. She locked the door, block it with a beam and ignore all the banging that can be heard outside the door. Hurriedly she packed all her belongings and open a small hole that she dug along the walls. Thankfully her small house is located near the furthest wall of the gate and as easy as pie she successfully made her escape. She have been prepared for this day to come but she just didn't expect it will come sooner. At the age of 15, she achieve her freedom sooner than she thought. Alicia took out her handphone and smilingly she dialed a number. After the first ring, the person pick up the call.

"Is the offer still available?" she asked playfully.

"You brat. Meet me at the same place. Let me handle the rest." the gruff voice made her smile even more widely. Without wasting anymore of her time, she ran all her might fearing the guards would be able to tear down the door and found the small hole. And it seems her fear to be true when the guards are tailing her closely from behind. She don't have any other choice but to sprint out like her life depended on it. She could not get caught because she can't imagine what will happen if her father got home. He might put a shackle on her leg and be locked up inside her house. No one will know of her existence and no one will remember her. But she believe, someone will save her no matter what. From afar, she can see the familiar car and frantically she waves her hand towards the person who's leaning beside the car. Before she could reach towards the person, her body flew away towards him and she could hear him calling her name. She smiled before grimacing when the impact of getting hit by a car finally reach her head. Every part of her body is painful than getting beat up by her father. She could only lay there on the hard asphalt and her sight starts to become blur. She could see the bodyguards who was chasing after her stops and her savior running towards her. Giving him her prettiest smile, she finally welcome the darkness.

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