The Warmth In Her Heart

Chapter 28 - Special service

Dark Dungeon

People call it Dark Dungeon for one sole reason. It was dark. Whoever was kept in there would never know if it was day time nor night time. How many hours and how many days have passed by. That's not the worst part of the Dark Dungeon. The worst part is when you were tortured ruthlessly by the one who owns the Dark Dungeon. Owned by The Princes of Hell, when they come together to torture you, you would wish that you were dead.

In that solemn, dull and dark looking dungeon Anderson, Lady Elaine and Stephanie are kept separately. They were put in different cells and it's according to the punishment that Lucifer gave. Anderson arm, from his fingers to his arm was broken day by day. His leg are met with the same fate. Lady Elaine would have knife scars along her back and her face. As for Stephanie, she was whipped day by day in every part of her body and both of her ears are cut off. It was a bloody mess. Anderson never thought he had failed to kill Alicia. The few men that he send end up dead not long after. He didn't expect they would find him so easily when everything was covered up. He was in so much pain but unable to move at all. He could hear the sound of whippings from Stephanie's cell and his wife screaming in pain when another stab slash across her back. How many days has it been? How long will this last? He finally realize he had underestimated the power behind Alicia. Alicia. The daughter that he chose to abandoned and tortured endlessly from the day his first wife left him. This is his karma.

Not long, a sound of footsteps can be heard entering the dungeon. There's suddenly light, brighten up the entire dungeon causing Anderson to blink a couple of times. Lady Elaine and Stephanie felt like the light is some sort of calling for them as they begged for mercy. Anderson kept his gaze down fearing what will happen. Will the torture gets worser or will they be pardon by ending their life?

"To be so brave, beating my sister during the dinner party that I hold just for her. You must have big guts daring to break her arm and almost murdered her. Tell me, Mr. Anderson. How would you feel, spending your days in the next 15 years to be locked up in this dark dungeon?" Ralph standing in front of his cell, looking at him with his evil gaze causing him to tremble in fear. 15 years? Living in the dark? He shook his head hard. Not willing to be locked in the dark for 15 years. It will drive him insane.

"Please...please just kill me." he begged as tears rolled down from his former arrogant face.

"You shouldn't have touch her that night. If you didn't touch her nor contact her, we would have let you and your family off. But due to your own self ignorant and greed, your life will be at our mercy." Aaron who usually had a lazy attitude showed his brutal side as he cut off Anderson's arm in one swift move.

Anderson shout in pain as his wife and his daughter watch with their eyes wide open. Fear. That was written on their face. When the attention turn towards them, Lady Elaine and Stephanie unconsciously retreat back but only was met with cold, damp wall.

Daryl and Grey easily cut off their tongue without any hesitation at all. Jason on the other hand was heating up a metal stick to put a mark on their face as one of the prisoner in the dark dungeon once they were released or when they decided to let them go. They would never go far by killing them and the prisoners aren't allowed to killed themselves when they let go of them. With the obvious mark, their life will never be the same. Even beggars have better life than them.

Another domineering footsteps that put tremendous fear before their eye when Lucifer enter the dungeon. The mask that he wore and the black gloves that he put on as he enter Anderson's cell. Without saying anything he just punch the broken man ruthlessly. Every punch that he gave broke almost every bone that was left intach. He didn't even spare Anderson's face as Lucifer broke his jaw with just a snap of his hand. It wasn't sure how long he was beaten out cold but all Anderson knew whenever he passed out from the unbearable pain, he would be force awake and be beaten once again. It seem endless. He could no longer grunt nor groan over the pain. He welcome it and hoping he will eventually die very quickly. But how could Lucifer be so merciful. When he's close to dying, Lucifer finally stopped before he ordered Jason to fix him and make sure he lived. After that, they were gone. The dungeon once again turn to dark as the three prisoners who would be spending their time there to receive their own punishment. It was decided only Anderson would be left alone there for 15 years. For the other two, they will be sent to country's prison and it would depend how long the law would punish them. It has been a while the law enforcement receive people with Prince of Hell's mark on their face. Looking at the two people bloodied and their tongue cut off, they sighed heavily. One should never mess with Prince of Hell. They are legend and ruthless for nothing.

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